Yes I can see your point nun, and while I had considered this issue, it definately warrents further thought and planning.
The demographic are generally 18 to 26 year olds, equally male and female, and essentually well behaved, more lovers than fighters let's say.
We have had sporatic trouble in the past, but Police and security are everywhere and nip it in the bud very quickly. Of course we would fill them up with free hotdogs and coffee so they would be more inclined to look out for us.
Could also hire our own security gaurd, or XXXL hotdog guys.
There is no need to access the shop/loungeroom, and it is a seperate part of the house anyway.
Thanks for your time though nun, much appreciated. You have given me a good heads up on the business good and bad.
Solid advice, cheers Gundini