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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Funnies doing the rounds on facebook.....

  • NBN
  • Price on Carbon
  • 1 Billion spent on Schools
  • Super, Banking and insurance reform
  • Low inflation
  • Low Unemployment
  • No recession
  • Low deficits
  • Low Govt, Corporate and Personal debt...and still falling
  • House prices holding

All this courtesy of the Australian Labor Party.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

So_Cynical try not to be so cynical.

At least they tried. They are very trying.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

NBN - yet to be payed for.
Carbon tax - yet to be payed for.
$1billion spent on schools - nobody seems to know how much was wasted. But lots
Super reform, you can put in less.
Banking and insurance reform, probably a winner I missed it.
Low inflation - well that comes with a lack of confidence and no one spending money.
Low unemployment - ask people in Vic, N.S.W, S.A and Tassie. See what they say.
No recession - ask Harvey Norman, Myer, David Jones, Woolworths and people in N.S.W, S.A,Vic and Tassie.
Low deficits - increase taxes, lower rebates and introduce new taxes. Easy
Lower Govmnt, Corporate and personal debt and still falling - Huge increase in small business failing, retail sector hemorrhaging. But government can just up the taxes, corporate i.e miners are doing fine. Personal debt is falling because people are $hitting themselves.
House prices holding - That's bull$hit house prices are sliding in a controlled manner, thanks mainly due to a great job by the RBA. With no help from dick head swan

Mostly due to Bob Brown and kiss @rse labor

Actually after 5 years in office what have they done? What runs are on the board? Please explain.LOL,LOL

I mean, really apart from botched batts, r@@rted school buildings,. What have they achieved.
Yes they have brought in a carbon tax and every day we hear of carbon businesses that will think of closing after July.
Yes they have brought in a resource tax I think?
Yes gay marriage will be in by christmas according to Bob.
But with a massive resource boom' income' what have they done?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Actually after 5 years in office what have they done? What runs are on the board? Please explain.LOL,LOL

As usual trawler you seem to have missed the bleeding obvious "runs on the board"

  • NBN
  • Price on Carbon
  • 1 Billion spent on Schools
  • Super, Banking and insurance reform
  • Low inflation
  • Low Unemployment
  • No recession
  • Low deficits
  • Low Govt, Corporate and Personal debt...and still falling
  • House prices holding

the Above is 6 years of Labor...the do nothing Coalition couldn't of delivered half of that in twice the would have us believe that the above don't matter much and that its all a bit weak... strange considering that what you want out of a Govt is nothing?

Tell us trawler why is it so important to you that Govts do nothing? i cant figure out how and why people would be happy with do nothing governments. :dunno: enlighten us?
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I thought the mining tax was a no brainer - good idea, however they couldn't implement it. Ruddy told the miners, "Swallow it or change the government." With his diplomatic brilliance.
They changed him. - His self importance obscured him from that option.
Julia’s first act of grace was to sell out that 2 speed balancing act to get a deal done with the miners and make her look capable. Terrific for the rest of the economy - sell out.
Rudd in desperation bought Telstra to make it look like he could do a deal, no one else was buying it and we will all be paying more for it. It's all about competition and the consumers rights Telstra's a big monster like all those solvent banks of ours - yeah that's labor for you sell candies to the children and abuse the liberals when they try to pay the bills.
What a legacy!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Well I suppose it may be boring spending less than you earn, So-Cynical.
But maybe that is why we are not in the same financial position as Greece.LOL
That is thanks to the position Howard/Costello left the economy in.
Now after 5 years, it is tax the crap out of everything to back fill the hole, labor have dug.
I would rather a government do nothing than spend to build $hit on a whim i.e Ireland the tiger economy of Europe 6 years ago.
Any dick head can spend big and big note themselves, then wonder why the person who plods along overtakes them. History is full of them, I'm surrounded by them.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

(sigh) it's all very depressing. The country listens to the media who promote show-ponies, because it's all so very entertaining. Rudd was nominated as ALP leader because he was seen as sufficiently entertaining to win an election, and he did.

Possibly a capable minister (with caveats - needs mentoring) but worse than useless as a PM (the role is "chairman of the board", not CEO/President, much less prima donna).

Meanwhile the ALP cabinet proved themselves to be a bunch of gutless stooges: they couldn't rein Rudd in? Why not, pray tell? Anyway, they rolled Rudd because everybody (except Rudd) had grown tired of his bull**** and put in Gillard, because she was female and therefore more entertaining than Abbott.

