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KO'd 3 times, looking for some friendly advice

19 July 2014
Hello, I started 'trading' around 5 months ago and have a bunch of faults/problems I'm trying to nut out and am looking for some advice/guidance/thoughts.

I've sorted some of my biggest mistakes, but the ones that are roasting me time over are the ones I can't seem to find an answer I'm happy with. To give you an idea of the last 5 months...

The last 5 months

My current performance:

Cycle 1 - ~ 2 weeks - $1k Open. ~$1.9k Peak. ~ $200 Close
Cycle 2 - ~ 3 weeks - $1k Open. ~$2.4k Peak. ~$200 Close
Cycle 3 - ~ 2 months - $1k Open. ~4.5K Peak. ~ $219 Close.
Cycle 4 - ~ Hasn't begun.

(P.S. Worth noting, in all cycles I never made the peak and slowly lost it, each time I was wiped out in 1 bad position. )

After each cycle I take a break to try and learn my errors and change my method to do better in the next cycle. (I started with 0 rules for trading, now I have 15!)

I don't mind losing the money (I do ), as I am confident in my methods for analysing and buying into positions - it does work out for the most part, but my money management when I get it wrong leads me down the rabbit hole.

This only highlights to me that I have some explicit weaknesses, and I haven't found a reliable solution to them either, these being: how to manage my position sizes, take profit and contain losses.

Can anyone lend some insights from their experience, or even theory on my issues below? I outlined my main concerns and thoughts with each and why I find them difficult to tackle.

1. Stop Losses.

I don't use them because the market can spike stupid at times, I rather absorb the spike and move on, than have my contracts liquidated at an absurdly low level when it IS just a spike - I do set purchase positions and take profit levels at absurd prices, and every now and then they pay off.

You could argue to set the stop-losses ridiculously low, outside of expected spike ranges; then my argument is where is the point? If it is that low you need to be reassessing your position anyway.

Thus, I'm a bit lost as to how to use Stop Losses effectively...

2. Trade value as a percentage of your total account balance?

I started taking positions in Cycle 1 at 40% of my total account balance, I then revised to 20-25% in Cycle 2, and traded at ~5-10% of the total account balance in Cycle 3. Its quite evident through my cycles the diminishing returns, but it does provide its own form of insulation from short-term volatility. Do you have a set position size, or is it based on other factors?

3. When do you take profit?

What indicators do you find reliable? Or is it purely when you're happy with the profit you've made? I've had several scenarios where my contract reaches a Fib level or some other resistance point and doesn't break resistance, but often many other indicators say YES, STAY IN THE GAME! It then proceeds to fall again - it doesn't bother me a lot, I still profit, but I typically could have profited an additional 20-30% of the total profit that I take.

I learnt from Cycle 1 that I took profit too early, and was taking approximately 10-20% of the days swing, now I hold on longer, but I still struggle to identify good profit-taking levels. (I guess one could argue that taking 70-75% of a level is good, but to give you an idea of how retarded I am: over the last 3 days I've held GBP/CAD from virtually the lowest point it hit on Monday and had to watch it bounce up and down for three days before taking profit today at no more than I would have if I'd taken it on Monday.)
Re: K/O'd 3 times, looking for some friendly advice

I don't use them because the market can spike stupid at times, I rather absorb the spike and move on, than have my contracts liquidated at an absurdly low level when it IS just a spike

I'll let the masters answer your questions but just curious, if you are certain that it IS a spike and will come back, why not enter on these spikes instead of already being in a position?
Re: K/O'd 3 times, looking for some friendly advice

I'll let the masters answer your questions but just curious, if you are certain that it IS a spike and will come back, why not enter on these spikes instead of already being in a position?

I can't predict the spikes or their extent; when they do occur its at a price point I'd not have expected the contract to reach at this point in time, obviously for a reason I don't know. But I'm confident in my research and indicators that the price will improve again - if I did expect the price to drop further I would have obviously set a purchase at that point
... but to give you an idea of how retarded I am: ...

Nearly all of us do that until we get experience ... and then some us still keep doing that.

Q.) How do you avoid big mistakes?
A.) Experience!
Q.) How do you get experience?
A.) Making big mistakes!

Make interesting mistakes, you learn a better lesson!

Yes! I can say that for certain, in the last 5 months I've learnt a LOT. I hope I can iron out my major trip-ups soon, it takes a lot of effort and attention to get the returns, its quite crushing to say goodbye overnight LOL.

Your trading CFD's or Forex?

I'm on a CFD account, but trading Forex. I will move into Oil when the time is right (in the market), but for now, I have time available while studying, so I want to try learn (preferably profit) from trading.

Will check it out now!
You can watch "How to" Video's until your old and grey

But here is your problem---

(P.S. Worth noting, in all cycles I never made the peak and slowly lost it, each time I was wiped out in 1 bad position. )

Sim trade your brains out until you understand that taking small losses
wont wipe you out provided your wins out strip your losses in $ value.

