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Have you ever felt really foolish?

money tree said:
some posters here make a fool of themselves on a daily basis and dont even know it

Both you and Tech man have proved yourselves to be nothing but clowns in ever sense of the word. That tiff of yours was a gem. Just don't move out of the glass house into one made of straw. They are just as fragile. If nothing else this thread should be refered to as "doing a tech and tree!"

Keep the laughs coming, boys
damn it! I just commited a "tech and tree" by replying to those replies! (much gahughing in the lounge room by me and friends)

I remember an incident when I was a first year apprentice electrician. We'd just done a major job but when the equipment was turned on it just wouldn't work.

After an hour or so tinkering, the tradesman responsible for it decided to call another tradesman to ask for help. He had a look, shook his head and decided to call the supervisor to come and have a look. The supervisor rushed in to prove everyone wrong but after half an hour gave up and called in the most senior engineer. He had a look too but was unable to solve the problem.

At about this point I was sent home - no point paying an apprentice overtime when even the engineer with 30 years experience can't get it to work. Anyway, I was told the next day that they kept tinkering with it until midnight before all going home - machine still not working.

The next day I eventually persuaded the supervisor to let me play with it with the power turned on. He agreed as long as it was under his direct constant supervision (safety - mains power etc). And so I took some measurements and found...

NO 240 Volt power! Yep, these things really do need a proper power supply to work (not surprisingly) and we only had about 170 volts on the machine, hence it not working. Enough power to make all the lights etc come on, but not enough to actually do what it was supposed to do. Stunned faces all around (one was quite angry about being made a fool of) but the engineer said something to the effect of "credit where it's due" and walked off with a grin on his face. A call to the power supplier had it fixed in half an hour.
Now I can add my little story to this thread.

Last night I logged into my internet banking to check my account and saw two charges of $8 from a convenience store that I stop in at regularly and where I occasionally withdraw cash from one of those generic ATM's you see everywhere these days. For some reason I assumed that these charges were for withdrawing cash from their cash machine. So this morning I phoned up Westpac in a fury to give them a serve about their outrageous charges for using ATM's and demand that they reverse them immediately only to be told that these two $8 charges were for goods that I had purchased via an eftpos transaction at said convenience store.

I felt like a complete idiot, apologised profusely and hung up. :headshake
I was playing in a pre season practice game for Essendon in the late 80s and I had a free kick in the back pocket from an out on the full. Mark Harvey was leading towards me from the half back line pointing to around centre half back and I thought he wanted the ball out in that direction. (This was across goal and a big no no as far as footy tactics go)

I thought it would be a good idea to kick it to him so I lobbed the ball out in that direction but miskicked slightly and the ball went straight to someone from the other team about 30m out, dead in front of goal.

As the guy was going back for his kick, Kevin Sheedy walks on to the ground and yells out, 'what the hell is going on here?' Sheeds stops the entire game, walks out to me and asks, 'why did you bloody kick the ball there?' I was in a little shock at my supidity and just came out with 'I thought there was a free player there' or some rubbish. Sheeds walks off exclaiming 'why the hell did I put you in the back pocket?'

The end of my AFL career. I then went off and joined the Army.......
Good story Kennas.

I was playing goalie many years ago for a soccer team which was really just a group of my mates in about C grade, I'd had a reasonable year, and the team had to, we were near the top of the table and playing the team leading the comp in an away game.

The score was 3 all with about 3 minutes to go. I had my mind on the big party and the chicks and beer and bbq that I was about to get stuck into that night because the ball was right down the other end. The other teams defender kicked the ball from just inside his half as a big long pass to his striker and I saw it coming so I ran out to get it, I then realised it was going to bounce just outside the goalbox so I could not touch it with my hands, so I decided to back peddle a little to get it on the bounce. Anyway the ball bounced infront of me, went over my head without me touching it and went into the goal.

The other team won 4-3, and needless to say I did not enjoy the party and pretty much just drowned my sorrows. I still think about that mistake to this day, and my mates rib me about it still now, over 10 years later.

If only I had a time machine...

Kennas !!! I was there ,old Sheeds sits besides me in the dug-out and he went on and on and on and on about that play. I just kept nodding ,and told him that Kennas should join the army . What can I say! gob-smacking episode indeed. Mind you I asked him if he wanted a smoke to calm down ,so I rolled him a fuzzy ciggy !

HAHA, :iagree
I spose some people feel more need to be accepted then others

Edit: Quote, ok mabey the last bit was a bit harsh
The Mint Man said:
HAHA, :iagree
I spose some people feel more need to be accepted then others

What do you agree with exactly?
Anyway the ball bounced infront of me, went over my head without me touching it and went into the goal.

I had a similar thing happen to me only in rugby league.
Under 13s, We were the top team of the comp playing against the 2nd placed team. We were beating them about 26-6, we easily had the upper hand this day, we were playing at our best.
Our half back made a break and I backed him up, anyway we got near the try line and he passed the ball to me (which he didnt need to as we left the defence for dead), I casually stroled over the line about 15m in from touch and asked my half back if he would like a chalenging kick or one straight in front.... before I knew it I had been takled and was deemed to be held up, 'where did he come from' . Turns out he had come in from the sideline behind me replacing some one else. To this day I still know I got it down but what the ref says goes, plus surely theres a rule against that trickery
But it didnt matter as we beat them by about 40 points that day and went on to beat them at the grand final 26-nil from memory
Nation Pistol Titles in the 70,s
was leading going into the 10 second series and feeling pretty nervous at my first Nat's.
Lined up and drilled 5 * 10's that you could cover with a 5 cent peice.

On the target next to mine!!!

dropped to about 40th with a red face.

Hilarous -mate you need a medal!
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