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House prices to keep rising for years

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oh yeah knocker, hydroponic weed, goof balls, arctic, hammer

all loaded up for Sunday, slab of ruskie's in the shopping trolley its gonna be huge

dont forget meet up out the front of the light shop on the corner of Alma Rd and Brighton Rd, 1pm Sunday (for those with a bit of intestinal fortitude)

look for guy in blue shirt, long blonde hair denim jeans



Can I invite my uniformed mates?

Doesent look like he meeting you for a beer robots

funny that


all the more for the 3182 crew,

life goes on Nun, will keep a couple of spares in the backpack just in case on Sunday,

400,000 expected with the angels, jackson jackson, tex perkins performing

luna park

what a day

Hello Robots, how long will you be there for? I finish work just up the road at 3pm.

will be floating around the joint all day long, i can reconvene at the light shop later in the day

Please learn to spell. WHIMP.
Actually, Nun was quite correct with his spelling:

From 'English for Students'"

The original and still by far the most common spelling of this common bit of slang meaning “weakling, coward,” is “wimp.”

If you use the much less common “whimp” instead people may regard you as a little wimpy.

"copying is a form of flattery"

I know the UK its a fairly miserable place so many there probably need a fair bit of inspiration,

purveyors of originality will continue carrying on


you been spot on Beej:,28124,25026303-25658,00.html

top effort man, great research i guess from being down on the ground putting in the hard yards

have a great day


Thanks for posting robots - interesting! Early days still though, and I note that most of the action is still in the lower price ranges. 96 properties sold is about half the typical volume for a busy spring weekend, however it is a decent number for this time of year.

For anyone that is interested in looking at what actually sold for what, here is the link to the auction results for Sydney from the weekend: (You can click in the address of any sold property and it brings up the advert for the property).

PS: There is a house in there just around the corner from my PPOR that sold prior to auction less than 2 weeks after listing.


If you take a close look at whats actually selling you'll see its only properties at the lower end of the market. Sales of properties over $1m have fallen off a cliff.

Last Saturday at auction only 10 places that sold went for more than $1m, i don't know the total number sold i didn't count but it was well over 100. This Saturday just past only 6 sold for over $1m at auction and another 5 for over $1m by private treaty. Total numbers sold this Saturday were less than half the usual number.

This is data for Sydney only and it comes from the sun herald which gets its numbers from

Also a high clearance rate is normal for this time of year. Clearance rates are cyclical for unknown reasons low in spring and high in late summer. This was part of an article in the property section of the Sun Herald on Sunday which stated that unless they remain high for the next 6-8 weeks and and past then the high clerance rate this Saturday is meaningless.
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