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House prices to keep rising for years

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Nice one, would be interested to see what the rent is after that "Guaranteed " period ends, still, looks pretty good at first glance, affordable and water views

Pity they don't show the actual townhouse. Probably the type of place lower primates would inhabit. lol
Sounds like some whiney little b*tch hoping for a crash so he can load up or a whiney little b*tch who failed to buy when they were cheap and is now upset at his failure

How do you know he'a waiting for a crash ?

How do you know he failed to buy ?

What makes you think he's a failure at anything ?

See when I use your logic it sounds just as stupid as when you do.

what another great day g-man here in Melbourne

welcome all the visitors here to ASF and its great that ASF let people of all sorts and opinions post, ie. you dont get banned or cop ridiculous abuse for having an opinion here

well done brothers look forward to the next 30+ years and remember life rolls on together all as friends

How do you know he'a waiting for a crash ?

How do you know he failed to buy ?

What makes you think he's a failure at anything ?

See when I use your logic it sounds just as stupid as when you do.

What logic have you used?

I used the words "sounds like" meaning he may or may not

you use the words like "you, don't and are" as in "You don't" and "don't get" and "You didn't" and "are now".

Do you see the difference?

I am saying he "sounds like"

You are saying "I am"

Like I said, what logic ?
welcome all the visitors here to ASF and its great that ASF let people of all sorts and opinions post, ie. you dont get banned or cop ridiculous abuse for having an opinion here



trust all is well in sunny st kilda robots

yes all fine thanks nunthewiser, how was the time away?

look at this:,21985,24879271-662,00.html

the humble pushi shop is going bezerk, i know when you stop at lights its not long before 6,7 or 8 fellow brothers are next to you enjoying paradise

the secondhand pushie is very very wanted now, a bit grease and oil, keep the legs ticking over, singlespeed's everywhere on the urban streets

save a few bob here and there, money renting rates low as and utopia rolls on


Excellent robots and thankyou for asking

i myself am not into this whole pushi phase as im a V8 fuel guzzling kinda guy ..

do tip hat to those doing it tho as good to see fit and happy ppl enjoying a nice ride along the esplanades..

getting around on the pushie you "here it" when people wind up these motor's,

the aston martin's have always had the sweet note, but recently having witnessed (heard) these little merc's i think C63 amg wind up is sweet as,


what another great day g-man here in Melbourne


Hey Robots, I'm going to check out St Kilda while I'm in Melbourne watching a few tennis matches in a couple of weeks! I expect it will be up there with the tennis from reading all of your posts! (not trying to pick an argument, just chatting of course)
geez, nothing like free speech, ego bashing and bitching....thought only women did the bitching thing....some of you guys put them to shame.
Really whats their other option?

Buy a house or live in a cardboard box :

Perhaps move to a rural community where there is no work, and no ladies :

If rent continued to rise, then yes you are right...people would continue to pay it. Perhaps moved further out of the city, further clogging Brisbanes roads getting to and from work, spending more money on fuel, less time with the kids......(not that i have any because we cant really afford to look at buying a place AND having children)

Oh and I think with that opinion, people who would pay increasingly higher rents would spend even less money, thereby hurting the economy just that little bit more.

Just my thoughts.

Just a couple of points..

a) limited supply and increasing demand (immigration) Aren't we cutting back on immigrants so that Australians can have jobs with future unemployment rising?

d) increasing wealth trickling down from mining boom. Not sure about that one. I often wonder how many miners have been used to living on the big income and the shock they will get when they have to come back to the cities and earn the "average" income that their city counterparts earn.
Especially those that are now losing their jobs with mines closing down and expansions being postponed.

f) increasing wage pressure........Um what increase in wage pressure? People I know have either just lost their jobs or in my case, we have been told "Due to the economic slowdown blah,blah,blah...our wages have been frozen and we aren't getting a wage review for 08!
At my g/f's company they have cut out some bonuses and even cancelled the xmas party! (Thats Honeywell for the record!)

1) skilled labour shortages (tradies) Oh that would be me Refer to above response

2) increasing OHS requirements Totally agree with this one, hence why our work goes to India and China.

I'm just trying to post a view from another perspective. One that alot of people may not consider. Those of an "average income"...actually probably below average if the believe the rubbish figures the Aus government

I'd perfer them to use a "medium income"

Happy 09 all
oh...We hope to buy this year, so I'd be happy to see property prices come off a bit. Surely they will have to seen as wages aren't going to be increasing this year for most/some.


no worries Grace, gfresh has enjoyed the time in Melbourne and hopefully you do to,

i like to visit Dandenong at the moment for its range of culinary delights, the afghan bakeries in foster st are fantastic, charcoal lamb skewers, bread and salad for a massive $12 are my favorite

plenty of curry joints and some interesting african places as well,

st kilda is very boutique at the moment, the whole area leading up to and including chapel st as well is very in vogue

hope everyone having a great day

Nice one, would be interested to see what the rent is after that "Guaranteed " period ends, still, looks pretty good at first glance, affordable and water views

Quest ---ooooohhhhhaaaaa---shiver shiver.

If YOU cant control a deal your mitigating someones risk.

As I walk from my work (in St.Kilda) to where I park my car (about 1KM away) and I see a push bike go passed, I think to myself: "I wonder if that's Robots"... :
As I walk from my work (in St.Kilda) to where I park my car (about 1KM away) and I see a push bike go passed, I think to myself: "I wonder if that's Robots"... :


i hope it puts a smile on your face Gav,

the visual pleasures this planet offers are just superb, how the new job going? you killing it

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