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House prices to keep rising for years

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i have disclosed my circumstances previously, i am making easy $ just by holding now, real easy

and it is fabulous, the biggest financial event since 1929 and property still killing it

i cant afford to buy another one at the moment, hope to clear out a mortgage in a couple of years and go the build option

equity mate!

professor robots

well done Glen48, top effort

hang onto it, Equity Mate

professor robots

This is beginning to cause some big problems for local families looking to buy. Is the govt looking to fuel the next construction boom with overseas money, then pull the rug out from under them?
This is beginning to cause some big problems for local families looking to buy. Is the govt looking to fuel the next construction boom with overseas money, then pull the rug out from under them?

I don't think they know what they're doing.

This has put huge pressure on our young, they've overpaid to buggery because of this.

Would that be the "credit tightening" by the banks that didn't occur?
Unions must be sweating over some of labor policies, and the impact on working family’s atm. Surprised they are not coming out of the woodwork
Talk about trolling.

2 post with no content :headshake

Technically 1 post with no content, and I'll leave it there as an example, as I think if you're going to post, at least post content!

I wouldn't call it trolling though.
I posted several times about the FIRB and changes, and the impact it was
having on the housing market...way back in June, and several times since..
this post no. 5333 on 6.6.09.............oh and the media did report it....easy do a google...plenty of hits from April 09

Chinese wealth is boosting our property market.....well in Melbourne anyway..
surely they would be interested in the rest of Australia.....too
oh...btw they are not FHB or buying into the FHB market....

A GROWING number of Chinese people are taking advantage of a relaxation in Australia's foreign investment laws to buy property in Melbourne.

Real estate agents in the eastern suburbs report that up to half the buyers this year have been part-time residents from China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, or Asian companies buying accommodation for their staff.

Auctioneer Robert Ding, of Jellis Craig in Balwyn, started holding auctions in both Mandarin and English in March. A fortnight ago a multilingual auction resulted in the sale of a $1.838 million house in Balwyn.

Agents from Marshall White in Armadale and Hawthorn, are flying to Shanghai this month with plans to establish an office there to draw more Chinese buyers.

"The massive wealth that they've got is quite daunting in some instances," director John Bongiorno said. "What's attracting them is that there's so much space here ”” it's such a safe haven for them to park their money in terms of good real estate. It's a safe lifestyle, great schooling for their children, no pollution and cheap property by their standards."
A GROWING number of Chinese people are taking advantage of a relaxation in Australia's foreign investment laws to buy property in Melbourne.
And the First Home owners bribe.
RE crashed in California when the Feds stop their version of FHOB
I do not think it has been mentioned yet, but I believe that krudd (or Kevin747, kevin rude - loved that one Mr Clinton-, kevin O', etc) will cripple us all when he gets this carbon tax going. The added cost of paying this tax will push up new home construction prices, and this will flow on to existing housing stock. I reckon it will add 15-20% to prices, as there will be a compounding effect. The only person to benefit will be krudd when he goes for a United Nations position.
House prices about to soar, says Reserve Bank official

Samantha Maiden, Online Political Editor | September 29, 2009
Article from: The Australian

AUSTRALIA'S housing market is about to take off, the RBA says, and rising prices and interest rates could hit affordability hard.
House prices about to soar: RBA

Picture: Cameron Richardson
The RBA’s Tony Richards issued the warning at the Committee for Economic Development of Australia’s housing forum today, and said that the nation was still not building enough houses to keep up with levels of demand that were driven by population growth.

Mr Richards also warned policymakers in Canberra that governments needed to do more to stop “undesirably strong growth” in housing prices as the economy improved.
If the RBA is so concerned with unaffordability of house prices and a possible boom, raising interest rates to dampen it.

This historically low interest rates might benefit those with a mortgage, how about all those retirees trying to live off their life savings with the low term deposit rates at the moment. These people built the country, but who cares.
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