Gillard failed the leadership test within 24 hours. A real leader would have listed all those smart-alecs with the sharp knives? (never mind if she herself was one of them). "Out! Now!" In those first 24 hours Gillard was in charge, but not since.

Gillard's set-piece speeches are the worst I've ever heard. She has shown neither interest nor ability in the art of identifying and promoting talent, yet that is the critical faculty for a PM.

Abbott will be PM shortly. I'm not looking forward to that much, but it's now inevitable.
The bar is so low that he'll look good, for a while.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The reason is simple mate,

People have to work, run businesses to pay for all this crap that the ALP have thought up, having spent Mr.Howard's surplus.

This is all winky wanky ALP stuff that should have been kept in a cone, smoked at uni by the layabouts who have never been anything other than union reps or lawyers.

Who pays, where are the incentives to work?

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Great write up, has to come from someone with the last of the high compression 650's.LOL
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game




This is getting out of hand...

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

There are times when the electorate is better served by having governments pull their head in and do less rather than implement dodgy policy which has negative ramifications in so many directions. Ms Gillard rabbits on about 'getting things done'.
Australia would be better off had she got a bit less 'done', with specific reference to the carbon tax. It hasn't even started yet and already the economy is looking shaky with business confidence at a quite remarkable low and about a company a day announcing laying off of staff.

Just silly, really, to put up a list of stuff as though all these things have been or will be unmitigated benefits for the country. Largely they are not.

And this is not to even mention the diabolical shambles that is the government at present. How can the electorate have any confidence in a government which is so intent on knifing one another in the most filthy and public way? Do they really imagine when the leadership is (temporarily, probably) decided next week that we will all believe they will suddenly become a happy little troupe of campers, with no memory of the vicious blood letting in which they are presently indulging.

How utterly idiotic of them! They are handing the Libs an unprecedented amount of potential advertising for the next election. Just think of all those sound grabs about the psychopathic prime minister etc etc. The Libs must be barely able to believe their luck.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Succinctly put GG.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

I can't wait untill someone like Bolt wakes up to the fact that the carbon tax compensation payment is a bribe.
I wouldn't be supprised if a proviso for the compensation, is not to blame the tax.
It is just amazing that all job losses announced on t.v, make reference to the fact it is not due to the imminent carbon tax.
Then in the next sentence they say a final decision will be made after July, maybe I'm too_cynical.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Also So_Cynical I suppose to back up my theory, is Julia and Wayne saying we have to get the budget in surplus no matter what.
Even they realise they were F**k wits blowing that much money for no productive increase. China didn't stop buying our raw materials, all we did was give them a lot of money back for plasmas.
Now they are taxing the s#it out of your electricity to pay for their stuff up. and keep the greens onside and their pensions running.LOL,LOL
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Heading back home to Brissie. Not exactly the visit I had planned to Washington! A big thank you for all the support. KRudd

The above from KRudd's twitter page.

What an absolute tosser.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Thaving spent Mr.Howard's surplus.

LOL the do nothing surplus...brilliant do nothing, improve nothing, build nothing.

And don't you mean the Hawke/Keating surplus that came on the back of the Hawke/Keating economic and social reforms? remember?

  • Financial deregulation
  • Government-trade union Accord
  • Superannuation Guarantee
  • Float the Dollar
  • Native Title
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

O.K So_Cynical, I will play your game.
I am so happy our economy is going well, I want to buy a house because my job is secure and there is low unemployment.
I really just want to check out the new seasons fashions, because I need new clothes.
Our economy is going so well I just want to fill my pants with excitement. It isn't happenig there is no confidence.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Ok so again your having a bet each way...with the below post you criticize them for spending money that didn't need to be spend (ain't hindsight wonderful)

And then below you Acknowledge that the worlds gone to hell in a hand basket.

So whats the deal? you want a govt to all ways be right yet be right by not doing anything. :dunno: or perhaps you like whining. :dunno:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Not one mention in there SC of "work", "workers", "business".

Money doesn't grow on trees mate.

All your mob has done is increase the bureaucracy, and the number of people living off the public purse, all these "public" servants in Canberra, running Departments with no workers, just to fiddle the numbers.

Fair Work Australia have taken 3 years to investigate the HSU and Thomson and still can't deliver a verdict. And the poor bloody workers are paying for it.

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

LOL the ASF right can smell the blood in the water bring on the spill that will make all the difference.

Abbott v Turnbull > lets see if one vote can make all the difference again!
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