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How to Double or Triple my money?

Down 20-25% on both stocks at present after 2 weeks.

"This stock market thing isn't really that tough....................."

"BOOM.....negative returns within weeks"

So, this beginner (me) is continuing on my journey to doubling my money, which many veterans think is very very unlikely, and that I'll be lucky to make 25%......

Turns out you should of bought POT stocks, most of the cannabis stocks are screaming up, RGI up 37% and CPH up 50% yesterday, CPH went sideways at 25c for months then woosh!
Just updating you on my portfolio. Again my aim: I have £70k saved and want to double my money or at least make £50k profit within a year, although it may take a bit longer as these are all long term investments.

So far I've invested £10,400:

Internet of Things: £4000 @ $0.155 CAD

Macarthur Minerals: £2500 @ $0.115 CAD

Latin Resources: £2400 @ $0.019 AUD

Red Mountain Mining: £1000 @ $0.041 AUD

Dragon Nippon Resources: £500 @ $0.10 CAD

I'm waiting on potential contracts/deals to be signed, drill results, and mines to go into production.

Planning on investing a total of £20,000. So only halfway there. Quite possibly going to wack £10,000 on one stock. Will update you all on what that is if and when I invest.

Let's see where I'm at a year from now. What's the worst that could happen? I've still got £50k in my bank and I still have a (rented) roof over my head. I need to do this investing stuff to make me rich and buy a house outright.

This can be used as a case study for people to look at for years to come. You can point any new investor to this thread and say "go to this thread, this is what happens when you are a total noob in the stock market, you lose all your money"........And that will save new investors from the doom that I am about to face.

If and when I make £20,000+ that £20,000+ is going into a stock or 2 again until I get to at least £200,000 profit. Ideally I am after £300,000+ profit before 3 years is up.

You say this like you are the first.

I don't believe you are telling the truth. Asx does not use pounds.
Just wacked £8,000 on 88 Energy (88E).

Could be a 20, 30, 40+ bagger within 2 years.

Hopefully I'll be pretty much buying a house outright in 2 years time.
Just wacked £8,000 on 88 Energy (88E).

Could be a 20, 30, 40+ bagger within 2 years.

Hopefully I'll be pretty much buying a house outright in 2 years time.

88E trading at $0.84 - $1.68+ within the next 2 years? Interesting prediction. Is this based on any type of analysis, or just sheer guess work?
I suppose it is possible for the UK election to produce an outcome which results in a super severe Brexit. This would leaves the UK completely out in the cold with a structural adjustment problem. The currency devalues precipitously as the fiscal position melts. The government can't push rates down any further and starts monetising debt outright. The GBP follows the Zimbabwe policy formulation. You get your profit target in GBP terms given the offshore exposures. Even if they don't do anything particularly special in their natural currency numeraire.

Could be a 50+ bagger in a few months!
Reactions: skc
I could also win lotto hahah!
Actually to odds of being born are incredible
The odds then of being you are just out of all proportion of

Yet precious few value the fluke we call life!

Odds of getting a royal flush on your first five cards: 1 in 649,740.
Odds of becoming U.S. President: 1 in 10,000,000.
Odds of winning $340 million jackpot in MegaMillions lottery: about 1 in 175,000,000.
Odds of your being born in this particular time, place and circumstance: about 1 in 400,000,000,000 **
Odds computations, such as poker hands and megamillions, can be computed easily because the conditions under which the alternatives are chose can be defined. Both of these are "random" -- the requirement is that the events are independent and identically distributed (iid) throughout the experiment.

In one of the US versions of megamillions, there are about 175 * 10**6 unique combinations of the six numbers. The odds of selecting the single winning combination in advance of the drawing are correctly 1 in 175,000,000. The amount won depends on the total number of tickets sold and the frictional costs along the way -- amount retained by the sponsor, amount paid in taxes, lost opportunity due to standing in line, etc. Say, for discussion, that there were 175,000,000 $1 tickets sold and there were no frictional losses. The winner wins $175,000,000 for a $1 bet. If a bettor could buy 175,000,000 individual tickets, each with a unique combination, covering all possible combinations exactly once, and no one else bought any tickets, the bettor would have paid $175,000,000 to buy the tickets and would receive $175,000,00 for winning. The expectation is 1.00 -- a $1.00 bet returns $1.00. On average. And this works because the bettor bought the entire distribution. If he or she buys a single ticket, and other people buy the other 174,999,999 tickets, the expectation (average return per play) is unchanged -- 1.00. The kicker is that the distribution of returns is extremely unbalanced. There is one winner of $175,000,000 and 174,999,999 winners of $0.00. The distribution is discrete (not continuous) and consists of two bins -- one containing a single data point that has a value of $175,000,000, the other containing 174,999,999 data points, each with a value of 0.00. Together -- on arithmetic average -- the expectation is 1.00. The correct calculation requires that the gambler first choose a bin, then a prize within that bin. For this experiment, the median is a much better measure of the "central tendency" of the distribution -- 0.00. While it is true that "you can't win if you don't buy a ticket." It is also true that "the difference between the amount received when you play and when you do not play is negligible -- one is 0.0000000057, the other is 0.00."

Odds computation for any arbitrary individual person becoming US president are much more difficult. If the computation is frequentist, and it is reasonable to assume that the distribution is stationary, and the purpose of the model is explanation, then the sample is the 45 or so presidential terms. The universe from which that sample is drawn is heavily biased toward being male, middle aged, of European ancestry, university educated. In addition, the distribution is restricted to include only those people who have climbed high enough on the political ladder to be acceptable to their party. Even from that, individual candidates are not independent and identically distributed. Adams father and son, Bush father and son, Roosevelt cousins, early presidents belonged to narrowly defined cliques, etc.

Odds of me, or you, or a "universal" person being born in this particular time -- leaving spiritual considerations aside. If each potentially born person has a unique identifier within the distribution of yet-to-be-born people, then the argument quickly becomes spiritual and is well beyond my area of expertise. If newborns are essentially interchangeable (independent and identically distributed), then the calculation is a time series where population is noted at each measurement interval -- say once per year. Population at time t+1 depends on two values -- the population at time t; and the net (births minus deaths) growth rate. There are about 7,500,000,000 people on earth now. Growth of human population, averaged over all subdistributions, is about 1.1 percent per year. The human population will be approximately 82,000,000 greater next year. Estimates of the total number of humans who have ever lived on earth are about 100,000,000,000. Estimates of the age of the earth are about 4,500,000,000 years. The land area of the earth consists of about 50,000,000 square miles. So, if a place is any square mile, and a time is any year the earth existed, and a person is any of the (interchangeable) people who have ever lived -- all far from iid -- then the odds of any of the ever-have-lived person being born in a specific place at a specific time is 100*10**9 / (4.5*10**9 * 5*10**7). Which is about 1 in 4.4*10**-7 -- say 1 in 10,000,000.

This is not to say that probabilities rule everything and that we should not enjoy, in the broadest definition, our lives. Tech/a is giving us good advice.

Best, Howard
Just read thread and am wondering what happened to db09striker or if he is still around or started learning anything about trading?
At a glance, 40% portfolio drawdown.
Now if only he bought some cryptos instead of following newsletter spruikers...
Doubling, tripling $100 has many people able to do. Increase that start amount to 10k and the number of people able to double / triple that amount drop off significantly. 100k fewer again. I think it has to do with increased mental/emotional attachment to the money and volumes traded. Understanding risk may help but the decision making process changes ... somehow.
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