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I can afford a house

Well for 2-3k you can have this and travel wherever you want:

Sorry, getting silly now LOL
Why the hell would you want to buy a house STC?

Forget topping up your super and rent!! Share accomodation sharing with 2 hot chicks near some good bars and restaurants and party on.

Worrying about super at your age is moronic.
Realist said:
Worrying about super at your age is moronic.

I profusely disagree...NOT worrying about it at this is age is overly near-sighted. Take your 'hands off the wheel' of your retirement income fund at your own risk, IMO.
Realist said:
Forget topping up your super and rent!! Share accomodation sharing with 2 hot chicks near some good bars and restaurants and party on..
Now that's moronic. But you know that, you are just stirring.
Actually I've come to the conclusion that Realist is a sham.

Know ones that consistently,reliably, and profoundly antagonistic.

To him its a sport and he sucks us all in time and again.
Yoo many idle hrs.
Quite clever.
tech/a said:
Actually I've come to the conclusion that Realist is a sham.

You mean he's not renting with a couple of chicks in a hip part of town having a blast???
Isn't STC in his early 20's?

Why on earth would you worry about Super then?

tech/a said:
Actually I've come to the conclusion that Realist is a sham.


Have you checked our bet yet? I'm looking forward to that case of beer!
theasxgorilla said:
You mean he's not renting with a couple of chicks in a hip part of town having a blast???

Just one chick in a good part of town having a blast.

I did flat with 2 chicks in my 20's though. :grinsking
Realist said:
Isn't STC in his early 20's?

Why on earth would you worry about Super then?
I agree with realist here.

You don't know that you aren't going to get cancer or another kind of illness that will keep you out of work for years when you are 30. And if you do, you are going to want to access the money you've worked your a*se off for. It's no good the money being in super if you aren't going to make it to 65.
When is a good time to start to put money into super? when you are 40 or 50? what happens if you get sick then? what happens when you turn 65 with no super?
finnsk said:
When is a good time to start to put money into super? when you are 40 or 50? what happens if you get sick then? what happens when you turn 65 with no super?
Stay disciplined with your savings. And if you don't get sick etc. you will end up with more than what you would if you had put it in super. F*ck 7% pa.

I agree as well.
Super is the last thing i worry about.
Hi there ,actually im pretty sure there is a clause to get your super out early due to life threatening illness or money hardship ,i looked into the money hard ship to get my super out but they said id have to be on centrelink payments for minimum 6 months and basically be nearly bankrupt ,so i just left it in there .Nathan

You presume that super is an all or nothing situation. In STCs case, we've learned that it is. Over the years of working I've amassed a decent super account size and whilst I don't trust the government (whoever they are) to keep the rules the same for 30 years, I also don't intend to just let the fund drift along like an untethered ship in the bay.

Re: getting sick, read the rules re: early access...this is covered.
Should clarify here.

Putting ALL your spare cash into Super isnt really smart.
Putting NOTHING into Super isnt smart either.

But if you have people who arent Entrepeneurial weighing heavier towards Super (Compulsary saving) is better than blowing it in the Wind.

If however your 30/40/50 whatever and have 2 yrs to live---spend the lot!
theasxgorilla said:
Re: getting sick, read the rules re: early access...this is covered.
Referencing the post above, we know that it's a bunch of crap.

Seeing family members and clients having to try to acess it, it is quite clear that those rules are far from adequate or appropriate.
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