"Of all the signs, the Rat symbolizes activity and charm.
It is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac; so, it fittingly represents (initiating) action. Depending on you to get things moving. There is constant mental activity with you. Even when you appear to be resting, your mind is working full speed. Most often you are devising a scheme to earn the most money with the least amount of work.
You are resourceful. What you might lack in competence you more than make up for with your quick thinking, shrewdness and outright deviousness. You are most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. You tend to be proactive and are most comfortable basing decisions on logic.
Because they are constantly in their heads, they are often edgy and easily agitated. This state of agitiation can quickly turn to annoyance and impatient when the Rat has to deal with those that are not as quick witted at the Rat. If the Rat can remain humble and understand his/her limitations, this Rat is a powerful force. However, if the Rat becomes to cocky and overconfident in its ability to get out of tight spots, the Rat may find itself in hole that no amount of smarts and charm will be able to help it climb ouf of."
Sound like a stock market trader
this year good be good for trading short term