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How to Double or Triple my money?

Ok like the guy who got his card ( Golf ) from 10000 hrs of applied practice.
Personally I take a while to learn stuff.
Don't worry guys. I've found the one.

LRS (Latin Resources).

I'm going to be doubling my money soon. Or should I say, I'll be turning a small investment into a massive amount of sweet dollar$.

Give it a few months and I'll be there or there abouts in terms of reaching my goals. If not, then I'll be wacking my dollar into the next speculative pick. And if not that, then then next one, until I've used up £5,000. If I fail I'll just give up and become a Gigalo.

Good luck to all in 2017.
Don't worry guys. I've found the one.

LRS (Latin Resources). I'm going to be doubling my money soon. Or should I say, I'll be turning a small investment into a massive amount of sweet dollar$.

Its definitely pump and dump material ..... how much do you have riding on it and do you have an exit strategy?

Oh well you got what you want.

A quick gamble and attention. They also offer this at crown casino.

You may have to learn the hard way ..

I hope it works.

good luck anyway
Yeh I know
Bit tongue in cheek
Its a 18000 pound buy.
5000 pounds wont turn to 70000 in a real hurry.

Trying to double or triple your money and only using
7% of it is a tough gig.

I will throw my two cents in here....based on my own experience around 450 hours is required of the following and to be profitable.

Market analysis....50 hours
Chart analysis......80 hours
Trend analysis.....130 hours
Price analysis......80 hours
Pattern analysis..110 hours

A further 1275 hours study to focus on including

Elliott wave principles
Constructing Portfolios
Developing an Operational trading plan.
Applying Time analysis
Applying principles of Contracts for Difference
Trading CFDS
Managing risks of CFDS

Total hours...1725 hours.

Based on my own results over the previous 2 and 1 years and trading only ASX 150 stocks

2years 1 year
Total trades.....................................................................46............................19
Winning trades...............................................................36.............................13
Losing trades..................................................................5................................2
Open Trades....................................................................5................................4
Win / Loss Ratio.............................................................87.8%......................86.7%
Ave Profit on Win Trades...............................................154%........................79.8%
Ave Loss on Losing Trades.............................................82.1%......................28.4%
Net overall Profit (Loss) on money outlaid...................126.4%....................66.6%
Ave Days in Trade............................................................114...........................22

My trading is mainly based on taking discretionary positions from weeks to months.......Whether my results continue over the long term only time will tell......
My trading is mainly based on taking discretionary positions from weeks to months ....

Good Stats Triathlete and well done.

Just for the benefit of the thread ..... In the last 2 years of successful trading ... and only if you care to divulge ... your worst 2 trades and your best 2 trades were?? Cheers.
I agree that for some skills, proficiency does not take 10,000 hours. Based on my own experience and on my work with traders and systems developers, every skilled (read profitable) trader has taken at least that much.

Consistently profitable within ~800hrs. Pure screen-time, no theory. Surrounded by people that did the same.
So, this beginner (me) is continuing on my journey to doubling my money, which many veterans think is very very unlikely, and that I'll be lucky to make 25%......

I'm trying to at least make £50,000 this year, though it doesn't necessarily have to be this year as stocks may be better off holding for longer.

I could have doubled my money already, but the timing wasn't right. Just missed out on a stock I would have invested in if I had found the information earlier. To be honest - It doesn't seem that hard to wack £10,000 on a stock and turn it into £30,000. I have found many good sources who give out solid in depth information about companies and inform you if they think the companies stock they are writing about is likely going to multiply. It doesn't seem like Rocket Science. Plenty of information out there to come to a logical decision on where to place your money.

So I've added another stock to my amazing portfolio:

Nippon Dragon Resources: A Canadian mining company who have developed and patented drilling machinery that can reduce the cost of mining precious metals by up to 60%.

Stock Price: $0.10 Canadian

I've purchased 70,000 shares.

That stock getting up to $0.60 would almost be good enough to get me on my way to doubling my £50,000. How hard can it be.

My already held stock........

Latin resources: An Australian mining company, mining for Lithium in South America. Sitting on top of 300 square miles of land in the 'lithium triangle'. Awaiting results of % of lithium within pegmatites, should know in next few days. If results are good, I could be on my way to £40,000 with this stock.

Stock Price: $0.19

192,000 shares owned.

Not sure about this stock above, jumped on it quite early. Was featured on the-next-small-cap. It could go either way. If the upcoming results are positive it could go huge as the land they hold is extensive. It would be one of the largest owners of hard rock lithium in the world. Hard rock contains higher quality lithium and it can be bought to market quicker than Brine.

Taking my time to pick out the next stock. At some point I'll just smash £10,000 on something that's clearly going to rise rapidly in the near-term. It seems fairly easy to find these. Find a good article that gives in depth analysis, find a good forum that is discussing the same company to see what the sentiment is and if it's positive - go for it. BOOM - £20,000, £30,000, £40,000 returns within weeks.

I will let you know when I'll be doing this so you can see that the stock market isn't really that tough. I'll tell you what I'm putting my money on and you will see if I noob it up or swim in the dollar.
I will let you know when I'll be doing this so you can see that the stock market isn't really that tough.

Thanks, that will be good. I must just be unlucky, I find it quite tough.

It doesn't seem like Rocket Science.

Ok, damn, all that reading and learning I did was just a waste then?!

I have found many good sources who give out solid in depth information about companies and inform you if they think the companies stock they are writing about is likely going to multiply

Aghh...thats what i was missing!

Overall I am just in awe, keep it coming!
I have found many good sources who give out solid in depth information about companies and inform you if they think the companies stock they are writing about is likely going to multiply

No seriously they are great.

Its so easy just got to get on one that's right and you'll never look back.
You hear about it all the time.
People come on and rave and a few months later someone else
does the same.
The people who first post never return they must be so busy
with their cash that there is no need to chat to the masses.

I've even seen these sort of things in Magazines and on TV.
Seminars, lectures glossy brochures.
So many happy people. Living the dream.

Really it IS that simple.
Trump won the elections and the Dow went ahead 1000 points in the quickest
time ever recorded. There it is right there!!----Just guess he missed the timing again.

Gamblers don't think they are gambling.
Pros know their edge.---- (Even Pro "Gamblers").
Pros know an edge when they see one.
Anyone see one?
Pros know an edge when they see one.
Anyone see one?

I see a potential edge .... a sharp slippery one

Of course luck can't be discounted in a Bull trend ... and we have one of those at the moment so you never know!

"Striker" ........ Just on Nippon Dragon Resources: .......

In October 2017 the Company entered into a "pre-paid” gold production agreement. They get their money up front for future gold delivery. If they don’t deliver the gold on time (60 days) they get heavy penalties-payment. The agreement started in October 2016 As at December 31, 2016, no gold delivery has been made.

The share capital of the Company consists only of fully paid common shares. Ie. They have bugger all cash!

They are raising capital virtually every month to stay afloat!

On October 4, 2016, the Company completed a non-brokered private placement of 3,476,250 units of the Company at a price of $0.08 per unit

On November 22, 2016, the Company completed a non-brokered private placement of 3,333,334 units of the Company at a price of $0.075 per unit

On December 14, 2016, the Company has reached a settlement with Desjardins-Innovatech for the repayment of an outstanding debenture totalling $249,995 plus accrued interest of $42,829 as at November 30, 2016.

On December 23, 2016, the Company completed a non-brokered private placement of 4,572,400 units of the Company at a price of $0.075 per unit,

Their technology might be ground breaking (excuse the pun) but personally I'd be taking a wide birth.
It doesn't seem like Rocket Science.

No and below isn't rocket science either.

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