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Importing Migrant Workers

Starcraft, I dont doubt your passion but you are seriously misguided and clouded in your views and judgment.
You say you are a libertarian so go read up about it then. Read some of Hayek, Rand, Freedman. Read some books on political theory. Hell read some books from the opposite point of view. Keynes, Stieglitz, Krugman, Marx and so on.

STOP reading the internet conspiracy forums. It will cloud your mind. Form your own opinion of course but have a map!

I wont be responding to you again unless your arguement is clear, concise and framed in the terms of reference.
More books.

The Republic - Plato
The Bible - Multiple authors
Magna Carta - Multiple authors
Leviathan - Hobbes
95 Theses - Luther
Social Contract and Discourses - Rousseau
The Prince - Machiavelli
Vindiciae contra tyrannos - "Stephen Junius Brutus"
Elements of the Philosophy of Right - Hegel
Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzche
A house divided against itself cannot stand - Lincoln
Mein Kampf - Hitler
Schuman Declaration - Schuman
Strategies of Containment - Gaddis
No jobs going at FMG to day for fitters/welders.

The yanks have the right idea about income tax get the citizens to pay it even when there is no law to say they have to.

Chinese mine workers allegedly being ripped off

Updated May 29, 2012 16:59:34
Map: Karratha 6714

The Immigration Department has confirmed it is investigating allegations Chinese workers on a West Australian iron ore project are being paid half the wage of their Australian counterparts.

The construction union says it has complained repeatedly about the treatment of the workers at CITIC Pacific's Sino Iron project at Cape Preston near Karratha.

The union's West Australian state secretary, Mick Buchan, says the workers are in a vulnerable position.

"The market rate for a non-tradesperson on that job, given the location, the remoteness, and the high-risk work they undertake would be around the $120,000 to $140,000 mark.

"We've heard these workers are paid half those rates.

"The feeling that I get is when the Australian workers get too close to the Chinese, or they make them accepted into Australia, bring them along to barbeques or take them fishing, either those workers get removed from the project or other influences come where the Chinese workers keep their distance from it."

The union's national secretary, Dave Noonan, says there needs to be a proper investigation into the matter to ensure workers are not being ripped off and that Australian labour standards are not being undermined.

"There are real and credible reports that have been put to the Immigration Department about this, and their lack of action on the matter is of great concern," he said.

The Department of Immigration says it will not comment further while its investigation is underway.

CITIC Pacific Mining says it has cooperated fully with the department during its recent audit of the project and will continue to do so.

The company says it requires that all contractors and sub-contractors on the project comply with all state and federal statutory requirements.
Maybe they are on 228.5 visa's so only need to be paid 1/2..
There we go - the smoking gun, proof if proof was needed that this has nothing to do with any "labour shortage".
And here why Gina wanted to get on the Fairfax board maybe:

Fairfax media is planning to relocate production of its regional newspapers to New Zealand.

The proposed changes will affect a total of 66 staff, a statement released today by the Media, Ethics & Arts Alliance (MEAA) said.

It said the staff would be offered voluntary redundancies or redeployment, but some staff may also be forced into redundancy.

The affected newspapers include the Illawarra Mercury, Newcastle Herald and seven associated community titles including the Lake Times, Kiama Independent, Newcastle Star, Myall Coast Nota, Port Stephens Examiner and Lakes Mail.

Workers were told about the plans this afternoon and Fairfax has announced the move on the papers' websites.

Fairfax says the changes are part of a "wider company strategy to pursue operational efficiencies while strengthening the focus on audience growth and producing quality content".

It says no reporting or photographic positions would be affected.

But the MEAA has rejected Fairfax's proposal.

It believes relocating key editorial staff offshore will only inhibit the newspapers' ability to tell quality local news.

"This is a very dangerous step for Fairfax to be taking," MEAA federal secretary Chris Warren said.

"There has been no experience in Australia of companies making the decision to offshore such a central part of the newspaper and this can only destroy the vital nexus between the newsroom and the community.

"Newspapers are not just the product of photographers or journalists – sub-editors are the heart of the newsroom, with vast institutional and organisational memories, and an intimate knowledge of their community.

"It is our belief that the entire staff should always be embedded in the community to enable the newspaper to tell the local story accurately.

"This is an alarming precedent that could be replicated on other mastheads like the Sydney Morning Herald or The Age and should be stopped before it's too late."

