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Importing Migrant Workers

let's not forget that the mining tax as it is was custom made with BHP/RIO as part of the plot JG did to overthrow KV.
It is based on profit, how much profit will these miners make [and pay tax on] if they selll to their respective trading RIO/BHP entity overseas..just have a guess
Another scam/feel good scheme destroying the smaller Aussie miners to profit the giants at the expense of every of us
I will end up supporting unions......
Good point. Perhaps employers want people who will just do the job.
Unlike the workforce at BHP Mitsubishi Alliance who have announced they will not work for a week.

I'd like to see imported workers take up these jobs.

Julia, have a real talk with someone working for BMA, and you will get a better idea of what is going on
Gillards only hope of getting Craig Thompson off the front pages is to have a new and exciting stuff up and there is is
Gillards only hope of getting Craig Thompson off the front pages is to have a new and exciting stuff up and there is is

Yes. Gillard and Swan can't even run their class war properly.

SCM, I don't usually agree with you, but on this I agree 100%. Very well said.

it is a free economy, survival of the fittest, wheeling and dealing is part of the game..
public companies number 1 priority is maximize shareholder return, it doesnt matter if you are a local investors or oversea investors....

lot of aussies invest oversea and we want to maximise return as well, works both ways

you cant demand free market and have communist style laws...

move with the time, it is a global economy if you want to hang on to your ways of doing thing sooner or later you will be out of a job because some one is more willing than you are..

I see it all the time at work, when heavy work load comes around people bitch and moan they have to do extra hours and sometimes weekend work and want more pay, then down turn comes they are the first to go or when they find cheaper workers..

having a job is not a right, you are fortunate to have one, you need to work hard and keep it and stop demanding too much from the employers.

until people wake up to that facts, they are more likely to be without a job when down turn comes or cheaper workers found..
Good point. Perhaps employers want people who will just do the job.
Unlike the workforce at BHP Mitsubishi Alliance who have announced they will not work for a week.

I'd like to see imported workers take up these jobs.

unions have their pros and cons.

Why not have the same rules for company execs ? The lowest bid wins. I'll run BHP for $150k pa . I know a bloke who would probably do it for $120k but he lives in Burma so he would probably want FIFO expenses as well.

Alternatively, don't pay execs a salary at all, but make their payments linked to dividends paid to shareholders.
Its amazing how peoples perceptions differ between industries.

If you look at some male dominated, above average paying jobs eg. mining, automotive. The consensus view is we should be protecting these jobs for Australians eg. tariffs, government funding, no foreign workers.

You then look at an industry like retail, female dominated with below average, if not just about minimum wages. The consensus view here is no GST on overseas purchases and competition is good for the consumer at whatever cost.

When Borders closed down did anyone care about their jobs? Yet when toyota sacks a percentage of their workers after receiving huge amounts of taxpayer money we get an 8 page feature in the Herald Sun for the next 3 days...

A $500 product. The Australian retailer employs Australian staff, rents a premises in Australia and all the services that goes with running a business (rates, electricity, accounting etc) and their reward for using Australian services is they have to charge their customers an extra 10% compared to their overseas competitor along with all that goes with GST compliance.
Its basically an anti-tariff.
Reverse the situation and just imagine this ever happening the automotive industry...

Australia needs to stop playing favourites with certain unionised industries. If competition is good for retail, its good for mining and cars. If protectionism is good, its good for plenty of other industries too...
Im coming to the conclusion that is Australia is going to get what it deserves, create a welfare state, sell our companies, give away our jobs, borrow more than we make , neglect all our industries frozen by the high AUD etc - we will all soon enough reap the harvest of the seeds weve sown ..... But we will produce afew dozen Billionaires- yipee go us ....

also true the bloke who does a little extra will keep his job
This "jobs board" will surely be seen as another Gillard ****-up, ranking alongside the Citizens Assembly that nobody heard of until it came from her mouth during the 2010 election. )"

"Speaking today in Melbourne, Ms Gillard attempted to douse the flames, saying that a "jobs board'' would be created that would give Australian workers information about what jobs were available in the resources sector"

Anyone really concerned about "importing migrant workers" only need to briefly read the way an Enterprise Migration Agreement is struck up from the official Department of Immigration website.

