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Is cryptocurrency the greatest market bubble of all time?

Pretty much sounds like most crypto's - "The emerging picture suggests FTX wasn’t simply felled by a rival, or undone by a bad trade or the relentless fall this year in the value of cryptocurrencies. Instead, it had long been a chaotic mess."

Question - is all crypto going to zero?
Seems likely only a small number of these projects will survive long term. As for Bitcoin (the "premier asset" in this space), CBDC will play a significant role in the future price and fungibility of Bitcoin. Another possible future outcome is the emergence of a gold-backed stable coin, functioning as a widely adopted real digital currency and store of value, will eventually supplant all others and render the remainder fringe assets.
Another possible future outcome is the emergence of a gold-backed stable coin, functioning as a widely adopted real digital currency and store of value, will eventually supplant all others and render the remainder fringe assets.

Cant figure why this hasn't already happened, i though of it 3 or 4 years ago.

My concept.

Gold and silver are reasonably easy to identify in all common forms as they have specific weights per volume, so easy for people to deposit gold and silver (physical) with/at branches and be given in exchange PMT - Precious Metal Tokens equivalent to the value of physical deposits based on 1 token per gram of silver equivalent ($1.01 AUD ATM). Then use a Proof of stake blockchain to keep track of everything and keep a distributed and central ledger.

I reckon 5 million to get things started would be enough, beginning with a depository in NZ or Aust then expanding to 6 or 7 strategically located around the world, at a basic level people could deposit via post or courier sending small ingots or coin, all tokens would be backed by real gold and silver held in multiple friendly jurisdictions, all verifiable and auditable.

A real digital token backed by real assets.
May not be a popular response but… yes, I hope so.
Hope so? i asked the question because i very much doubt many will and i dont think any genuine analysis could come to the conclusion that its all over for all crypto thus almost certainly a substantial opportunity is approaching.
It's an idea, but what is the purpose of this? You send in your 10 oz of physical gold and end up with a gold-crypro-token-key-number that says you have 10 oz of gold - which presumably you can use in to buy a cup of coffee with some app, then buy a 1-week cruise to Alaska, or pay your electricity bills. or maybe do nothing and sit on the cryptogold.

But someone has to build that app, and someone has to store that gold physically, and someone has to own the computer(s) which record those transactions to now say you have 9.32 oz of gold. So, we hope some coked up 2 and 20 fund managers give a bunch of MIT kids your superannuation savings to build a company that manages all of this. Well, if the fund managers don't continue to put in your hard saved money then this company that 'manages' the gold coin needs to get money from somewhere else to pay their fees, to keep the app working, etc. etc, hopefully from advertising - so each time you buy a coffee or book a cruise you have to watch 2 x 15 second videos, and if you don't want to do that then you're going to have to give them a tiny fraction of your gold maybe 0.01oz per 1.00oz deposited or x% of your gold each time do spend it. I dunno, doesn't exactly sound very interesting or sustainable to me.

And what happens if the gold in friendly jurisdictions gets stolen? what is a friendly jurisdiction? Also, gold backed anything is as dead and gone as is doing a rain dance or sacrificing virgins to appease the gods.
then let me introduce you to Alameda and FTX ( this is NOT a recommendation ) , they even added leverage to the mix
there is only ONE friendly jurisdiction , but you would have to ask GG for better ideas about that
This about sums Crypto up for me.

Although I've never bought any, just going on what's happening with it atm.

Pretty much sounds like most crypto's - "The emerging picture suggests FTX wasn’t simply felled by a rival, or undone by a bad trade or the relentless fall this year in the value of cryptocurrencies. Instead, it had long been a chaotic mess."
Sounds like it was run nearly as well as Stratton Oakmont hahaha
Who pays for the frictional costs of storing and protecting the gold/silver and the transport etc.
Question - is all crypto going to zero?
Eventually I believe it will be very close to zero, at least compared to what it trades at today, they don’t seem to have any real world value or purpose.

There will be digital currencies in the future, but not these silly little ones like Bitcoin that aren’t real currencies anyway.
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