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Is cryptocurrency the greatest market bubble of all time?

Should I have speculated in a Bitcoin position 10 years ago, no doubt. Should I or anyone else speculate in it now is a more relevant question. When I invest, I like to understand the underlying value proposition and business model in addition to price movement. Take Tesla as one example, on the surface it's primarily an EV company yet it's their energy business that has the greatest profit potential going forward. So no, I don't invest in unsustainable business models, meme stocks or ramped startups etc. even when the price is rising due to irrational exuberance. Therefore, I don't speculate at the crypto casino even after many hours of listening to its greatest spin doctors try a sell me on the forecast that all roads lead to Bitcoin as a proxy for fiat currency so hodl and never sell because, among other claims, it's an inflation hedge and store of value???

Looking at how crypto is trading now is very indicative of the high risk tech space in general, any hint of interest rate rises is a risk off event for their stratospheric prices. With Bitcoin now down 32% from its high of 10 November and inflation soaring, I think it's safe to conclude that it's not an inflation hedge. What "returns on offer" remain in crypto remains to be seen, at the moment those returns look negative.
Forget crypto a new product has entered the investment space:

US reality star makes $70,000 selling her farts in jars​

I see your farts and raise you bath water:

I wonder what they put down as "occupation" or "Business description".

I see that: domain name isn't registered yet.
I could be early on this trend.
I wonder what they put down as "occupation" or "Business description".

I see that: domain name isn't registered yet.
I could be early on this trend.
Registering a domain name and charging someone else a fortune to use it?

You're about 25 years too late there moxy
Anyway before traderx lowered the bar by making me talk about flatulence based business, I was going to mention most trading is the same greed/fear cycle for most chartists. Fundamentals and value based investing as of late seems to have gone out the door.

Except the excellent value of!
It's a true 10bagger in the jar at only $3k

Yeah and I like to look into the future, if farts are a boom maybe should move straight onto selling turds

Anyone buy yesterday or did you do nothing because "it has to be the end this time"?
I have some cryptos. i am too scared to sell cause it might go up 10x and I'll regret it for life. Too scared to buy more as there is no logical basis to it's spectular rise in the last year - other than people saving too much money in quarantine. No underlying product. $3 trillion as a "store of value". Wait... i thought a store of value is supposed to preserve wealth? So what happens *if* bitcoin goes down 90% (compared to fiat AND everything else). Only a good store of value when it goes up? But utterly useless if it goes down? So in other words - not a good store of value.

bitcoin could reasonably replace gold and fiat if perhaps 0.5% new coins can be mined every year for eternity. But because there is a hard limit - it encourages hoarding.
A bit of grist for the mill

I'm no fan of cryptocurrencies, but it's interesting the way that the powers that be (high profile corporate types, politicians, bureaucrats, and now institutions) continue to undermine cryptocurrencies, particular Bitcoin, in an ongoing attempt to remove confidence and spook the crypto market. This isn't being done for the benefit of the crypto HODLers; the anti-crypto crowd would, I'm sure, love to see all those heavily invested in cypto lose their shirts in a crash. That would help their agenda no end.

I'm sceptical of cryptocurrencies, but I'm just as sceptical of the anti-crypto crowd who are simply trying to maintain the status quo for their own benefit. If ever there was a case of self interest disguised as altruism, this is it.
Agreed. It's kind of why I posted that, to get some discussion on the very points you have made.
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