To some extent I agree with you in that those under 25 may not have had the chance to purchase property, but I would have to say, what parent would be telling them to save money as oposed to invest it?
I only wish my parents had drilled into me more serverly the importance of investing as opsed to saving. When you account for tax and inflation (on historical terms) saving really only achieve money in the bank. Many under 25's could have bought into property (even as a joint venture) but have not simply becuase they are to busy living it up. I guess though if you can get your kids to at least save these days you are doing very well, most cant even keep out of debt.
In terms of the IR laws being taken advantage of by companies such as coles woolworths etc etc I can only speak for coles (my employer). There has been talk around the traps for quite a while now about this being the last EBA that will be negotiated (expires in two years I think). Who knows what it will mean, but one thing is for sure, Coles will do all they can to make it work for themselves (and the shareholders) and not the employees.
As for rewarding those that work the hardest, if only.