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Immediate Edge, scam or not?

26 March 2014
An automated crypto currency trading program [claimed] to produce good results.

Any experience of it by ASF members ?

I really feel that some muppets may be induced to use this site to trade crypto. It is a con. I'd suggest removing the thread from ASF.

I've reported my thoughts to Admin.


Joe will check it out. I did my own quick search for it and found this page that pretty much exposes it. But, not sure if these guys have an agenda or not also...

"Immediate Edge... incorporates superior algorithms, groundbreaking trading technology, and advanced technical indicators to produce the highest quality trading signals."

Red flags everywhere here. If you want to know why this is being pushed on Youtube and in numerous place around the web, the answer is at this link:

Big, fat affiliate payouts of up to US$800 per sale. So, if the people behind Immediate Edge are paying out hundreds of US dollars to promoters for each sale, how are they making a profit? Well, they are obviously making more from people who buy the product.

Don't be a sucker. Stay away. That's my honestly held opinion.
looked a bit like the racing stable owner ( NOT the horse owner ) tipping the entrants for the day's racing AND supplying the form guide

however anyone interested would have to look in deeper and see who ACTUALLY owns the assets purchased

i.e. you need at least $250 for a share in the syndicate etc etc

A click on that "disclosure" button reveals that the writer of the blog is making money from Immediate Edge affiliate commissions. So he is "in on it" in the sense that he is profiting from it.

Omar claims to have "many years of experience in the financial markets" but he does not set out any details of that experience. In the absence of such details I would regard those claims as being suspicious.

If it looks like a scam and sounds like a scam well, then it is a scam.
the 99% win rate MIGHT suggest it is a Bernie Madoff style Ponzi ( no actual crypto bought/sold , just actual trades shadowed in your account )
Here is another clue - the YT video reviewer. Look at all the videos he has uploaded. Video after video of reviews of similar scams. Each website has a different name but exactly the same format implying that it's the same scam (and the reviewer would clearly be aware of this too).


  • The Trader Man - YouTube.png
    878.9 KB · Views: 2
the 99% win rate MIGHT suggest it is a Bernie Madoff style Ponzi ( no actual crypto bought/sold , just actual trades shadowed in your account )
Wouldn't go near cryptos even if it was OPM. Only my and the bloke in the mirror opinions. A fool and his/her money will soon be parting company if wanting to trade cryptos.
I notice with little or no interest that the scammers have given up using Twiggy's name and fortune on how to get rich overnight, and are now using Gina's name on how she makes an extra dollar or two away from her legitimate businesses, buying in cryptos. I guess there are still plenty of suckers out who believe this rubbish.
Wouldn't go near cryptos even if it was OPM. Only my and the bloke in the mirror opinions. A fool and his/her money will soon be parting company if wanting to trade cryptos.
i THOUGHT about bitcoin circa 2007 , but only saw it as useful in international transactions , but since i was not doing international transactions at the time , i moved on
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