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In answer to Courses and Questions before doing courses

Dont see ANY disagreement ASX.

Sorry, my bad. Top of your list, even. Important enough to get it's own point...hence my emphasis. The old lose 50%, gotta make 100% to get back to breakeven.

Trade frequency is something which is often overlooked, but it can turn a mediocre expectancy into a great system, which is what I'm trying to do now with Forex.

Great thread by the way.

You nailed it right there Nizar. After intensive studies into trading system, I've also came to the same conclusion that frequency is the key to boosting performance while keeping the risk the same. That is of course, as long as your system has a positive expentancy based on the frequency it is trading.

Matrix said:
Which is the best path to take with regards to the Eduction Road??

I mean, there are courses now one that one can do, but surely they ALL cant be that bad, can they?

Matrix, in the world of trading courses, there are a LOT MORE bad ones than good ones out there. Values does not dictate whether one is better than the other.

In essential, the course should teach you what tech/a have listed in his first post.

Dr Van Tharp's courses solely focus on them and in my opinion (though I have not attended any of them) is far better than most of the ones out there. He is coming down to Sydney sometime in mid of March, so maybe you can check it out.

Matrix said:
Would self study be a the way to go potentially and or is just using free resources on the net the way to go, as there seems to be MANY (too many>) experts out there already so which is the way to go here.

I went through my education through massive books reading. I don't see why courses are a better option than self-study.
I went through my education through massive books reading. I don't see why courses are a better option than self-study.

Ideally you will find someone who can fast track your learning and through extensive experience guide you from areas which have little or no value in persuing.

A really good one will become a mentor who can answer all those questions CORRECTLY without having to guess wether your self education has got it right.

A recient example of this was for myself who after 14 yrs of trading "Though" I understood correct position sizing through the use of leverage only to have my mentor point out that I was way off beam.
A second example is being led in the right direction with regard to "Set and Forget----If Filled" trading.Something that is available and something all traders should be utilizing.

Not the sort of stuff books are all that good at.

I also am a great believer in hiring specialists.
Coding is one example.
I dont have the time but have the knowledge of setups which I want programmed into a system.
Here I will seach out and pay experts who will be far quicker and far more precise in coding what I want.

Small investments in the overall picture of building my Trading "Business".

Yes sir.

Why reinvent the wheel?

Embrace comparative advantage.
Why reinvent the wheel?

Well you COULD invent Tipex
Or the next Glider Clip,Peg or Trading Holy Grail!

But Totally agree!