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Trading Halt....
Could this be the long awaited NASDAQ announcement? pretty poor timing if it is with the markets as they are

nope - looks like it will be capital raising/ spp

Indeed a SPP. Caught us all by surprise as I like many was expecting the cap raising to be offered on the nasdaq as well. Perhaps the SEC wanted to see more capital backing for the company at current cash burn to allow it to list?

Oversubscribed by 3 million dolars in the first tranche which is a good thing. We will be getting our offers in the mail tomorrow. I have a sizable holding and am undecided as to load up on more.

We have plenty of time to make up our minds anyways (June 24th). I will be watching Wednesdays trading with interest when the first tranche starts trading. SP will probably take a hit with another 75 million shares on the register and a few quick profit takers about but put in the context of the size of the American market and investor demand for PBMD once we list on the Nasdaq the dilutory effect will be minimal.

On the retail side of things if more than 1333 retail investors take up their full allotment of 15K that will also be oversubscribed.

One would think it doubtful we will list on the Nasdaq until this is all out of the way and we are cashed up for the new financial year. My tea leaves are seeing an announcement to ASX maybe July 6th? Oh it could also be a good day for the number 9 and Leos should be careful when crossing the road
LOTS of hype about this stock on the 'other' forum. Interesting times ahead.
An interesting post by abdm from another forum:

Imho I don't consider these just "fun little calculations"

They are based on EXACT calculations when we use the comparable MC of both Dendreon and Prima.

Sure, other factors may come into play just as I've already pointed out with Dendreon.

We are currently sitting on a sp of 30.5c only because this is based on what an Australian resource driven investment community values Prima at. It has been said many times over with plenty of evidence to back it up, that the majority of Australian investors have no idea how to value a biotech company.

An Australian resource explorer on the other hand will dig up a piece of dirt, return half decent looking assays and automatically be re-rated well above Prima regardless of the fact that many of these positive looking assays are yet to prove that the prospective tenament might never be economically mined.

We are soon to enter the US arena where we will be placed next to and compared constantly with Dendreon. Very large and reputable biotech savvy investors hold Dendreon and will quickly calculate the undervalued sp of Prima based on these comparables. This won't be rocket science for them.

As I previously posted, Dendreon 18 months out from receiving first positive interim reports (which is exactly where Prima is today) were $7.32

This is a comparable sp of $1.06c for Prima. Not 12 months from now, but today.

At the low of the GFC on March 6, 2009 Dendreon hit an annual low of $2.61

At the lowest point during the largest market crash in history this gives Prima a comparable sp of 38c. + 24% above todays close.

On May 4, 2007 the FDA voted NO approval for Provenge and Dendreons sp plumetted from $19.31 down to $6.11. This equates to a comparable sp for Prima of only 88c - if CVac does NOT get approved.

The fact that our current sp is well below all of these lowest stages in Dendreon's history in developing Provenge speaks volumes imo.

Imho, if I honestly believed that in 12 months from now our sp would only increase to $1 I'd be out before you could say obj and come back in for the easy ride just prior to the first expected data reports

I certainly don't have the patience to hold a stock in the middle of a biotech boom for only 300% return when there are many out there which will offer a many times higher ROI.

30c is a complete joke imo and only serves to show the US that Australian investors are yet to understand the true fundamental value of Prima Biomed.

What an unexpected surprise! Exciting times ahead - with the stock so cheap too!
As an afterthought. If you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer and were to say google it you'd find you could go to Dubai for a revolutionary new treatment that could potentially save your life or add years to it. Would you sit on your hands or do a bit of research on cVac and hop on a plane to Dubai?

This health centre in Dubai could end up with a a few " health tourists". SPP looking likely to be oversubscribed now!
Should be an exciting day today. Buckle in, here come the buyers!

Just preopen at 8:55am:

Level Orders # Quantity Price
1 1 2,857 $0.350
2 1 30,000 $0.320
3 3 181,600 $0.315
4 11 497,550 $0.310

ten minutes later...

1 1 2,857 $0.350
2 1 14,000 $0.330
3 3 533,776 $0.320
4 4 246,600 $0.315
5 11 497,550 $0.310

Mighty good news. Happy days Don't care about the late afternoon selloff most probably the day traders making their money before the first tranche to the sophisticated types and instos starts trading tomorrow. I think I might be applying for my 30 grands worth in the SPP as I have two holdings for my SMSF and a trading account.

