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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Jeez So_Cynical I am amazed with that post, I thought Hawke/Keating left a $90B deficit.
Financial deregulation was good for some but we went from $1.25 U.S to $0.85 not everyone was happy.
The Government trade union accord was a classic, real wages went down 18%, labor pulled off a classic.
The superannution guarantee, what a chessnut, Australia was in the $hit because they had no savings. therefore the banks were exposed to overseas borrowing. So instead of payrises the government made employers put money into the banks (as super). Now they lose it rather than you pay it off your mortage.
Float the dollar is the same as deregulation.(don't double dip)
Native title, well that is a classic, no one knows when enough is enough.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

LOL the do nothing surplus...brilliant do nothing, improve nothing, build nothing.

Hold on...Howard and Co. saved the money for a rainy day. And who came out on top? Mr Swan, who so happened to 'guide' Australia through the GFC, with the surplus from the previous Government. Please, lets no forget that.
And he gets the 'World Best Treasurer" award, IMAO! What a joke! Spending money like water through a broken sieve. What is out national debt now?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Now, that would be as unorthodox as Murali's bowling action. Wow
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Bring back Mark Latham! (all is forgiven)
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Lot of BS on that list there So_C

  • NBN
  • 1 Billion spent on Schools

Here is what they have done. All the rest was already there, and liberals saw the GFC coming while Swan just talked up $hit at the time.
I support NBN.
School Funding was wasted.(A lot to do with the big building companies)
What are those bookies odds on labor wining So_cyn seem to remember you liked to quote them
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

A list designed to look good on the smoko room noticeboard as we listen the visiting union rep. But it doesn't survive any sort of critical analysis, and has been shot down time and again.

For starters, in the past two years, ALP-Greens have delivered the two biggest budget deficits in Australian history - totalling $102.5 billion. They've never delivered a budget surplus. Net debt has blown out by more than $2.2 billion since the May budget to $84.6 billion. This financial year, interest payments alone on Labor’s debt will be $5.5 billion, the cost of five world-class hospitals.

The ALP spin about the Coalition govt surplus was that it was 'delivered by the mining boom'. Well the boom doesn't seem to have helped Labor-Greens.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

If Gillard doesn't land a knockout blow this could go on for months.
That's clearly her aim.

Me thinks Kevin Rudd will be weighing up whether she has the numbers to do just that and if so, whether he would be better to duck.


The mud is really getting hurled now.

From the ABC,

10.12am: @annabelcrabb: "Cripes. Now Nicola Roxon goes on Sky, says in 2010 Mr Rudd told cabinet he wanted to take over the entire health system, with 4 days notice."
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

At 10pm last night I would have said Gillard by a fair bit on Monday's ballot.
I now say Rudd by 1 or 2. If he challenges.
I have been wrong before.
I base this on the unknown(now known) facts about the challenge in 2010.
I now believe Gillard was behind the leaks (credited to Rudd), and Gillard was creating the mischief, directed by "the faceless men". Rudd wanted to disassociate the government he lead, from the faceless men.
I am also basing this on "body language" displayed by Kevin Rudd and his wife in the last 24 hrs.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Yeh, I don't really agree with anything on that list except for NBN. Trouble is for me, I know for a fact LNP would do an equally incompetent job, and not give us the NBN. So...
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Can't help but admire this young woman. What matter all the poisonous comments, in the face of this sort of commitment. Pic taken - not in 2007, nor in 2011 as the t-shirt implies, but today, in front of Parliament House.

Source (via SMH): Daniel Flitton @danielflitton Out front of parliament house today
You'd hardly call it people power - at least, not yet.
"More of my friends will be here later,'' says Katherine Wilson, a confirmed Kevin Rudd fan, in a Kevin11 t-shirt. Standing alone on the grass before the parliament on a bright Canberra morning, she holds a handmade sign. "Come on Ruddy lead your Party"

Read more:


  • Ruddy_Lead.jpg
    32.7 KB · Views: 134
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

News limited is keeping their promise to Rudd.

Big spread in today's Herald Sun of ordinary people in a pub and they all want Kevin!!

Actually reading the paper more thoroughly it shows Rudds being such a great guy.
Surely this blatent falseness won't work on anyone, will it?

Anyone reading the Courier Mail? Is it similar?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I have just picked the Vegemite up, from "Brissy" Airport. I was a bit late and received the usual spleen from Herr Rudd.

The ordinary Volk of Queensland were ecstatic in their welcome of the Great Leader.

Kevin had only two words to say as we left "Brissy" Airport environs.

" F**k Them "

It is so good to have His Excellency back home.

I must zip.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

GG I would take the back roads of NSW and stay of the main highway as much as possible, keep the bullet proof windows wound up and have ear muff's handy in case you stop in truck stop,you can hand them out to customers who are still there after you arrive and my find every thing suddenly becomes self serve.
ASF will pass the hat around to cover expenses for both.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Copy and Paste from a comment from a random in one of the sections on "The Australia" (website).

Sums up how l feel...

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

"dont' you worry about that" GG, they couldunneven throw a stone half way across the road.

Where's wayneL when you need em,

bullets,,,, gee
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