Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

HSBC Stockbroking Down


Pigs In Space
9 July 2004
Typical - the market opens nice and green and HSBC Stockbroking is down, so I can't get a couple of orders in. I can't even tell if my order from last night has been filled, with the price being up 6% already today. :swear:

Oh well... I suppose that's better than it being down when the market is crashing.


[Edit: a few minutes later, and it seems to be working again. Nothing like a bit of bad publicity to make them get their act together :D - and no, my order didn't get filled :(]

[Edit again: another couple of minutes later and it's not working again :mad:. Can't amend my order or place my new orders still]
I managed to get my orders and amendment in during a brief burst where it was working this morning, and haven't had to use it again since then. I did notice it seemed to be working okay again later this afternoon though.

This is the first time I've had a problem like this with them, so they've got a long way to go to get down to NAB's level :D

When HSBC”s Internet site is down, they even give Internet Rates for Phone Orders.

The only snag is, you have no control over orders created by HSBC, if you want to amend you have to call them again, so I avoid this little set-up like fire.