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“Have you killed any men today? And if not, why not?”


Apathetic at Best
27 August 2014

I must admit things seem to have gone way too far when gender makes you immune to criticism.

Ford is a loathsome misandrist, yet she keeps popping up on the ABC every now and then.

If she was a man, and said the same hateful things about women She wouldn't get her face on any tv station or her name in any media publication.
So we should replace "violence against women" with "violence against people" ?

I'm on board with that.
And we are taking Mark Lathams word as true ? We want to drive Clementine Ford into the wilderness based on ...? An alleged flippant comment written to a fan.

This is overblown crap and the heading is just over the top.
Clementine as a young woman was conflicted by illness and found a way through life via feminism.

Leave her be.

Sticks and stones etc.

Can we get some perspective on this flame war ? The group that is trying to destroy Clementine Ford is a stridently vocal Mens Rights group. The abuse they have heaped on her and other women who have been in the public light is disgusting.
One of the overwhelming nastinesses of our current world and social media has been the willingness of people to abuse others on line.
But in particular women get a particularly nasty run of abuse from trolls.
It's not one tweet, one comment, one slight. It is voluminous, violent, and just sick.
And somehow has been allowed and accepted. Obviously not a good thing. No . But.... What can you do about it ? A bit of a shrug and "the look" that says it all.

And here we are being lathered into an almighty sweat by a tongue in cheek comment as if the world has fallen in and this (whatever women ...) needs to taught a damn good lesson.

The real "problem" with Clementine Ford ? She stands up for herself and won't accept the unbelievable rubbish that is heaped on women in general in the media.
And we are taking Mark Lathams word as true ? We want to drive Clementine Ford into the wilderness based on ...? An alleged flippant comment written to a fan.

This is overblown crap and the heading is just over the top.

Your opinions of Mark shouldn't distract from the core consideration.

The thing is she really is a piece of works, and she delights in antagonising the male gender to further her own agenda.

She is very divisive as illustrated by the "Avid Reader Bookshop and Cafe" incident a couple of days ago. That farce resulted in an anti feminist movement targetting the book review online with one star ratings and a counter group rescuing the situation by awarding five star. That activity speaks heaps about the qualitative substance of the book versus the comedic farce of publicity over substance.

She did write the hate note in the book and it played to the simpleton women who would be the first to defend their own if the words where substituted e.g. " Have you killed your Dad or son today?If not, why not?"
The real "problem" with Clementine Ford ? She stands up for herself and won't accept the unbelievable rubbish that is heaped on women in general in the media.

No, her real problem is that she's an extremist who gets into the gutter far too often.
No, her real problem is that she's an extremist who gets into the gutter far too often.

And exactly how many people are you trying to antagonise Rumpy old boy? Perhaps every women whose been trolled with mindless hate comments ? Perhaps every one of the few who have stood up and said this is unacceptable ? Perhaps their friends, family and partners who recognise this reality.

This thread title is antagonistic rubbish. If there is an intelligent conversation to be had on the topic it starts with the unchecked online sexist abuse of women in particular on social media.
Not happy..
Lets see what Clementine Ford has done that makes some men so outraged. And then lets see why she needs to be backed up.

[URL='']Ever since a man lost his job because Clementine Ford reported his online abuse to his employer, flame-throwers have accused her, among other things, of being a man-hating whore.
Online abuse of writer Clementine Ford highlights how bullying can cost you your job
By [URL='']Hayley Gleeson

Updated 15 Dec 2015, 10:02am
[URL='']The respected writer and commentator was called a bitch, a dumb c**t, and was told she deserved "to be gang raped by a pack of AIDS infested n*****s".

On top of this, conservative commentators like Tim Blair [URL='']accused her of hypocrisy
because of her own tendency to not shy away from using strong language.

The whole episode has been painted as one bold woman against a horde of angry critics.

But now hordes of other bold women are eager to demonstrate Ford is not alone, and that they too are angry about online abuse, and more outing of trolls looks likely to follow.

I'm sick and tired of women being held responsible for the actions men choose to take.

Writer and online abuse victim Clementine Ford
The events unfolded after Michael Nolan, a supervisor at Meriton Apartments, commented on one of Ford's Facebook posts with the word "slut".

Ford later posted screenshots of Mr Nolan's abuse to her page, linking in Meriton Group and asking if they were aware of their employee's behaviour.

"There are basically no consequences for men who behave like this, so we have to start making consequences for them," Ford wrote.

On Monday, Ford shared a message she had received from Meriton Group informing her that Mr Nolan had been sacked.

What happened to Mr Nolan is about more than Ms Ford and feminism, it is about workplace conduct and the huge shift in the standards employers expect of their employees.

