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House prices to keep rising for years

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Thats fair enough and whats more you dont have to pay stamp duty because you already own it

well done Bill M, good work man and hope you enjoy the new location

doctor robots
The new place is great, nice and quite neighbourhood. The lake is a 15 minute walk away, I tell I've never seen so many black swans.... I thought they were once in a life time share market disasters till I moved up here. I'm not counting my chickens just yet but this just does us fine so far...:
Thats fair enough and whats more you dont have to pay stamp duty because you already own it

Yeah but I had to pay it to the blood suckers for the new joint.... $10,800

Oh well we got to pay for those pot holed roads... Hah that's a new thread, the NSW GOVT!!!
I thought that kicked in at $1 Million? I got well under that with both properties combined, am I wrong?

Land Tax (NSW)
Rates and thresholds
Rates 2009

Land tax is calculated on the combined value of all the taxable land you own. The land tax threshold for 2009 is $368,000. Your land tax assessment is calculated on the combined value of all the taxable land you own above the threshold. The rate of tax is $100 plus 1.6 per cent of the land value between the threshold and the premium rate threshold.

PPOR not included.
Let me guess, are you refering to Tuggerah Lake?
Yeah but I had to pay it to the blood suckers for the new joint.... $10,800

Oh well we got to pay for those pot holed roads... Hah that's a new thread, the NSW GOVT!!!

roads on the Central Coast..hehehehe

The F3 Newcastle to Sydney Expressway is blocked way too many times per year

Also re the prior post, Land tax is per person, so if in joint names, seperate thresholds apply

Thanks mate, I shouldn't have been so lazy and looked it up myself. OK so Central Coast is exempt but how would they value a block of 38 units land value in Sydney? In any case I wouldn't get anymore than 400k for my unit so the land value at a stab in the dark guess couldn't be any more than 200k so I am well under.

The lake, close, it is Budgewoi lake actually.:walker:
I've always been of the view that negative gearing should be wound back but at the same time this sort of nonsense should also be done away with.
I've always been of the view that negative gearing should be wound back but at the same time this sort of nonsense should also be done away with.

Would you also apply that the share market investors? I mean some investors who borrowed money for stocks are also losing now (negative gearing) should they also be denied negative gearing tax breaks?
I'm not saying negative gearing should be done away with but deductions for wage and salary earners should at least be restricted to, say a maximum 125% of the investment's income as an example. This is regardless of the investment type.

The point of my post above was not so much at negative gearing but at capital taxes such as land tax by the NSW government as shown above. If this were removed and savings from limitations on negative gearing handed to state governments then thats one less reliance of government budgets on inflated property prices.

Tax reform 1.01.

good evening fellow property owners and general public, hope the day has been enjoyable

Bill M, normally the rates notice has a land value component on it, check that out

dont forget tonite for beats and rhymes with the hip hopping show on shortly

yes ban negative gearing for share, cfd's, forex, options, all of those investment classes which provide nothing for the economy

Doctor Robots
yes ban negative gearing for share, cfd's, forex, options, all of those investment classes which provide nothing for the economy

Doctor Robots

How does inflating house prices help the economy ?

listen mate I dont know who you are or what you up to but i suggest you start by re-reading the numerous posts from some of the masters of property here at ASF

anything from Robots, Beej, Kincella, Gonefishin'

use the search function

doctor robots

Chicken parma , slab of ruskies and a half priced block of land from a "distressed" sale settles on the 25th................

Give it another couple of rate rises and there will be plenty more to share around too bruthha,s.

Sunshine and lollipops for everyone.

Just as I thought you haven't got a clue ROFL

Intresting stuff this intrest rate readings

Everything will be ok though, no one out there would be overextended, would they?
How does inflating house prices help the economy ?

Now you got me thinking Mr Burns, how does inflating anything help the economy?

I suppose inflated house prices means more stamp duty (albeit taxes are a crap way to 'help' the economy and then only the govts)
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