Is the reason these migrant workers are paid less is perhaps because they are given free board, lodgings and other benefits which the unions would not dare reveal?
However I am against any welfare for the aged, so I don't care even if someone was born in Australia - they don't deserve a cent just because they are old and out of work.
Of course not. Instead you have old, frail people sweeping the streets on their walking frames.

I mentioned Switzerland. Federal tax of 1%, tiny federal government, never goes to war with anyone, very strong civil liberties and freedoms, direct democracy. You will never hear about censorship in Switzerland.
May I politely repeat my offer to help you pack?
You keep rabbiting on about how ghastly Australia is and how wonderful is Switzerland. I cannot imagine, therefore, why you are still here. We would be thrilled to encourage your export to Switzerland. (Whether the Swiss would be equally delighted about your arrival is perhaps another matter.)
And here why Gina wanted to get on the Fairfax board maybe:

Fairfax media is planning to relocate production of its regional newspapers to New Zealand.

Aha! Shows her ugly face yet again. Clearly the only thing she's interested in is offshoring aussie jobs - mining and other industries!

Is the reason these migrant workers are paid less is perhaps because they are given free board, lodgings and other benefits which the unions would not dare reveal?

Doesn't that happen with all fifo workers?

Of course not. Instead you have old, frail people sweeping the streets on their walking frames.

They had their entire damn lives to save for their retirement! Why should I or any taxpayer be liable for their failure? You realise that is completely unsustainable as Australia's dependency ratio plummets over the coming decades? If only you had any idea of the economics involved.

You must have no life experience if you think moving from country to country is that easy.

+1 and not speculation..I am in the mining industry:
no training/support for specialist jobs (surveyors, geol., mining engineers but cry for a "skill shortage" after poaching the neighbours' workforce, the reason we will see as per canada and major mining countries a huge number of retiring mining specialists in the coming years is that noone could find a job in mining for nearly a huge gap left but who is to be blame?
And in any case, the "skilled" workers imported on these visa will be construction trademen,not engineers

a scam and all I can see here is the right wing complaining about the dole wasters with no knowledge of the actual mining job market while the left or what is left of it complains per principle and follows the unions motto;
With the unions having destroyed this country with our current government, and the big miners screwing Australia with a pseudo mining tax which will not cost them much and O/S workers arrangments: who is going to speak in our name and for the best interest of this country and citizen?
Could any of the two sides there take a minute to be really informed and think about this country instead of raging on their own ideology..
This whole thread is disheartening.
Good night

Nice ideaology.

I had no idea there was a branch of the Nazi party here in Oz.
You must have no life experience if you think moving from country to country is that easy.
Oh, the irony on the 'no life experience'.
Tell us, SCM, just what the difficulties are that make moving out of Australia to the country of your dreams so immense.

Otherwise, I'll be concluding you're just a frightened kid who doesn't have the guts to leave these safe shores. Way easier to stay here and rubbish Australia.
More like the party for rational economic governance. Of course I don't expect all the old people here to understand that.

Thats rubbish, what are you going to do, let older people just die on the street ?

Tell you what, there's a lot that goes on in a life that might lead you anywhere, you'll find out one day if you last that long.

Oh **** you've got me. Although now that I think about it, maybe it has something to do with....language, family, friends, employment, connections and transporting my crap around the planet

Thats rubbish, what are you going to do, let older people just die on the street ?

Pretty much all old people have property they can sell and put themselves in a home. Even better if they retire in some cheap country so as to not strain Australia's failing healthcare system. They should think of their children (and grandchildren).
Oh **** you've got me. Although now that I think about it, maybe it has something to do with....language, family, friends, employment, connections and transporting my crap around the planet

Sounds to me like you cant look after yourself now, imagne how you'll be when you're old, oh yeah you can sell all your crap and move into a home.
Sounds to me like you cant look after yourself now, imagne how you'll be when you're old, oh yeah you can sell all your crap and move into a home.

Can't look after myself in what precise way that I'm not looking after myself now?

By the time I'm old, assuming civilisation hasn't collapsed by then, I'll have enough gold saved up to last me 10 lifetimes.
Can't look after myself in what precise way that I'm not looking after myself now?

By the time I'm old, assuming civilisation hasn't collapsed by then, I'll have enough gold saved up to last me 10 lifetimes.

Well you cant seem to be able to organise a move overseas where you might be happier for a start. I can tell you life holds challenges way beyond that.

You've no idea where life will lead you, you can plan but nothing's guaranteed.
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