Once we clear that SPP hurdle and list on the Nasdaq lookout after todays news gets on the wires in the US. The US biotech community are gonna be after this stock like hungry wolves after a bunny in winter!

I think I might be applying for my 30 grands worth in the SPP as I have two holdings for my SMSF and a trading account.

two holdings...u lucky sob!! i'll try to max out with $15k on my single
Guys, yes - we have a slight issue on our hands with regards to short term traders taking profits and bolting AND with the dilution of stock as a result of the SPP program. But think about what's to come:

1. Today's ann was big, very big indeed. But if you think it's had it's full effect, think again. The positive effect of today's news will permeate PRR's SP well into the short-medium term. Think about it - a major region in the world has TAKEN ABOARD CVAC. That means the darn thing WORKS. The major, major factor that keeps biotech companies down is uncertainty as to whether the product will work - that has LARGELY been cancelled today! Give it a couple of weeks for the majority of the community to let it sink in, and grab a bag of popcorn!

2. The N-bomb. Someone, I think it was adbm, very validly pointed out that PRR is valued at 30~c by a community of resource driven investors. Let's face it, the majority of us beer drinking blokes would be more comfortable making a fortune out of oil, hard materials and gold rather than the subtleties of immunotherapy. To emphasise, Australia is a material-driven economy. Once we're listed on the NASDAQ, we're exposed to a HUGE nation who know what they're talking about when it comes to this stuff. I allude to it on an everyday basis with my professors whilst at university - the funding for research at the US is several magnitudes higher than what our best institutions can dream about! When they look at a company like PRR, not only so far into it's development phase with a life-changing drug (a vaccine for cancer sufferers), but one that's been GIVEN THE MAJOR NOD in dubai, you think it's gonna stay at 33c? If only the sellers today could stop and think about what they are selling! We're not issuing extra stock for the NASDAQ - they're gonna be after our holdings. And they can have mine when they pry it out of my cold, dead hands. Buckle your seatbelts.

3. Worldwide penetration. I don't think it's appropriate to call PRR a 'speccy' anymore, given it's progress. Dubai will likely encourage other nations to take on Cvac. That means revenue for us shareholders. More importantly, it'll greatly encourage the FDA to give the big nod for use in the US if the drug is successful in major places in the world. For the sceptical folk (I was one before this announcement) - why would a world class medical facility in one of the most sophisticated places in the world give the 'go-ahead' to a penny stock from Australia (of all places) to commence treatment? We're onto something big here. The $2 party will be here when the Americans get their fill - and it's going to go well, well north after the drug hits worldwide.

Still thinking of selling for 32c?

Congratulations for a lucky win or calculated win.
I believe if you have more than one holdings on the same name then you are permitted to apply for maximum $15,000 worth shares in total under ASIC rules.
The SPP document will clarify this any way.
Nonetheless well deserved win for the holders.

DNH - does not matter and good to see winners
There has been a lot written about how PRR could very well follow the footsteps of DNDN (and that's without considering the fact that the success of the phase trials + dubai approval suggest that PRR is actually doing better than how DNDN fared back in early 2009). Take a look at the following chart:

And point your little mouse to the share price at March 2009. That's where PRR is probably right now.

Of course I don't mean the above literally in terms of development stage - but I strongly believe we can see an SP spike over the coming months. All things aside, the stock is horribly undervalued.
Re: PRR on the MOVE...

Lucyfuge all over it back in 2008 and still active trading PRR today. Imagine a buy and accumulate from back then. (lol) By the way these traders are posting, there is more growth left yet and maybe a flag type of thingy forming (if one imagines so) on the daily.
Re: PRR on the MOVE...

I was on it in 2006.

The funny thing is, whether you're able to top-up at 28c (SPP) or even now at 32c, it's still a top bloody buy if you believe in the potential. A recent report I read upped its mid-range price forecast from 60c to 75c. Independent of prices from here on in, I'm expecting increasing volumes.
That article states December as when PRR go NASDAQ!

Ive got a lot in this BIOMED. I hope they succeed not just for the SP but for the greater good.

What are the chances of this share being bought back? Will this happen when it goes NASDAQ?

And does everyone think december is correct?
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