Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Global Cooling 2010

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I'm confused.

I have been told by a Scottish friend that they are experiencing extreme cold, colder than ever before.

So does this mean that Global Warming is over and Global Cooling has begun.

It is very confusing , so I went to a confused left wing newspaper for verification, The Guardian.

Britain suffered its coldest night of the winter so far last night, causing further disruption on the roads and air and rail networks today.

Hundreds of schools were shut again this morning, with many schoolchildren now having been off all week.

The lowest recorded temperature overnight was in Altnaharra, in the Scottish Highlands, where the mercury reached -21.6C, almost on a par with the south pole, where it is currently -22.9C. Altnaharra jointly holds the record for the lowest ever temperature recorded in the UK; -27.2C on 30 December 1995.

Its as cold in Scotland as at the South Pole.

I hold my breath to see how Al Gore can put a spin on this to make a quid or two more for his patrician family.

I'm confused.

I have been told by a Scottish friend that they are experiencing extreme cold, colder than ever before.

So does this mean that Global Warming is over and Global Cooling has begun.

It is very confusing , so I went to a confused left wing newspaper for verification, The Guardian.

Its as cold in Scotland as at the South Pole.

I hold my breath to see how Al Gore can put a spin on this to make a quid or two more for his patrician family.


The yanks are getting it to Garpal so it's a bit of an in your face for the global warming crew :D
However, this could be a result of the volume of the gulf stream being reduced due to global warming. Consequently, the areas that normally should freeze on those particular latitudes in winter are actually now freezing. Britain has been spared this historically because of the gulf stream.

How do you non believers justify the fact that in the last couple of years a ship can navigate the north west passage in summer?

I read an article this morning explaining how the entire Northern Hemisphere is suffering an exceptionally cold winter (again), yet this somehow meant that global warming was happening :confused:

How do you non believers justify the fact that ....... exactly the same way that the 'true believers' ignore the fact that Antarctic sea ice is growing at about 1% per decade. All the GW nuts point to the West Antarctic ice shelf as shrinking, yet ignore that East Antarctic ice shelf is growing FASTER.

Every decade has been warmer than the last since the 1950's. Global warming is well known to and is creating extremes, hot and cold air become more turbulant, higher and lower temperatures creating the bigger storms, including snow storms. These storms are also creating visibly larger ice areas as seem by satelites but the actual amount and depth of snow is in fact receeding. The warmth in some places is of course creating increased cloud cover at times which adds to the very cold new periods. However the cold periods, though sharper, are shorter in duration and the warm dry periods longer in duration.

All of the arguments, it seems to me, against the global warming fact are just from the smaller minds, either trying to pretent the world is okay or are part of the fuel, oil, coal lobbies of business as usual wanting to just continue to squeeze more dollars out of and at the expense of the sheeple.
Try this for a 'balanced' expert opinion by some NASA boffins.

Maybe, just maybe, Northern climes are heading for some very, VERRRRRY COOOOLD times..

Mebbe just as well China is building umpteen more coal stations to balance out the possible short term deep freeze, eh? Once the deep freeze period declines, then it's another matter entirely.

Oh dear! Looks like eternal climate CHANGE is to blame?!

Wot a conundum.

Every decade has been warmer than the last since the 1950's.
All the data I've seen on the subject, including from pro-global warming people, shows a temperature fall between about 1950 and 1975, followed by a rise.
All the data I've seen on the subject, including from pro-global warming people, shows a temperature fall between about 1950 and 1975, followed by a rise.

Yeh, many pro' W's dont' know the facts either. Part of the problem is the amount and complexity of information and therefore the opportunities to distort and confuse.

Article on the decade warming was a Gov'munt report, and published in the Age newspaper around the new year 2010
However, this could be a result of the volume of the gulf stream being reduced due to global warming. Consequently, the areas that normally should freeze on those particular latitudes in winter are actually now freezing. Britain has been spared this historically because of the gulf stream.

How do you non believers justify the fact that in the last couple of years a ship can navigate the north west passage in summer?

It does worry me a bit when I'm described as a non believer.

The islamists deal with unbelievers quite atrociously, lets hope those who question the attribution of weather changes to changes in the weather do not end up as dead infidels. A cartoon, if I may, (not Danish).


I read an article this morning explaining how the entire Northern Hemisphere is suffering an exceptionally cold winter (again), yet this somehow meant that global warming was happening :confused:

communique, exactly the same way that the 'true believers' ignore the fact that Antarctic sea ice is growing at about 1% per decade. All the GW nuts point to the West Antarctic ice shelf as shrinking, yet ignore that East Antarctic ice shelf is growing FASTER.


Its bloody cold in the northern hemisphere atm. The warmeners will have to have some pretty convincing word from god on high, perhaps the ten commandments of weather to convince those who just want to get on with life and love and living.



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Yeh, many pro' W's dont' know the facts either.
And you do?
Part of the problem is the amount and complexity of information and therefore the opportunities to distort and confuse.

BTW explod, why the ad hominem about smaller minds earlier?

In my experience, it is the smaller minds that resort to ad hominem.
wayneL Re: Global Cooling 2010

And you do?

Good point, on all sides who does?


BTW explod, why the ad hominem about smaller minds earlier?

In my experience, it is the smaller minds that resort to ad hominem.

And what may I ask is that experience?

Would contend, that statement too, is subjective
The yanks are getting it to Garpal so it's a bit of an in your face for the global warming crew :D

There was bit of very cold weather as Global Warming Tax Talks took place in Copenhagen.

But it is amazing, that everybody (OK at least Al Gore and Kevin Rudd) are so sure about Global Warming, to treat this FREEZE as some kind of unrelated freak phenomenon.

(This will average down some averages, unless there will be another re-calculation)
As the planet warms, weather paterns change, its like sticking a pie in the oven I guess, it has hot spots and cold spots and these change as the pie reaches and even temperature.

Not sure if that a good analogy, but thats what is happening just on a much grander scale...

The one thing out of all this that I think people should really think about is weather or not we shoul dperhaps be EERRRING on the side of caution? Beeter safe than sorry I say...

And besides, most of the solutions to the problem, like reneable energy only lead to a healthier lifestyle really!!!

How many times have you heard someone say I feel so much beter breathing the clean air of the country or up in the mountains etc....

Perhaps it is all BS but I will be working towards minimzing the risk, if not for myself, then for future generations...
I'm confused.

I have been told by a Scottish friend that they are experiencing extreme cold, colder than ever before.

So does this mean that Global Warming is over and Global Cooling has begun.


I dont necessarily believe that humans are causing the temp of the earth to rise, but this is a pathetic argument against global warming. Why do u suggest that a cooler than norm winter disproves global warming? We are looking at a time portion of around 1-2 weeks.......... from a time scale of 20+ years.

I am under the impression that ocean temps are one of the main driving factors of changes in ocean currents. And changes in ocean currents cause cold water and warm water to move different to the norm, resulting in abnormal temperatures on land. This could just be a totally normal cycle, could be a result of global warming (as a result of humans), could be a result of global warming as a natural cycle or could even be a result of GG's bizzare phenomenon of global cooling.