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Interactive Brokers - Dividend payments

Jeez Ifocus, I was down at the Boat House this afternoon, I didn't see anyone that would have understood a word of your post.
Obviously no Labor voters in the Boat House.
Hi IFocus, I guess for me only dealing with aussie shares at moment Commsec will do
Just had a look at my account shows margin but total available is the cash only must just be a standard form they use for all accounts

Thanks for checking iFocus, I got exited a couple of times seeing those numbers with thoughts of IB providing margin again

Commsec will do

One other thing about IB. As they are not Chess sponored, you don't get all the rubbish paperwork from the ASX in the mail (unlike Commsec). Wish that would stop as I have a Commsec account for buy and hold stuff.

Save the trees.
and it has all my Tax Year 2019 Australian dividends and franking credits, which I have just checked and are correct based on my own records

Thanks Bellenuit, yes all there now under Income Transactions Taxable.
Yay franking too and will check against Sharesight.
I have a wood heater so makes great fire starters.
I have a wood heater so makes great fire starters

Haha well yesterday I also received a thick A4 magazine in the mail unsolicited from Magellan Financial Group. Suspect Commsec handing out details.

Now that would make a great:

New here, and just managed to go through the rigmarole of setting up an IB account. I too have noticed the sluggishness of the "Customer Portal"/Account Management Home. Several times during my setup of the account, I needed to respond to messages that were sent to me, and quite a few times I managed to get into the Account management screen on a desktop browser just for it to return back with no messages or messages I had previously read. And most clicks took ages for the screen to respond back. Responsiveness is definitely not a positive!

After playing around with the system for a bit longer, the only way I can get consistent "ok" responsiveness with the Account Management screen on a desktop browser is to fire up TWS, then from TWS, go to Account->Account Management Home which then opens up a browser window in my default desktop browser(IE11). Once I'm there, I can finally retrieve, read messages,wander about the various admin screens without a big slowdown. If I try and get to the Account Management Home screen using the exact same browser(IE11) by going through the IB website, logging in, etc.. the performance is abysmal. I've tried Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE11, and Edge, and its all the same bad performance. Only way to get it to perform ok is to click-through from TWS to end up in the desktop browser.

Is that consistent with everyone else's experience?
yep same here.
TWS is great but the online account management system is slow and not as good as netbank.
For any migrated accounts trying to access statements for your 'closed' accounts - a couple of tips that may be useful;

In Statements (from menu on left hand side), click on the account number next to the word "statements" at top left. This will bring up the statement selector on the right hand side. By default it will only show the 'new' or open account(s). Above the list, to the left of the settings icon is an icon that looks like a funnel called 'filter' . Click on that and then click on 'Account Status' and then tick next to 'closed' and 'apply'. The closed account number should now appear in the statement selector list. Select the old account and its business as usual

For the ITT report, select Tax (from menu on left hand side) where it will have your new account by default and probably say "there are no tax years available". You may have to change the filter to include closed accounts as above, and once that's done and the old one selected, it will show "Tax forms for 2018". Do not be put off by the fact it says 2018 and that there is no 2019 available in the pull down menu above it - the the html button next to Income Transactions Taxable will in fact produce the report for 2019 year.
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