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House prices to keep rising for years

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Thanks Beej, that is what I intended, a new bet, keeps things interesting.

Yes Robots, you will collect as I am looking forward to meeting the man behind the Robot.

this one is for the bears.............some food for thought

if only some could get their hands on those spare bedrooms, there are enough spare bedrooms to look after the population growth for the next 20 years.....sigh and some have two spare these if we all give up our spare rooms, and share them with some strangers then everything will be Ok.......
I wonder why we have spare rooms, are we stupid, did we buy a 3 bedder when we only needed two....or could it be we like having a spare room or two.....
well I love my spare rooms, and they are filled with...whatever I choose...and no way am I going to let a stranger in to share my spare rooms....and I doubt anyone will fact up until 2006 (love the relevant dates, takes them 3 years to tell us news)the people choosing a bigger house with 2 spare rooms, and less people per house has been increasing at an (alarming) ...double the rate....ok so the alarm is for the bedrooms....hehehehehe

Room to spare as city sprawlsAugust 11, 2009
A THIRD of Melbourne bedrooms are now unoccupied, according to a state department report.

As the Government extends the city's urban growth boundary by thousands of hectares, a Transport Department report showed there were already 1.3 million spare bedrooms in existing suburbs, enough to accommodate projected population growth during the next 20 years.

Almost 70 per cent of houses within current city limits had extra bedrooms, with the highest proportion in the wealthy eastern and bayside suburbs, and in outer growth suburbs where the blocks are comparatively larger.

The report showed increased wealth had led to homes being built larger than ever, with the number of households having two or more spare bedrooms in the decade to the 2006 census more than doubling. At the same time, the number of people per household had shrunk.
LOL kincella, an 'interesting' article...

Well I have 2 spare bedrooms, doubt anyone would want to sleep in them though - full of old Army gear, my smelly gym gear and my computer. No way I'd rent it out to strangers, I won't even let family live with me!
Flip of a coin :

Heads - housing led recovery
Tails - housing led recession

The coin is still in the air.

I still can't see the point in subsidising existing housing, making them even more unaffordable/expensive - the only way housing is going to lead a recovery if they build new dwellings? Perhaps some of the permabulls can explain it a bit better?


look look:

its even going off its head in China, amazing

well done, this is fantastic

professor robots

It's called an out of control stimulis bubble - should be spectacular to watch it burst
Wait until this guy comes out to play. Won't be too far away now kiddies. Interest rates are rising as we speak, just call your local CBA. "The days of the 0.25 per cent movement look to be over," Mr Kolenda said. "When the RBA moves again they will probably do so decisively with increases from 0.50 per cent and 1.0 per cent.",28323,25908717-5016110,00.html


  • mr housing bubble.jpg
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How sweet it is.......... I think we should only have quotes from this guy in future no more from the housing permabull tossers.
I still can't see the point in subsidising existing housing, making them even more unaffordable/expensive - the only way housing is going to lead a recovery if they build new dwellings? Perhaps some of the permabulls can explain it a bit better?
If you're looking for sound economic reasoning, you're out of luck. It's all about votes; as often said in confidence by politicians "rising house prices make for happy voters".

I tend to be results dirven so I tend to care a little less about the journey than most. If the gummint instead decided to fund emus instead of housing I'd be covered in feathers right now.
just to give some of you an example of how to become a millionaire....
you need to find a good mentor....heres some clues

THERE'S no doubt property development is a big, lucrative business.

You only have to scan the rich lists from around the world to see the number of multi-billionaires who made their fortunes from property.

Australia is no exception, and many of our wealthiest people made their first million dollars using property.

So where does a budding property developer start?

And budding doesn’t necessarily mean young.

More older Australians are expected to turn to property development and renovation following the recent cut to superannuation deposit limits.

According to the Australian Institute of Architects advice service, Archicentre, cutting the maximum $100,000 super contribution limit to $50,000 is likely to result in a surge in renovation and development activity by baby boomers.,28323,25907417-5013951,00.html

I agree but there are limits, don't you think US, UK, NZ & European politicians also wanted to win elections?
From Crikey, a bit of common sense -

I agree but there are limits, don't you think US, UK, NZ & European politicians also wanted to win elections?
Yes I do, however we clearly have a different market here which the results thus far attest to.
some of you guys are on the wrong thread....go back to the losers know the one..... house prices keep falling thread....
and leave this thread to the winners....
some of you guys are on the wrong thread....go back to the losers know the one..... house prices keep falling thread....
and leave this thread to the winners....

This IS the losers thread, didn't you see the writing on the wall ?
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