More and more, abuse of any kind in a public forum is considered unacceptable, and grounds for dismissal.,[/URL][/URL]

The OP was about Clementine Ford old chap, if you want to start a thread about on-line harrassment then go ahead.

In my humble opinion Ford's trash writing only makes a bad situation worse.
Why Clementine Ford is so important to women like me
The Drum
By Koraly Dimitriadis
Posted 2 Dec 2015, 3:22pm

Photo: Clementine Ford reported a man who was abusing her on Facebook to his employer.
By standing up to the men who abuse her, Clementine Ford gives hope to so many women who avoid being outspoken in fear of retaliation. We need her to keep fighting, writes Koraly Dimitriadis.

If there is a God, I'd like to thank him (her) that feminist writer Clementine Ford exists. Profusely.

As I scroll through the social media backlash she has received from men in the last 24 hours, I feel so ill. And afraid. Men are calling her a slut. A whore. They are threatening her life. "The world will be a better place if all feminists die," one man wrote.

Clem did what most women are afraid to do. She reported a man who was abusing her on Facebook to his employer. Consequently the man was fired. This has caused outrage among some groups of men. It's fired them up. They want to kill us.

These threats are not to be taken with a grain of salt. They are real and they are scary. Just say, for argument's sake, that Clem was wrong to report her abuser to his employer (I don't think she was). Why should the retaliation be threats of violence?

OK, fine, you don't agree. But why when debating social issues does it always get reduced to telling your opponent to shut up or face being hurt or worse? Why can't this be debated on an intellectual level?

This is where the real threat exists. Although I am perceived as a vocal writer, in my everyday life I am afraid I'll get killed, or raped, if I confront the wrong man. The threat of violence is very powerful, almost as powerful as violence itself.

"How much can I say before he hurts me?" is a question that often plagues my mind. So I stay clear of the line, say my piece as vulnerably as possible, when I may want to actually say more than that. I am also a single parent, and my child's safety is important.

So if I'm driving and a man has road rage and yells at me, I won't yell back because I'm afraid he'll hurt me. I'll keep my nose out of it when I can see a man is treating a woman abusively because I'm afraid he will come after me if I speak out. The list goes on and on.

We are taught as women not to confront men when they are volatile – you don't know what they'll do. So we repress our true vocal power, our true thoughts and opinions, because of this threat.

Are we meant to all stand up like Clem Ford and make men accountable? Yes. But it's easier said than done.

That is why Clem is so important. Some may find her methods controversial, debatable, but when we are talking about trying to make a huge cultural shift of this magnitude, we need women like her. She is a beacon of light for so many women, women like me, who constantly grapple with this fear. I shudder to think of a world in which she didn't exist. Women like me would just stay as they are. But Clem inspires me to take steps I otherwise would not have taken and to not be afraid.
Astonishing double standards on show in thia thread.

Appalling stuff bas, even for you.
Well perhaps one way to get some people on this thread to understand the issue of women being abused on line is to have a few score people sending them nasty, vicious rape and murder tweets.
Or maybe their wives or daughters?

There is overwhelming evidence of the abuse put on women who raise their head above the parapet of public life. There is generally FA actually done about this. When someone has the courage to say "enough is enough" and names and shames the offenders there is OUTRAGE that these offenders suffer consequences as a result of their abuse.

In a nutshell that is what has happened to Clementine Ford.

And this thread ? She wrote a flippant "up you" comment to a friend on her book. And now in this day and age of "gotchaerism" that is sufficient to start the hounds baying for blood and demanding whatever it takes to get rid of her.

No grace in this folks.

Thanks GG for your respect.
Well perhaps one way to get some people on this thread to understand the issue of women being abused on line is to have a few score people sending them nasty, vicious rape and murder tweets.
Or maybe their wives or daughters?


Mate, that is low.

The standard of discussion on this important topic has to be lifted, not dragged into the gutter by comments like that.

Very disappointing you would say such a thing.
I would only offer this gentle counsel, Clementine, people will disagree with you sometimes on the issues, they're not trying to bully you.

Prominent feminists are heavily trolled. It would exasperate anybody, so we can cut her some slack on that.

Mate, that is low.

The standard of discussion on this important topic has to be lifted, not dragged into the gutter by comments like that.

Very disappointing you would say such a thing.
Rumpy you have misunderstood what I have said.

No way, NO Way, would I want to see people or their families abused the way many women have been. But in the context of this discussion I'm saying that either direct personal experience of such abuse or seeing it's effects on people they care about would give people another perspective.
It's a perspective that I think is lacking in many comments to date.

I included the link to Clementines Ford blogspot to give people an idea of the sort of abuse she has been subjected to. I certainly wouldn't want to wake up facing that rubbish.
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