Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

International discount brokers in Australia


10 May 2006
Hi all

Just wanting to invest a very small amount into a company in america but I cant seem to find a discount broker for international. I have been looking into this all day and feel like I have been :banghead: , can anyone tell me of a cheap broker I can use living in Australia.
Hi End

Commsec allow you to trade international shares. I don't trade international shares directly so I can't help much more but if you go there should be more info.

good luck

bullmarket :)
End said:
Hi all

Just wanting to invest a very small amount into a company in america but I cant seem to find a discount broker for international. I have been looking into this all day and feel like I have been :banghead: , can anyone tell me of a cheap broker I can use living in Australia.

Comsec does offer it but they are not cheap (compared to local brokerage), you can read it all on the comsec website. Also browse this forum for other broker's names.

Interactive Brokers are not based in Australia but they are great for international trading and extremely cheap. Probably not suitable if you just want a one-off trade as it takes a while to set up your account. But if you intend dipping into international waters on a larger basis down the track then I highly recommend them. You can also trade options, futures contracts and ETFs through them so the world is your oyster so to speak.

Did I mention that they are cheap?
