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Interactive Brokers - Data feed charting program

25 June 2008
Hi guys,

I'm looking into setting up an account up with Interactive Brokers to trade the SPI.

I would like to ask other traders what charting programs are compatible with IB's data?

The only software mentioned on this site so far is Ninja Trader. I would like to find out if there are any other options out there.

A couple of others you could look at -

Sierra Chart
Ensign Windows
Does anyone have any experience with these or any other programs not mentioned. I would like to use intraday charts with tick by tick data. I would prefer to outlay a one off fee in comparison to a monthly fee...
Amibroker is the best value IMHO and very simple to hook up to IB

You should be able to use the demo / free trial to test out if it suits your needs

I remember Ensign Windows as being very good also
Ditto re Amibroker.


One off cost

Very flexible.
Ditto re Amibroker.


One off cost

Very flexible.

Just thought I'd ask a quick question re Amibroker. I'm currently using Quotetracker and am relatively happy/familiar with it, but as I learn more, I'm finding that backtesting would be handy, and I see from the Amibroker website that it supports backtesting. How exactly does that work and is it difficult to program the backtesting rules in?

Also, it seems as though the standard version is pretty neutered, I assume you'd recommend the professional edition?
So Metastock's no good with IB data? Not that anyone's mentioned that as yet, but the absence might tell the story in any case...
So Metastock's no good with IB data? Not that anyone's mentioned that as yet, but the absence might tell the story in any case...

I used MS for years EOD never connected to IB but know others that have run it with IB but think you need 3rd party software to do so.

AB it takes 10 mins and its pretty much plug and play.

I liked MS (except for losing favorites file gggrrrrr) just that AB is better (more flexible) and much cheaper.

What ever package you use it takes time to work it out and often a work in progress.

Ideally you want some thing that is being regularly updated and supported such as AB
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