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House prices to keep rising for years

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thanks Robots...I will head off in the other direction today then....and were you aware the big retailers are not open tomorrow ???
I read an article last week mentioned that was the case in NSW...called safeway and they said closed here in vic....
I do most of my other shopping on a rule...parking is easier
This post should be call houses keep selling for yrs as long at the FHOG is around. Any one heard David Koch sold his house and is now renting???

and goodluck to Kochie, thats the great thing about our country you have many options in life

all with there own advantages and disadvantages, unlike other countries you dont need a bullet proof vest to get a bag lollies from down at 7-eleven

story david koch selling up to go renting.....hahahahaha
psst...maybe kochie took some of his own bad advice and had to sell to cover other losses

and the story about the golfer becoming a renter yesterday...

but then again, eddy mcguire bought an 11 million prop in toorak just before xmas.....
can anyone pick the differences above ????
the one with the most money is buying...and those with the least are selling.....thats right,
thats how the world goes....why 5% own 95% of the worlds wealth

the difference between chiefs and the indians....or the queen ant and the worker ants
Mr Burns...its all the other sweet things about living in Toorak that are part of the parcel....then by the time Eddy wants a bigger house...this one will be worth 15 mill....cause there are boundaries that define Toorak from the other burbs ...and luckily not everyone wants to live in Toorak....
ps neighbour tells me Rose Porteous went back to WA....

Toorak is too far in for me Kew is close enough and Rose ??? WA isnt far enough
Robots, thank you for that pick
and noted this........

Last week, 534 auction results were recorded. 420 sold and many column inches were devoted to their details in various publications. Meanwhile, over in the other world, 589 private sales barely rated a mention.

Looking at that top end trends looks like the top end are falling..
normally robot you dont post anything usefull unless its for your case of house prices going up.. have you jumped to the dark side.
Rose Porteous a fine up standing example to a Migrate done good, hard working Australian citizen, good house keeper, good eye for R E , never had any thing handed to her...sadly her husband die and she collected a few small item.
Looking at that top end trends looks like the top end are falling..
normally robot you dont post anything usefull unless its for your case of house prices going up.. have you jumped to the dark side.


no on usual path,

the commentary from M&K is great, accurate and what many have been saying

good property is selling well, anything with an issue has a little trouble

they respond to emails like Enzo from REIV (still waiting on reply from Debtwatch & SQM Research)

looking forward to collecting the slab of ruskies and chicken parma in a few months time

From that site it looked more like the top end was having trouble selling and usually never got there Reserved price maybe I just miss read it..
Although I must admit i have been looking at places for the last year now and things are definitely cheaper plus I definitely can afford more.. The pleasures of waiting a few months...
Robots....I see they are renovating one of my fav buildings....the old white Georgian style ?? opposite the Sandbar cafe/kiosk....was it a bikies place or something before...

chapel st still busy as ever....not sighted one empty shop yet....then went down to st kilda and up to Kerfed Rd....every man and his dog was down there today...some had 2 dogs... back up punt rd to Toorak Rd west.....the wood fired pizza is gone...and the fabulous little Delirium cafe (think its been gone awhile. only there for office workers...closed at 3.00pm daily) that part of Toorak Rd is always iffy...due to the 'clearway' conditions which cruels any parking and shopping after 4.00pm
now, admittedly I was driving and eye on the traffic so I could have missed some...
but its nothing like the predictions the kids were looking know the stuff...just like the US...whole streets empty...houses going for a song...

in fact, only 3 SOLD signs so far for the whole trip....and one 'for sale' for a could have been Rose' was that building just near cromwell rd....

in fact it appears quite normal....that area/trip I take is the usual route and there are hardly ever any for sale signs up.....I guess everyone who moves in stays for a long time....

I can never understand what your post hidden message is kincella

Maybe I just shouldnt look to deep and just gloss over your posts but you have produced Some good Gems the rest are always about something not related to the thread..

was reading up about GDP in USA but relates back to Australia as we now have a negative GDP growth per qtr it was stating that normally house prices dont drop during a recession as the impact of the Negative growth is usually masked by the inflation..

Not so this time.. so maybe we are in for a down turn in property price

good morning and hope everyone having a great easter break,

yes Kincella that section of Toorak Rd has been hit quite hard, many empty shops, some re-do's sitting empty as well

the quality cafe's are still doing well but the retail shops it that area are in trouble,

chapel st still pumping and I expect another fine day today, i guess its all about location location location

who knows what will happen enigmatic, with most people only ever being owner-occupier's life will roll on

anybody visiting Melbourne get down to the Transport pub at Federation square, no ruskies there but i normally get a couple of long decks

might even meet Satanoperca on collect day there

sounds good robot the pub that is little to far maybe 6hours to far..
Still in search for that house.. and deciding to buy what i want now or buy a smaller on the cheap place.. such a tough call.. hidden message...just have faith...the world is not about to fall in a heap....tough times...yes...revise your expectations....get tough on yourself if need be to survive....
Melbourne is the most liveable city...I am biased in this respect...
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