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Home Truths on Boat Invasion from the North

The explod way => criticize getting personal with getting personal

Plod, supposing what you say is true, there are differing geopolitical dynamics, not unlike Switzerland which has such a system. You cannot equate Sweden (Clayton's Socialists)... or Switzerland... to the situation in Australai

Wooly thinking from a metropolitan who I am guessing has never served in the military.

I do not presuppose what you are doing in between using your keyboard, I could be rude but I won't, but your whiskey comment is rude and uncalled for, and not that of a gentleman.


Give me a good reason as to why we could not?

Sorry I stuck my oar in, I grew up hearing people complain about the bloody wogs now some of my friends are wogs and they have even married into my family. Now all I hear is bloody Arabs, bloody Indians.... I am racist against dickheads.

I'm with you buddy. Born and bred in an immigrant suburb, lived around people from other cultures all my life and our family has married into many different cultures too. It's funny really, I have more friends now that were born overseas than Australian born mates. I must be racist against dickheads too.

As to the boat people, they are human beings too. Just like your Mum, Dad, daughter, son, girlfriend or the one you love the most. Regardless of why or how they arrive on our shores they are still human beings who deserve to live and breath air and I reckon more attention needs to be paid to that than political point scoring.
explod, you are a challenged commentator.


Was that not the catalyst gg.

I have been out shearing and cracked a rib on Monday so laid up annoying you lot.

The Force was near enough to military in the early days, my Dad some of his Brother's and both Grandfathers served the country. an Uncle still alive to lieutenant colonel I chat with often.
Give me a good reason as to why we could not?

We could, but as there is no historical or geo-political necessity or expediency, I doubt it would achieve anything.

Perhaps if Oz became neutral like the two countries mentioned and acquire some historical context, it might be different.
Sorry I stuck my oar in, I grew up hearing people complain about the bloody wogs now some of my friends are wogs and they have even married into my family. Now all I hear is bloody Arabs, bloody Indians.... I am racist against dickheads.

I totally agree.

We could, but as there is no historical or geo-political necessity or expediency, I doubt it would achieve anything.

Perhaps if Oz became neutral like the two countries mentioned and acquire some historical context, it might be different.

There is every reason, we have high suicide and unemployment in that age group and a lot of their home lives have not been good, it would do them and our Country a lot of good.
Saw something on TV tonight about them, you really have to feel sorry for these people it's heart breaking in many cases.


We dont know how many are genuine and how many are just jumping on the band wagon because we are a soft touch.

Also we cant save the planet, as sad as it is you cant solve the problem by dumping thousands of them on Australian soil and saying "gee we did good" it just doesnt work that way.

We need tp protect our borders first and then use our resources to try and help these people through proper channels not boats landing on random beaches.
There is every reason, we have high suicide and unemployment in that age group and a lot of their home lives have not been good, it would do them and our Country a lot of good.

The Australian Defence Force is not a department within the Dept. of Health nor Social Services.

It is a fighting organisation trained to kill in the defence of our country.

Your suggestions are offensive to the ADF.

The Australian Defence Force is not a department within the Dept. of Health nor Social Services.

It is a fighting organisation trained to kill in the defence of our country.

Your suggestions are offensive to the ADF.


If you go back to the beginning you will note that my suggestion was for service of a civilian nature but may need to be conducted on a military line in training to bring some into the right line. In the beginning this may have to involved the military for training logistically but it could also involve retired personnel from many of walks of life.

The military are involved already to some degree but over the years this would fade into, some of the first boat people and the targeted employment of those interested and having completed their compulsory community service in that theatre.

None of these things may be the solution but at least develop some discussion on what may work instead of cheap political point scoring and rubbish.

I will ignore much of your emotive reply.

Just remember the ADF is not an arm of Social Services or Health.

The ADF is quite busy enough without having to act as Social Workers for a bright idea.

I will ignore much of your emotive reply.

Just remember the ADF is not an arm of Social Services or Health.

The ADF is quite busy enough without having to act as Social Workers for a bright idea.


No just some ideas.

Okay, just lets take the military right out of it, which under my plan we can, and give us some suggestions for some real positive ways in which we can turn the boat people situation into a win for all sides.
Absolute rubbish.

Dear sir royal johnno may have stopped them a bit but at the end of the day the flood of people will pour in exponentially and we have to deal with it as a win for all sides.
It was not 'absolute rubbish'. The boats had effectively stopped under John Howard. Rudd dismantled that successful arrangement. Gillard knifed Rudd and proceeded to make the situation even worse with her ill considered announcements.

Why can you not refer to a respected previous leader more politely? It's pretty pathetic imo to have to conjure up such silly references as above and indicates nothing more than your lack of capacity to express yourself in more reasonable language. You are asking for a civilised debate, yet you yourself lead the charge in inappropriate terminology.

Um, racist means having a prejudice against a particular race or skin colour, not against stupidity.

You are completely ignoring the fact that for every boatload entering Australia without documentation or without making proper application to come here through the well established channels, many people who have in fact applied through the UNHCR to be accepted as refugees and who have in fact been accepted as such, are being pushed further back in the line while they wait in squalid camps in Indonesia, Malaysia etc, due to the Immigration Department being entirely overwhelmed with processing these boat people, many of whom are purely economic refugees seeking a more comfortable life.

Meanwhile genuine refugees truly escaping persecution are being condemned to longer and longer periods of hopelessness. Do you really think that's as it should be? I sure as hell don't.
This, imo, is the major source of resentment amongst reasonable thinking Australians against these people who have had the funds to pay the people smugglers.

This thread's been busy.

A few posts since this one.

It's up to Bob Brown to get the axe and bow saw out to keep them all warm and happy during those long Tasmanian winters, in an ecologically sustainable way of course.

All I said was they deserve to live and breath air just like you and me, they are human beings after all.
they are human beings after all, but how we accept them is just as important as how many we accept.
Reading this thread actually makes me think I'm racist.

And $%# it - I probably am. Glad to be too.

It all seems fine and dandy when these people sail in on our taxpayer dollars, camp out at Villawood etc on more of our dollars, damage and destruct property that our dollars paid for, and basically act like selfish #$!%$#!# who don't get their own way when they are locked up. Yep - these sound like sane/reasonable people to be let in to this country. To add injury to insult we have to pay for courts so lefty lunatic lawyers can defend this people.

You know what the real kicker is - people say that 'Wogs' & Asians immigrated here - they sure did - and they worked really really hard - farming/small business etc etc - they worked.

They didn't come here - 9/10 sit on welfare - run riots in Sydney - basically act like thugs and try and implement their own 'religious law' on to an already well established country. If you tried to enter their borders I guarantee it would be a fast turnaround/horrible jail conditions until it's lights out for you.

Yep...I'm a racist

If agreeing with that statement makes me a racist then count me in - I'm a racist too
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