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John McTernan 457 or 747

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
John McTernan is described in Wikipedia as

A British Labour member, political strategist and commentator. He is currently the Director of Communications for the Prime Minister of Australia.

I believe he is a temporary worker on a 457 visa.

There are a number of issues relating to his role. To mention just two.

1. Was the post advertised and no suitable Australian found capable of performing the duties?

2. Does he have access in such an important position, as an alien temporary migrant, to information of a secret nature, which if used by a foreign power would be detrimental to the good of Australia?


1. She was young and naive when she hired him.
2. She has already dealt with this extensively previously and besides this is just opposition trouble-making.

So she does not have to answer any of these questions.

Another beautiful notch on the Gillard hypocrisy list.

No worries mate.
I read an interesting article in The Monthly some time ago on John McTernan.

It would appear that he goes from labour post to labour post and is pretty much a free agent, doesn't like the spotlight and gets quite shirty when his role is exposed or his actions questioned.

For what it's worth, from memory, he has always ended up on the losing side.

I still can't understand why the PM's office couldn't find a homegrown Communications head honcho.

I guess that is what 457 visas are for.

I do hope he has had a security clearance due to his alien status in such a sensitive position.

He's an arrogant foul mouth pig, perfect match for Gillard, let them go, they're good for one another.
He's an arrogant foul mouth pig, perfect match for Gillard, let them go, they're good for one another.

Bring on the election so this utter gutter rubbish will end.

Your man will win Burns, but what will you do then to amuse yourself?
Bring on the election so this utter gutter rubbish will end.

Your man will win Burns, but what will you do then to amuse yourself?

I agree Macquack, this whole business is not good for public moral, it needs to end sooner rather than later, you can feel the hatred in the air.
I don't like it.
Bring on the election so this utter gutter rubbish will end.

Your man will win Burns, but what will you do then to amuse yourself?

I think you have called it MacQuack, there is no way Australian politics can go the way McTernan wants to push it.
We aren't the U.K, we aren't dumb(well maybe a little bit) and we know when we are being fed a $hit sandwitch without tasting it.
My call is, McTernan made Gillard call the election a long way out so they can adapt their campaign to the electorate.
Best of luck with that, all it will do is make Gillard look more of a fake.IMO
Now this is the kind of thread that needs to be moved to the Labor bashing thread...its gone quiet in there so perfect to liven things up for the ASF right, give em something to whine about.
I agree. Then McTernan can go home and take his "utter gutter rubbish" with him.

Gillard has a lot of strong qualities but how on earth does she put up with his idiot and his BS advice ?

She must be lacking in more than political judgement
Now this is the kind of thread that needs to be moved to the Labor bashing thread...its gone quiet in there so perfect to liven things up for the ASF right, give em something to whine about.

I for the first time agree with you, how bad is that?

McTernan, really isn't worthy of a thread, just another bit of Labor flotsam floating through.

It's a shame a new lower level of politics had to be introduced, we could have done without it.IMO
I agree Macquack, this whole business is not good for public moral, it needs to end sooner rather than later, you can feel the hatred in the air.
I don't like it.
Well don't spuik the worst in mankind, you are master at it.

I tend to agree.

Thanks Morry for PM-ing me with the link. I never realised it was you on ASF.

This is an account of John McTernan's role in Rudd's challenge of Gillard in 2012 from The Monthly.

To read the full article, go to this link.

Indeed, viz Tony Blair who ended up looking so utterly foolish.

On this last comment, her week long sojourn in Western Sydney imo will have lost her more votes.
She has failed to make any connections with the general public, absolutely avoiding excursions such as into shopping malls where she'd be likely to encounter the unembellished wrath of the people.
McTernan would have been better advising her to stay in Canberra.

I agree Julia, but would you really expect Julia Gillard to pop up at a shopping mall with the highly likely probability of a "Tony Abbott Rent-A-Crowd" rehearsed to throw eggs on cue at the PM.
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