It already makes provision for Australian skills retention and improvement:

"To be approved for an EMA, projects will need to develop a comprehensive training plan, demonstrating how the project will invest in the up-skilling of Australians to meet future skill needs in the resources sector. This plan will need to set measurable targets for training that develops skills in occupations where there are known or anticipated shortages. "

And given the below, it just makes Gillard's 'jobs board' announcement an ill-conceived, panicky, unworkable proposition just to show she is in charge and that she continues to hate mining billionaires (Packers, and Lowys are OK):

"Under an EMA, occupations that are not eligible for standard migration programs can be sponsored, provided the project can justify a genuine need that cannot be met from the Australian labour market. This will be critical for resources projects, particularly during the construction phase."
From what I have seen all the jobs are for Uni Grads such as geological, hydrologist mining engineers etc so if the experts can find those with degrees
from over seas good for them but if they want tradies and general workers from over seas then they are up to something.
I'd like to see imported workers take up these jobs.
That was noted in the press todasy.

Why are our skilled migrants lobbing in our capital cities where the unemployment rate is growing?

Send 'em to the "salt mines."

ROE and Jet: great posts.

This "jobs board" will surely be seen as another Gillard ****-up, ranking alongside the Citizens Assembly that nobody heard of until it came from her mouth during the 2010 election.
I can't believe this. It will go the way of "Grocery Watch" and "Petrol Watch".
She must truly think the average Australian is utterly stupid.

so we havent got 1700 skilled workers for the mines? who believes that? these jobs are for skilled workers not long term layabouts so its all bs about people not wanting these jobs.

its got nothing to do with skills or shortage as the imported workers DONT have the skills required & we dont have a shortage of skilled workers to take the jobs.

why would you import unskilled workers that you supposedly have to train??

so you can pay them scab wages... no secret there.

rinehart IS WORTH $29B & WANTS TO IMPORT SCAB LABOUR,just have a think about
the greed this woman is showing the country.

watching closely to see the unions sell out workers once again.

Tigerboi - all I can suggest is that you read the link I copied above. Here it is again:

I've copied it below just to make sure you hone in on it:

What protections are in place to ensure overseas workers are not exploited?

Overseas workers sponsored under an EMA will hold 457 visas and will be subject to the Worker Protection Act 2009.

Direct employers will need to comply with sponsorship obligations, including paying Australian market salary rates. This means overseas workers cannot be used to undercut Australian working conditions.

Employers who do not comply with sponsorship obligations will be subject to sanctions such as a bar on sponsoring further overseas workers or termination of the labour agreement.

Where there is evidence of widespread abuse, contractual sanctions in an EMA will allow the department to suspend or cancel an EMA (and associated agreements).

Overseas workers will need to demonstrate English language proficiency and the skills and experience necessary to perform the occupation in Australia. Relevant licensing or registration requirements will also apply.

yeah i honed in on a gubmint website "we pay the same" dribble.

like i said someone anyone i challenge you show me how we cant fill a lousy 1700

skilled jobs......

you must work for the guvment to believe that sort of stuff.

like i said ask yourself this & hone in ok

do we not have 1700 skilled workers to take these jobs?

wake up there is no shortage...

so why dont all of us here post the skills needed to do the preferred job


tigerboi......roadtrain/b double licence,forklift licence

my skills are worth $180,000 to $220,000 a year

its a load of bull.

when the deals are done its ok you can use your workers dont worry

the guvment will allow it.


tigerboi......roadtrain/b double licence,forklift licence

my skills are worth $180,000 to $220,000 a year

its a load of bull.

when the deals are done its ok you can use your workers dont worry

the guvment will allow it.


Yah, been happening for years in the hospitals, with overseas trained doctors coming over here, resulting in many very highly skilled practitioners being paid considerably less than $220k per year, for extremely stressful work.

I fail to see how a truck driver in the mine in the remote community should be paid more than their hospital doctor in the same town, but then again, I do tend to value the 12 years of training required.

Bring it on, bring pays to reasonable levels, limit inflation for ordinary "working families" and stop the rot of the mining extortion in the off chance the boom declines and mass closures of mines because of higher wages happens.

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