I went through my education through massive books reading. I don't see why courses are a better option than self-study.
Ideally you will find someone who can
fast track your learning and through extensive experience guide you from areas which have little or no value in persuing.
A really good one will become a
mentor who can answer all those questions
CORRECTLY without having to guess wether your self education has got it right.
A recient example of this was for myself who after 14 yrs of trading "Though" I understood correct position sizing through the use of leverage only to have my mentor point out that I was way off beam.
A second example is being led in the right direction with regard to "Set and Forget----If Filled" trading.Something that is available and something all traders should be utilizing.
Not the sort of stuff books are all that good at.
I also am a great believer in hiring specialists.
Coding is one example.
I dont have the time but have the knowledge of setups which I want programmed into a system.
Here I will seach out and pay experts who will be far quicker and far more precise in coding what I want.
Small investments in the overall picture of building my Trading "Business".