Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Graves disease


menace to society
15 August 2006
My misses has just been diagnosed with Graves disease today. We suspected something was wrong a few weeks ago. Anyone have any personal experience of what to expect?
My misses has just been diagnosed with Graves disease today. We suspected something was wrong a few weeks ago. Anyone have any personal experience of what to expect?

MoXJO, so sorry to hear of this diagnosis and understand it's not easy to come to terms with something like this.

I have no experience to offer but suggest you google to see if there are any good dedicated forums out there. When my daughter was going through some difficult withdrawals from prescription antidepressants I found tremendous support, understanding and information chatting with others going through the same thing.

Hopefully someone from ASF can also help as some kindly did for me although it was mostly through PM. Wishing your missus all the best...:)
My mother had that when I was much younger. She must have been about 45 at the time. It was treated with medication and she is now 87 and very much alive and kicking.
Being young at the time I dont recall much about it apart from having to get her pills from the pharmacy. They had to be specially compounded for her. Nor do I recall how long she had it.
I remember the bulging eyes the most, but that went away after a while.
I hope it all works out for the two of you.
Sorry to hear. I have nothing to contribute really expect wishing her all the best.
Sorry to hear. I have nothing to contribute really expect wishing her all the best.

+1. I think it relates to over-activity in the thyroid gland, doesn't it? Hopefully, it's very treatable, moXJO.
My Dad had Graves disease, cost him his thyroid, 50 odd years later and all's well. When my thyroid played up it was natural to blame Dad, but it was dear old Mum that I inherited my issues from. result was the same, no thyroid and thyroxine for the rest of my life.

Your endocrine specialist will ensure all goes well, there may well be alternatives to surgery. Now it has been diagnosed all those little niggles over the last months will fall into place, be assured it hasn't popped up in the last fortnight, just presented some diagnosable symptoms.

Prognosis is that she will be around for years to come to make your life a misery/bliss. (delete whichever is not applicable)
Thanks for the replies.
Doctors are terrible where I am in one case they tried to turn off a mates life support saying he was a goner which the family stopped. Three days later he was awake and talking last week he ran in a marathon. So they haven't been very helpful with any information and have delayed the next appointment till October. I don't have much faith in the doctors down here.
Anyway it should be fine if I pick up the slack. She sleeps a lot at the moment, losing a fair bit of weight and has sore eyes, but otherwise is fine.
I am so sorry to hear that, moXJO

I dont have any information to give you but I agree with sails, sometimes having a support network with others in similar situation can be helpful.

Wishing your wife all the best.