yeah great stuff NC, they wont get a cent from me
seriously, I am sick of these minority groups getting things for free
I would be homeless too if I didnt get up and earn money, but not these guys they have the handout
please someone start one up for the male heterosexual middle aged worker,
Robots, it's true that there will always be a few people who have no interest in supporting themselves, but they are a very small minority.
Your superior tone reflects a lack of understanding of the differences between individuals. Some people, whether because of their genes, life experience or a combination of both, simply don't have the capacity to care for themselves. Life can be going along pretty well, and then incapacitating illness or accident can occur, relationships can break down and finances with them.
It doesn't take much for someone renting to become homeless.
If you're earning a basic wage, you are going to be spending a good proportion of it on rent. Not much opportunity to save. What happens if you get sick and can't continue working? The sickness benefit of about $440 per fortnight isn't going to be enough to pay your rent and allow you to live, is it?
Or even if you have your own home and are retrenched, injured, whatever, and can't manage the mortgage payments, again what are you going to do?
It's good to know you are so successful, and I guess you work hard in a competitive field. But if it all falls apart one day, your fellow Australians will be there to help you. And thank heavens for that.