Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Include Me Out


'Abba Shboq Lhon'
9 July 2004
This is perhaps one of my favourite Goldwynisms, perhaps those with English as a second language will appreciate this more than many (now completely humorless) Aussies.

Anyhoo, Helen Dale, and extremely intelligent expat explains the reason why we tend towards the totalitarian response here in Australia, and why, despite the shemozzle in the UK, she prefers to live there.

Mrs and I have probably dropped about 40k in order to move to Western Australia at short notice to be close to her family (I am the last of my line so I have no family myself to consider anymore).

Cool with that, our choice, and for now seems to have been a good, if not stressful decision. Pm's for the sh¹t we went through if interested.

I could quite happily live our dotage on the outskirts of Perth or perhaps down in the south-west somewhere, growing own veggies, holding hands with the neighbours and chanting Om... or Koombaya or some such bulshit. But to be honest I am extremely concerned about the direction our country is heading.


This kind of goes along with my above post, in an obtuse way. in it is a kind of glimmer of the Australia I used to know, and a stark description of Australia as it is. It's not about Australia as such but I think you will recognise our country in it.

I think the period we are going through currently, is just a passing phase, the real problem Australia has is way too many people have way too much money and time on their hands, therefore small issues become big issues.
That works well for the establishment, as they readjust the parameters, for Australia.
While Australia focuses on issues that they can have no effect on, the ones that actually effect them, can be readjusted without checks.
It is indeed interesting times.
But having said that, I think a lot of society norms have to be readjusted, as technology advances at a greater speed than society.
But on the reverse side, a lot of society expects technology to advance at the same speed, of their personal wishes.
Matching expectations with reality is the sweet spot, it's a shame the media don't aim for it, then the expectations would match the reality.
Every country on the planet is viewing us slack-jawed with astonishment. This is doing irreparable damage to our international reputation.

What the whole thing has shown is that our governments are not equipped to deal with problems of a serious nature and especially so when the detail of it are in any way scientific.

A statesman is what we need and I don't mean a car. :2twocents
Every country on the planet is viewing us slack-jawed with astonishment. This is doing irreparable damage to our international reputation.

It's ridiculous at this point. Businesses are well and truly fcked. Obviously some poll has turned as they now want to scramble and open.
Gulag Gladys and Mao Tse Dan have both been hawking the totalitarian toxicity of medical apartheid and otherizing those who have made other choices.

This both illegal (technically, but that won't stop them) and immoral.

In no universe is this *not going to end in either civil unrest/violence or martial law... Perhaps both.

The result is going to be a thousand times worse than one or another severe influenza season.

We are all being played.
Gulag Gladys and Mao Tse Dan have both been hawking the totalitarian toxicity of medical apartheid and otherizing those who have made other choices.

This both illegal (technically, but that won't stop them) and immoral.

In no universe is this *not going to end in either civil unrest/violence or martial law... Perhaps both.

The result is going to be a thousand times worse than one or another severe influenza season.

We are all being played.
As long as the welfare keeps rolling and the BNPL keeps going, the unwashed masses will continue on in there own little bubble of electronic games, netflicks and drug of choice. ;)
I've always called myself an Australien
First time i read this "Dona" but i like this term.
Even after most of my life spent here, i will definitely join the Australien club, but was recently thinking ,: even if i was born here, i woud probably feel the same.
I would still be more attracted to science than footy, facts over narrative and more about free thinking than totalitarian left.
But who knows with the education or absence of i would have been provided here.
First time i read this "Dona" but i like this term.
Even after most of my life spent here, i will definitely join the Australien club, but was recently thinking ,: even if i was born here, i woud probably feel the same.
I would still be more attracted to science than footy, facts over narrative and more about free thinking than totalitarian left.
But who knows with the education or absence of i would have been provided here.
You hit the nail on the head there Mr Frog.

There is almost a complete absence of science, technology, engineering and math education on FTA media these days. The ABC once had science shows called Catalyst and Quantum but these have disappeared in favour of endless social whingeing by the Arts students that the ABC only seems to hire these days. Science is too 'nerdy' and difficult for these people to bother with.

The ABC needs to clean out and get some science educators on that can give some inspiration to those who want a productive career but just get laughed at by their peers for being nerds.

The commercial channels won't make anything more clever than MasterChef or The Block so it's pointless relying on them, the national broadcaster has to show the way.
You hit the nail on the head there Mr Frog.

There is almost a complete absence of science, technology, engineering and math education on FTA media these days. The ABC once had science shows called Catalyst and Quantum but these have disappeared in favour of endless social whingeing by the Arts students that the ABC only seems to hire these days. Science is too 'nerdy' and difficult for these people to bother with.

The ABC needs to clean out and get some science educators on that can give some inspiration to those who want a productive career but just get laughed at by their peers for being nerds.

The commercial channels won't make anything more clever than MasterChef or The Block so it's pointless relying on them, the national broadcaster has to show the way.
I remember Catalyst fondly indeed.
But with book reading in the abyss now in the younger generation, even non hard sciences would help but are absent:
Geography and history, at least the geopolitics of the last centuries directly affect our daily life and potentially death: China, USSR, WWII and not repeating as parrot the various English kings chronologically but the industrial revolution, social progress, rise of national socialism and communism, the civil rights US, SA, etc
This is not a neo conservative agenda i am pushing but that would see ..maybe..a better acknowledgement of the real evils of the past and maybe avoid the repeats.
Look, i am not saying it is better elsewhere, my education in France had nothing to do with the one pushed into nowadays kids there.
I am not sure of an ideal model out there left, even basic literacy and numeracy seem a hard goal in most of the western world