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House prices to keep rising for years

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Yep and here's some more stuff about this guy (from wikipedia - a referenced criticsim of the guy):

Mate, word of warning, Harry Dent has been proven wrong before.

LOL If you're an Economist by definition you will be mistaken, often. I don't have any faith in any of them, I read the opinions of many, however he seems no more a whack job then say Chris Joye or Craig James.

That aside, I guess I agree with him in the "Aus. has the most overpriced housing market in the World" mantra.
Good stuff bro. I have my big block of land up North approx 50 acres, waiting for the right time to build my eco friendly amnsion.

In the meantime I am picking up bargain basement propertiues here in Uk ,Portugal and Spain.


throwing good money down the drain there bro,

look at WayneL, havent heard from him for a long time, the biggest value investor the world has, the joints you mentioned are finished

there is only one on the planet, oh well

professor robots


top effort Macca350, how many metres?

brother building house at the moment in Mornington, due down there this week to do some work

you going owner-builder or get house built?

professor robots

Really professor crock. maybe you have a screw loose or two lol My land in queensland is prime waterfront realestate better than you p!ssy st kilda syringe infested beach.

My other properties are also in prime location in Portuguese and spainish algarve the villa sits on hill and our grapes are doing well.

as for my Uk properties, nothing but good new here with a very tight market demand is very strong. Few people selling lots of eager newcommers wanting to enter at the bottom end of the market. Lots of people unemployed.

I love recessions, only a matter of time before **** hits the fan in aus and then i return lol

So what have you been doing theses past months robots lol

top effort Macca350, how many metres?

brother building house at the moment in Mornington, due down there this week to do some work

you going owner-builder or get house built?

professor robots
Block is just over 800m2(20km N.W. of the CBD), not the biggest around but bigger than most in the area(we had considered moving further out for a rural acreage, but we like living within Melb).

The big plus for us is the 20+ha reserve that butts up against our side fence, we have 3 kids(under 13yo) and 2 dogs so having the parkland right next door will be great. Shopping centre, schools, relatives are within walking distance.

Haven't decided which way we'll build, still considering all angles. Whichever way we go we plan to incorporate the aspect of the reserve on that side of the house into the design..........which pretty much discounts the usual designs from the big mass builders like Metricon etc. There are also many specific things we want in the design of the house, so it's looking like we may go with a custom builder or owner build(not sure I'm up for the stress though).

We've already spoken to a recommended custom builder, but I'd like to open the net.........any suggestions on a good quality custom builder with reasonable pricing?


lol good for you macca. nice land ther. still sh!TTY weather in winter hey enjoy lol


ah, more cyrstal ball work

i think we coming up to 4yrs since the "house prices to crash" discussion started and things are just rolling along

what's the crash been doing the past 4 yrs?

oh well, gee relax Knocker, take it easy at the internet cafe man

associate professor robots
Hey, just wondering if someone can explain the first home buyers grant for a new house. I was talking to an estate agent today regarding a new home and from what I understand it is currently $29,000 and as of July 1st it goes up to a figure in the $30,000's. Can anyone tell me what that amount is as of July 1st?


samuely1, go to the your state based Government websites for the correct information

as you get variation if you also buy regional

some home builders are rolling "benefits" into the advertising spiel so read it carefully (the documents from a builder)

anymore questions just ask me as I am an associate professor

associate professor robots
Nice mr burns. is that an ambualnce I see in the car park or some tv van lol

Probably the EPA thought police coming to take him away cause of his gynormous Carbon Footprint to the extreme...

Keep it up guys, brightening the day.

Would settle for a up/down 5 bed right now w/o pool and a double garage/workshop.
Probably the EPA thought police coming to take him away cause of his gynormous Carbon Footprint to the extreme...

Keep it up guys, brightening the day.

Would settle for a up/down 5 bed right now w/o pool and a double garage/workshop.
Something like this?

The misses saw it while browsing for ideas, would be great for pool parties
Though it's only 4br

Indoor pool so OK. Don't like outdoor ones around here too cold in winter. Vry nice.
I saw something somewhere last week...Lindsay Park stud is moving to Euroa.....that will be a big boost for the area....I was looking at buying there for my brother....Its always been big on horses....we used to go there often with the childrens horses...
its a cute little town about 1.5 hours from Melbourne on the freeway....
it will give the town a lift....and cheap houses...well a lot cheaper than Melbourne
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