Mate, word of warning, Harry Dent has been proven wrong before. I would take anything he says with a grain of salt. Here is what some of his readers have said:
I am really amazed at the shameless spinning by Harry Dent in his latest book about his past predictions. He makes it sound like he foresaw the crash of 2000-2002. But in fact, his previous book, The Roaring 2000s, published in late 1990's, made all sorts of bullish predictions that were totally 100% wrong in retrospect.
In June of 1999, Harry became a mutual fund advisor. It did okay for all of six months, then lost 70% of its value. It regained some ground in the last two years, but is still down substantially from its inception. Just a few weeks ago, the fund was quietly merged into another and the Dent name removed.
So Mr. Dent has another book out, eh? The same guy who put a book out five years ago saying BUY NOW just as the Nasdaq was reaching 5000. Anybody who listened to this guy five years ago surely has a big DENT in his portfolio... or rather, a CRATER. If someone truly knew the secret to attaining market-beating returns, guess what? It would be A SECRET... and he certainly wouldn't be sharing it with you.
All of this can be verifyed off this freely available website here:
Dent has also been criticized for being downright wrong on several of his predictions by many economists. In fact,, a financial reporting site awarded him the The "Ultimate Charlatan"[3] Award. They write: "The worst investing advice usually arrives near the top and bottom of stock market cycles. Demographic trends guru Harry S. Dent is making the rounds again, and touting his latest book, The Great Depression Ahead: How to Prosper in the Crash Following the Greatest Boom in History ... In his 2006 work, Dent predicted, “The Dow hitting 40,000 by the end of the decade, the NASDAQ advancing at least ten times from its October 2001 lows to around 13,500, and potentially as high as 20,000 by 2009…The Great Boom resurging into its final and strongest stage in 2007, and even more fully in 2008, lasting until late 2009 to early 2010.” ..
Mate, word of warning, Harry Dent has been proven wrong before.
Good stuff bro. I have my big block of land up North approx 50 acres, waiting for the right time to build my eco friendly amnsion.
In the meantime I am picking up bargain basement propertiues here in Uk ,Portugal and Spain.
Just bought a block of to decide on the rest
Would have been nice if the market tanked more before we baught but since this will be our PPOR for the next 10-20(or more) years I'm not too fussed now we've decided. If things do tank we may pick up an IP
It's taken us nearly a year to find and decide. In the end we couldn't find the established "one that ticks all the boxes" so we're going to build it since we found a great sized block(biggest in the estate) in a great location(adjoining a huge 20+ha parkland reserve with a creek and views).
throwing good money down the drain there bro,
look at WayneL, havent heard from him for a long time, the biggest value investor the world has, the joints you mentioned are finished
there is only one on the planet, oh well
professor robots
Block is just over 800m2(20km N.W. of the CBD), not the biggest around but bigger than most in the area(we had considered moving further out for a rural acreage, but we like living within Melb).hello,
top effort Macca350, how many metres?
brother building house at the moment in Mornington, due down there this week to do some work
you going owner-builder or get house built?
professor robots
Block is just over 800m2(20km N.W. of the CBD), not the biggest around but bigger than most in the area(we had considered moving further out for a rural acreage, but we like living within Melb).
The big plus for us is the 20+ha reserve that butts up against our side fence, we have 3 kids(under 13yo) and 2 dogs so having the parkland right next door will be great. Shopping centre, schools, relatives are within walking distance.
Haven't decided which way we'll build, still considering all angles. Whichever way we go we plan to incorporate the aspect of the reserve on that side of the house into the design..........which pretty much discounts the usual designs from the big mass builders like Metricon etc. There are also many specific things we want in the design of the house, so it's looking like we may go with a custom builder or owner build(not sure I'm up for the stress though).
We've already spoken to a recommended custom builder, but I'd like to open the net.........any suggestions on a good quality custom builder with reasonable pricing?
Thanks, looking forward to sitting on the balcony with an icy cold beer and enjoying ourselveslol good for you macca. nice land ther.
Yeah, been a classic Melb winter day today.still sh!TTY weather in winter hey enjoy lol
Really professor crock. maybe you have a screw loose or two lol My land in queensland is prime waterfront realestate better than you p!ssy st kilda syringe infested beach.
My other properties are also in prime location in Portuguese and spainish algarve the villa sits on hill and our grapes are doing well.
as for my Uk properties, nothing but good new here with a very tight market demand is very strong. Few people selling lots of eager newcommers wanting to enter at the bottom end of the market. Lots of people unemployed.
I love recessions, only a matter of time before **** hits the fan in aus and then i return lol
So what have you been doing theses past months robots lol
It's done this so farhello,
what's the crash been doing the past 4 yrs?
Hey, just wondering if someone can explain the first home buyers grant for a new house. I was talking to an estate agent today regarding a new home and from what I understand it is currently $29,000 and as of July 1st it goes up to a figure in the $30,000's. Can anyone tell me what that amount is as of July 1st?
here's a photo of my pad in Vilamoura.
Nice mr burns. is that an ambualnce I see in the car park or some tv van lol
Something like this?Probably the EPA thought police coming to take him away cause of his gynormous Carbon Footprint to the extreme...
Keep it up guys, brightening the day.
Would settle for a up/down 5 bed right now w/o pool and a double garage/workshop.
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