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House prices to keep rising for years

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More breaking news on Australias booming RE market ....

Looks like the days of buying a house and a surfboard being the road to riches are over ?

nirvana ?
He said it not me. I've heard these 50% property collapse doomsday comments for decades and it's never happened, keep on dreaming.

Bank assets are really someone else's debt property has gone up in price (not necessarily value) because of credit inflation (not the same as inflation) and some inflation over the years. Credit contraction is currently underway here as well as overseas so this time prices could fall substantially (not value) the house will still be there. If you doubt credit contraction underway already look at interest rates if there is demand for money the price (interest rates) goes up when the price goes down the demand isn't there. Also ask wholesalers how there getting paid at the moment and most will tell you slower than last year .Another sign of impending deflation the slowing down of volatility of money.Another thing to think about we got into this mess by using too much credit so how is giving more credit out as in stmulus package going to help. Long term this wil end and then will be a brilliant opportunity but at much lower prices 50% may be too much or it could even be too little but certainly much lower than were we are right now
Bill M I am not a permabear have been buying and selling houses up till last year but they are too illiquid now although I believe that we are going to have one last rally in the next 8 to 12 months, but that is not backed up by evidence as per my previous post only personal believe
joeyr46, I tend to deal with facts in my area and the way things are here. I have no interest of over supplied American or UK property. You talk about too many things like, "too much credit", "too illiquid", "deflation", wholesalers and so on but none of this has any effect of property being sold right now and in my area.

The buyers are still about and credit is flowing to all those who are worthy of getting it. I have no debt what soever and we could get 300K credit easy if we wanted it. Lets face it, these days an average working couple can earn a 100K combined income quite easily and they can get credit easily as long as the deposit is there.

You talk about liquidity, that's just not right. Properties that are priced correctly still sell within 2 and 4 weeks time. However I might add that there are some silly owners out there. I went and saw a nice 2 br unit 4 weeks ago, it was on the market at 449K. Now the sold sticker is on the sign and another sign is up along side it for another unit. The new one is on the market for 550K, guess what? no takers and it is still available. Why would I pay 550K when the neighbour just sold for 449K? Needless to say this property probably won't sell. Other than gross mispricing pretty much everything under 500K is still being sold.

Robots, I am here and watching

No, I am out of here, take my profits and lock in the cash. Thankfull my property is smack bang in the first home buyers market up to $550K. They can have it and load themselves up to their eyeballs in debt. I will wish them luck paying it off for the next 15 years!!!!!! HAHA

I will reenter but not before 2-3 years have expired for maximum pain to be inflicted. Watch deflation kill everything including property in the next 2 years.

Unemployment will reach 30% in the USA and 10% plus here in the next 2 years. Then I will rock up with my wads of cash and offer 30% off the asking price and wait and wait until the vendors beg and scream to take their rental properties off their hands for such a discount.

Patience is a virtue here.

whats happened to the colonel from England, WayneL? havent heard from him for a while

hope all's well,

suit pressed in a day and LOE in about 14-20 days, again!


All's well. Just moving house and a couple of other things taking up my time.

Seaford units up 15.3% in the Dec 08 quarter, and up 24% since the Jun 08 quarter.


fantastic result Gav, 15.3% in the Dec 08 quarter amazing

great suburb right on the water there with a very nice beach behind the tea-tree, nice bakery on the highway

probably similar right through bonbeach, chelsea, edithvale and aspendale

45-50 min train ride to the city

nirvana everywhere

Seaford units up 15.3% in the Dec 08 quarter, and up 24% since the Jun 08 quarter.

Arff..Arff..!!! Looks like it was removed. I wonder why:


Anyway Sept quarter is past and no longer relevant if you want to stay ahead of the pack. Anecdotal from agents here on the Mornington Peninsula is falling prices all round (including Seaford). A bit of support round the 300 to 400k due to FHBG but otherwise very risky business till a bit more plays out in the financials. With money supply those going in now could get swept aside when interest rates have to go in the other direction and governments can say what they like, it is free capitalism that controls banks and interest rates. Remember the banana republic, 18% rates and it will happen again.

Not saying get out, just saying it is a time to stand and watch what happens.
December quarter, slip of the month, working on scabble with the missus. Out of investment property at the moment so relaxing time in any case.

Have another beer Robots

thank you

December quarter, slip of the month, working on scabble with the missus. Out of investment property at the moment so relaxing time in any case.

Have another beer Robots

thank you



on the red cordial at the moment, better than the v's too

i am just plodding along as well Explod, fantastic

Yep all's well in Bonbeach with prices like this.

PS Station St BV 5rm $180,000


so much for affordability issue's so_cynical, propaganda from the socialist crew who want everything for free

yeah just hand everything over to the bludgers in society,


so just to expand on so_cynical's info:

180k, 5rm Brick Veneer, station st Bonbeach

couple on average income, so 100k combined, less deposit say 20k, WOW thats 1.6x income, yes thats right

i know i know i know, no one has a job everyone is going to be unemployed by 2010

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