You can have 25 losses and 2 wins and still be spectacularly profitable.

Look up T/H's thread
"Something from nothing"
and take a good look at his scatter chart.

Reading and watching that rubbish isn't going to do a thing.
Like putting on a band aid to cure a heart attack!

You are so wrong Just because your quick to judge all youtube media as rubbish shows how close minded you are as a trader !
There is good and bad I gave him the good and so did others
"HAVE you even bothered to hava look.
The answer is NO
You are so wrong Just because your quick to judge all youtube media as rubbish shows how close minded you are as a trader !
There is good and bad I gave him the good and so did others
"HAVE you even bothered to hava look.
The answer is NO

Answer is yes I had a look
Typical theory with zero practical application
No eduction on Risk.

Waited a few days for replies
The REASON was/is clear
Why didn't you or someone else point it out?

Point me to the video or section of video that addresses his clear issue?

After20 years trading and systems development rubbish is clear
As crystal
So is advice which does nothing to solve a clear issue,

Looking forward to your solution and others before I put up a few of mine!!
Yes his approach and videos have given good clues to improving

Specifically can you point out clues to help the O/P
With his question?
Or are video's your only suggestion?
Surely you have some hints that would help
Hints that you may have picked up whilst viewing videos

Or are loss/risk mitigation techniques something
Not found in the videos you suggest or have viewed
Do you not have experience you can pass on?

Risk/loss mitigation are in that site or did you miss that part ?
Anyway I'm much more interested in hearing back from blaze182.
You still have not given any worthy input.......waiting ........
Risk/loss mitigation are in that site or did you miss that part ?
Anyway I'm much more interested in hearing back from blaze182.

Yep missed it.
Cant find anything of use to our O/P.

Feel free to offer something up--if you have anything at all.

Ill also wait for the O/P if he believes this has helped (Your video's) then Ill butt out.

You still have not given any worthy input.......waiting

Other than pointing out his problem you mean---something that I didn't see anyone else identify.

So why am I being pedantic.

I'm sick of seeing answers to peoples questions which don't
deal with the question.

ANYONE can use google.

In this case the guy gave enough information to define HIS problem---wether he realised it or not.
He wants to know what he can do.

So now YOU know---tell him!
I'm sick of seeing answers to peoples questions which don't
deal with the question.

Then stop reading

Everyone that has posted some thing here has relevance

We don't need to satisfy your expectations
If you started this thread then your point is valid.
Then stop reading

Everyone that has posted some thing here has relevance

We don't need to satisfy your expectations
If you started this thread then your point is valid.

Your correct you don't.---and you don't!

My point is as valid as yours is about my expectations.
Clearly you have nothing more to help the O/P with his problem.

Ill wait a few days to see what else pops up then help the guy out.

Better still Ill private mail him so you guys don't miss out on valuable Video time!
Sorry its taken me so long to reply.

I read every post in the Nothing to Something Scalping System thread. It was definitely worth the read, and very interesting. I don't have much to weigh in on it specifically; the OP is on another planet to me. But its given me some ideas I'll try on my account (unrelated to scalping). In particular short-range stop losses and mid-range take profits is something I'd like to try adopting, in tandem with entry/exits at resistance points to try take advantage of reversal swings more effectively, and take action on more possibilities than I would have with a more open or long-term trade. The short Stop Loss level just puts more emphasis on getting in at the correct time, which I guess is what the DOM is all about - timing.

Regarding the DOM - does the indicator still track buy and sell orders after markets close? i.e. pending orders?

I was surprised to find the MM will take steps to stop you trading (understandable though). Now I understand why my friend* told me to use a DMA platform; given my 'skill' and inability to manage money effectively right now I don't think its making too much of a difference LOL.

I'll admit I didn't find the videos on LearnToTradeTheMarket helpful. That said, I did find some of the articles interesting, primarily the ones pertaining to pyramiding and stop loss leveling. It's something I've thought about each time I picked up on a large swing; but until I sort my money management issues I haven't bothered to research or attempt it. I think on largely expected swings it would be worth knowing for sure, and I will learn it eventually

Walter Peters videos (I've only seen 2) could be better than the LearnToTradeTheMarket videos, they seem to go into a little more detail, I'll watch some more tonight. Again I found interest in the pyramiding and booking profit while extending the position which I guess is a form of money management

The most important thing for me right now is trying to adopt a money management strategy that works; I will try the Scalping OPs very short stops in context with a new, shorter window, higher frequency swing setup, but I'll maintain the use of all my current indicators, as they seem for the most part do me well. (By shorter window, I will try to close my trades within a 4 hour window as opposed to 1-2 days. The only time I'll break the rule is when something looks like its making a run for the border )


P.S. I had to take a snap of this, its relevant to me haha.
Better still stay on topic when you post looks like you have 14,000 too many
Folks can we stay on topic, avoid personal attacks, and offer constructive comments and advice only please.

The OP specifically requested friendly advice. It would be nice to see some.
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