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I want to make a lot of money fast

14 April 2011
This is my first post here - I hope it goes well - wish me luck.

I'm a newbie to this forum, but not to the share market.

I first got into the share market around 2006 I started with a comsec account with $50K in it to play with. I made quite a lot of money 2006 - 2008 and then it all went pear shaped. I've been out of action pretty much since Babcock and Brown collapsed.

Ok, so now it's 2011 and I'm back where I started in 2006 - the shares I kept (mainly blue chip, but heavy on resource stocks) along with the profits I reaped are back to just above $50K again - I'm not a complete tool.

I've got a full time job - and I've got plenty of time to spend studying the next big thing.

Anyway, this conspiracy theorist that I communicate with sometimes sent me a link a couple of weeks back that got me back in the game.

To paraphrase - the U.S. is f'cked and the only way out is if you buy precious metals - preferably silver bullion and lock yourself in a cave while the whole scenario takes place.

I listened to the whole freak'n thing (goes for two hours or something) with a really bad hangover. As a result the following Monday - I googled "Silver Miners listed on ASX", I had a lazy $5K that I ended up investing (gambling) in a silver miner called AYL - since that day sometime last week the stock has gone absolutely gangbusters.

I've made more money in 7 days than I've made in three freaking years holding crap like WOW, OZL, BHP, RIO, ROC AGL, IAG.

I'm not really sure where I'm headed with this and I guess the subject doesn't really describe the content of my post.

But I'm keen to learn some tips and tricks that will make me much more successful at this caper than I have been to date.
I dont know where this is going either

People are always calling financial meltdown and running to precious metals.

I don't know anything about AYL... or other resource stocks, too speculative for me, maybe you fluked a winner.
I dont know where this is going either

People are always calling financial meltdown and running to precious metals.

I don't know anything about AYL... or other resource stocks, too speculative for me, maybe you fluked a winner.

Have you heard anything about the NWO or chemtrails? Maybe you need to find a bunker and buy some silver bullion too?
DCG - Decmil Group

You could be on to something there - I've been watching these guys too - they build bunkers for fly-in's fly-outs for all the major W.A. miners

But are they proofed against HAARP attack!
Does anyone know of any companies that specialise in personality transplants that are listed on the ASX?

I'm now seriously lost!
What connection, if any, is there between personality transplants and aforementioned weird stuff?
You can make a lot of money in this caper fast, and you can lose it fast too.

Your lucky punt above could have gone south too.

I doubt you will find the runaway train from a hot tip here or anywhere else for that matter. You may get some ideas through the stock threads, but you'll get lots of chaff amongst the wheat.

You need to be able to filter the crap successfully to find the winners and the only way to do that is actually know more about a stock than the person plugging it.
Best remember the outcome after trade open is in other peoples hands. "They" can smash it down or whittle it down too. Not many can consistently "make a lot of money fast" because whatever made a lot of money fast becomes known and the edge is gone. Society will let you make a lot of money slow so when you are old you can have lots of money if you want. Few slip through the net.
Have you heard anything about the NWO or chemtrails? Maybe you need to find a bunker and buy some silver bullion too?

What good is Silver if you are in a cave/bunker? Are the vampires coming?

Chemtrails? OMG.
I've been making some money very slowly investing in blue chips. It took me two years just to break even.

But since hopping on the silver bandwagon a couple of weeks back - and investing a percentage of my cash with AYN the money has been coming home like a freight train, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon.

The other stocks I have my eye on currently are:


I don't think DCG make HAARP proof bunkers - but they should.

If the $US does collapse you would probably be better off with bottles of Whisky rather than precious metals.
Stop going for the easy buck and start producing something with your life. Create, instead of living off the buying and selling of others.
Why do you think it is possible to get rich quick?

You got lucky on one stock (it happens daily to the lucky few who had the stock before they annouced something amazing). But for every stock that booms another handful come out and say "we ran out of money and cant explore anymore" or "our new super drug doesnt work, sorry".

Spend your time researching and reading, not trying to find the holy grail.

You've started investing in speccies and small caps which are always a lot more volatile than blue chips. It's no surprise that you've made more money in the short term with speccies and startups because the quickest money is always in these sort of companies.

That being said, they are also the riskiest and can go south just as fast as they go up. Could you stand to lose 50% of your holdings in AYN in one or two days? Can happen with these types of stocks. Blue chips don't tend to have the same levels of capital gains as they are generally mature, stable companies that aren't going to dissappear overnight. Well technically they can, but the likelihood is slim, hence why they are priced at such high levels.

It will come down to risk vs reward - blue chips are much less risky and hence they have lower returns than a speccy stock which is high risk and high reward.

That's great that you picked a winner with AYN but always bear in mind that these types of stocks can plummet unbelievably fast. I'm not trying to dissuade you from investing in these types of stocks (i do it myself) - just make sure you're well aware of the risks you take in investing in these sorts of companies and take appropriate measures to mitigate that risk.

If you're really serious about making money fast then you're not going to get that out of blue chips - you'll have to target speculative stocks with a traders approach and make sure you have a well defined plan and system. Picking stocks based on 'hot tips' will get you killed in this area I assure you.

Either way, if you like this sort of trading then keep doing it. All the best.

EDIT: Note that you can still make money fast with blue chips as well - generally a buy and hold strategy like the one you employed would not make money fast: they usually require an extended set up period/value investing/FA that sort of thing.
Stop going for the easy buck and start producing something with your life. Create, instead of living off the buying and selling of others.

sounds like great jedi advice

"now go home and re evaluate your life"

soylent green was a great process dealing with food shortages

when that fantastic idea becomes a reality.. after chemtrails.. then i am in.. 100%
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