Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

HELP - More Ca$h Stimulus Needed NOW!

10 July 2004
Oh dear.

Today's headline says it all....

Sydney sales fail to attract early morning crowds

SHOPPERS have shown little interest in Sydney's half yearly clearance sales in the early morning.,21985,25580505-5005961,00.html

Soon the cry from those newly hooked on KRudd's regular cash splashes who have blown the lot and are now experiencing the "pain" of "withdrawal symptoms" will be clamouring "Mr KRudd, Mr KRudd - please, sir, [size=+1]CAN WE HAVE SOME MORE....?????[/size]"

no AJ - this is where we dont need anymore easy cash - and then as the retailers go into dump it all mode, those of us with cash can enjoy the bargains.

im ready.
Well, with tomorrow's expected rag headlines of "NO RECESSION IN OZ!!" or "OZ WINS ANTI-RECESSION WAR!!" ca$h register$ will $oon be ca$hink-ing all over the $hop....
