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Just some general help...

1 January 2007
Hi All,

Just got a simple question! I have 10k which I want to invest into the stock market and I have been reading and reading and there is alot of info out there.

My question is, should I give it a go myself and use a company like commsec or etrade or should I give my money to a broker and see what he can do for me?

I guess I do not have alot of time during the day to do all the research but I am interested in whats going on with my money and in the market.

Thanks alot for your time.

It's NOT a simple question!!!! I really think it is a tough, tough question without knowing anything about your circumstances or your risk profile. My personal situation is that I have little confidence in some stockbrokers , I have in the past paid buckets of money to get awful dogs, but there are plenty of really good stockbrokers as well Take care

Are you 30 or younger? Dump it in your SUPER, then save another 10k.

If there is any advice i could give a younger person it would be, to save and invest while you learn. Anyone can buy bank shares and sit on them for years and make C.Gains.

Save and Learn. Buy what you learn to be good value and sit on it until you learn more. Get the cheapest broker you can find.


For me, experience can`t be bought and can`t be taught, so if you want to learn without using REAL money try some paper trades and see what results you get.

If not then choose wisely ...whatever that is.
If there is any advice I could give a younger person it would be, to save and invest while you learn.

Good general advice---but what to learn.

As its a general question

Learn how to identify it.
How to quantify it.
How to MANAGE it.

Learn how to identify it,
Learn how to best take advantage of it.
Then see above(Risk)----and DO IT.

Most can see an opportunity
Most dont have the best ideas in the world on how to capitalise on an opportunity (This can be personal,business,property,trading and even health (Give up smoking,lose some weight,eat better,take a holiday).

But only a few EVER DO IT.

What does the 10k mean to you? By that I mean, if you lost it, how long would it take you to save it again...if you didn't put it into the market, what would you do with it?

If you do put it into the market, what are you hoping to achieve? (can you quantify that, percentage return, dollar return, what time frame etc.).

The ASX Gorilla.

You have all give me excellent feedback and thoughts to chew the fat with.

I guess at the end of the day im looking for a new way to invest my money as I already pay 12% into my super and I'm not looking to get into the property market at the moment.

I think maybe getting into a trail game would be a good experience which will give me understanding of how it works if I was to hire a broker.

hmmm food for thought...

Thanks alot guys !
I'd buy 5 diverse bluechip stocks that pay good dividends (> 5%) and do not have a current P/E ratio of over 18 or much debt.

And sit on them for a bloody long time, reinvesting the dividends.

Or I'd go on a trip to Europe stopping in at Thailand for a week.
Take that 10K to Randwick races this Saturday and see what the Bookies can do for you!
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