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House prices to keep rising for years

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and here they are again

professor robots
not much tightening there Burns, and the banks SP kicking off
all rosy
professor robots

The only thing you should be buying on 5% deposit is a TV, this is crazy, to lend 95% on a house you are betting the market will increase, it might have so far but that will go into reverse in the next few months and there will be plenty out there with negative equity (it seems caps are all the go for those announcements.)

Lose your job or any number of things hapen, forced sale house sells for $250,000 so every other house in the street that sold for $300,000 is now worth $50,000 less.
Banks redo their valuations and if you miss or are late with a payment you're a gonner, if theye suspect you or your parents have any cash or equity in another property they will apply pressure to have that included in the security because you now have negative equity and are in breach of your mortgage conditions, happy days ahead.
I digress professor robots. It seems that the credit tightening didn't occur on your part of the world where as in my part of the world the banks got their panties in a bunch about lending to home owners and altered their lending criteria ... commonly known as "credit tightening".

yes in My World nothing much happened as I have listed,

professor robots
Funnily enough the Keystart guys have a very low level of mortgagee repossession rate. One of my mates used to run Westland Building Society (Keystart money) and had very few repo's.


Way to go've made policy simply to pushed up prices and reduce rental supplies in one fowl swoop.......well done


Way to go've made policy simply to pushed up prices and reduce rental supplies in one fowl swoop.......well done


Yes at present he has the lead in the "Most destructive Labor PM" contest.
Oh hell I just read that properly, no wonder it's all Asians at the Auctions, this is a double whamy bubble.

the house BUILDING market

professor robots
Gee.......Didn't realise that.........luckily you were here to point it out to me

If I were building a house in this climate I woud be paying as it completes, big payment up front and they go under and you're history.
I don't know of any builder who requires full/large payment up front..........and if they asked for it, I'd be out the door

Oh hell I just read that properly, no wonder it's all Asians at the Auctions, this is a double whamy bubble.
It's a worry, that's for's like Krudd has opened the flood gates to anyone in the world who has money just to keep prices climbing. He seems only concerned with increasing prices no matter what the cost.

It's a worry, that's for's like Krudd has opened the flood gates to anyone in the world who has money just to keep prices climbing. He seems only concerned with increasing prices no matter what the cost.


I've been to a few Auctions where the Asian presence was overwhelming, I asked the agents what it was all about and they just said it's like that all the time now but I never knew why till now.

Be interesting to find out by just how much that increased the pool of buyers, I'm guessing a lot a real lot.....

Funny how no one mentioned that before in the media or perhaps I missed it.

thats right, all those things listed havent occurred

yes you missed it Burns, too busy going on about negative equity

carry on as those properties are lost for ever, what they can never be resold back to an aussie?

professor robots

Yes I think you missed it too, never saw you mention it.
Don't think houses will drop anytime soon. Too many people flocking to australia, will keep prices at current levels for ever

great post Gone Fishin, superb

and this from earlier:

"Previously, developers were able to offload no more than half of the new dwellings in a development to overseas buyers............Under the new laws, developers could sell 100% of new developments off-the-plan to overseas buyers who tend to pay a premium for Australian real estate..........

well well, why not when they want to get a piece of paradise

just look out the windows

professor robots

Put your money where your mouth is robots, get out there and buy buy buy, borrow 100% 105% even more if you can get into that equity robots quick, it's cheap...........(bet you've bought nothin' since this thread started), run robots run !

yes right on bro!! You da man robots!!
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