Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Just arrived in Melbourne looking to meet like minded individuals

Wow that's tough to deal with, sounds like the stereotypical young kid who's only influence on his environment is through his academic performance, amirite?

Yeppers! ;)

If by football you mean the Australian football (the one with the rugby-like ball and with all the punting and circular field) then I would definitely enjoy it. Find it to be one of the most entertaining games to watch, other than championship football of course (European football).

Aerial ping pong it is called by some... of course real mean play rugby. :D

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You know I was expecting a few more people to take me up on my offer than I actually received unfortunately, I guess it's a bit "weird" to meet someone off a forum? I view it similarly, but since being here, haven't gotten a chance to get to know too many people in the "trade" and saw it as my option of last resort.

Lotsa stalkers out there Tudor. A man can't be too careful these days. I am guessing the piccys of your boat and the bulging pink top has thrown quite a few of them off the scent. ;)