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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

off topic but...

I am probably showing my age but while I admire her supporting her father I personally would be disappointed if my daughter spoke to me like this:

''EFFING proud of you, Dad. xxxx,'' tweeted Jessica Rudd, the former foreign minister's daughter, just after the announcement.

Read more:
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

How's this for a spanner in the works ....

If the opposition really want's to get power sooner than later ... why not do a shifty & dump Abbott & put Turnbull in as leader ( or a drover's dog?).

This would give the Independents (led by Tony Windsor) an excuse to jump ship & wipe their hands of the Labor govt's fiasco - in return for doing a deal to keep their seats. They could then be seen as savoir's instead of chumps for being part of the mess.

It's an opportunity just waiting to be taken? Can they do it without forcing an election? If so, why wait for 18 mths for the next election? who knows what could happen in that time.

Having said that..... it's not going to happen! is it!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

After seeing Rein today, I can't help but think everything his family have done or will do over the next few days will be carefully planned political strategy. Maybe i'm too cynical, but its hard not to be.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

If the opposition really want's to get power sooner than later ... why not do a shifty & dump Abbott & put Turnbull in as leader ( or a drover's dog?).

Because that would be obviously hypocritical of them? They will have to wait until they lose the next election to get Turnbull back in charge.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

How's this for a spanner in the works ....

If the opposition really want's to get power sooner than later ... why not do a shifty & dump Abbott & put Turnbull in as leader ( or a drover's dog?).

Then we'd have two Labor parties.

Bring back Pete!!!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

The liberal party will win even if they put Sir Les Patterson up as their leader.

It just shows how much of an egocentric blind m@r@n this dud is.
It would have been far smarter to take the leadership job once Abbot and Hockey have taken centre stage as Laurel and Hardy. Unless he thought Julia had a chance, which just makes him even more of a rat.
Rudds just gonna look like an even bigger loser after the election, will then tearfully retire after making an election losing speach that lasts four weeks to an empty room.
They can bury him next to Gough "Woulda coulda shoulda Beens." Above that in big letters "B1" and on the other "B2"
I can hear Keating heckling from the back pew, "Told you it was a banana republic"
Finally ending with "We was robbed"
Mark Latham can be the priest.

At least it's bringing down the Ausi $.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Why? That's how he speaks to her!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Opening scene: Landscape shot, - with a big green hill which, as the camera closes in, is found to be Therese’s stomach the size of a mountain.
There is a dainty looking figure in a frock who is swirling around on top of it. As the camera moves in on the figure we find it is the hero of the story "Kevin in Heaven."

He holds a basket and what looks like a fairy wand, however as we get even closer the wand is actually gold and glittery spike for picking up rubbish. Every time his feet hit the ground as he frolic’s around money comes out of Thereis and he scoops it up and puts it in his basket. He is randomly and joyfully putting his other hand in the basket and is tossing money at the clouds which are in the shape of naked females.

He is singing joyfully “Foreign affairs are alive with the sites of strippers” etc.

Scene two. Cabinet ministers singing “How do you solve a problem like JulEEAA” It ends with a similtaneious epithany as they all chant out at once “Kevin from Heaven!” immediately form a above a sound of a new song chimes up "Supercalifragilistic supasqueezisaucepus etc” and Kevin in fairy wings floats down the banister holding a big hand held mirror and looking at himself as he simultaneously slides into the cabinet room in a new pair of golden speedoes. They are way to tight and he’s bulging all over them, he has lipstick marks all over his body.
Scene four: Julia singing alone in her room looking mournfully out the window. :”Suddenly, loyalty has some meaning to m.”
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Funnies doing the rounds on facebook.....

Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Considering I will finally be able to get a 100mb/s (or even 1gbps) internet connection - thereby not being ashamed of living in a 3rd world country - and especially without having to live in a big congested, polluted city, I'd say pretty damn good!
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Then we'd have two Labor parties.

Bring back Pete!!!

I would like nothing more than to see Pete back, at least he had brains.
However after seeing this display by labor, I doubt Pete would have coped with this feral lot.
I think Tony is the boy to deal with this, it is a bit like Churchill was a great leader during the war years, struggled in peacefull times.LOL
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Considering I will finally be able to get a 100mb/s (or even 1gbps) internet connection - thereby not being ashamed of living in a 3rd world country - and especially without having to live in a big congested, polluted city, I'd say pretty damn good!

So on that example we can now decide the social, fiscal and living standards of a country on its internet speed.
Therefore in a country with no wellfare or undrinkable water coming through taps and no reliable sewage system, no reliable medical support is o.k as long as they have a 100mb/s or better still 1gbps, $hit that will make them first world. LOL,LOL,LOL

Jeez SCM I like your posts, they have a different perspective, but don't lose the plot.
It is only the internet, the world managed before it and will manage after it.
Re: Gillard - Rudd The End - Game

Therese has asked me to pop down to "Brissy" Airport in the morning and pick Kevin up in the Arnage.

I am "Brissy" bound and just past Mt. Larcom.

Please be respectful towards Kevin in your thoughts and prayers for the future, his, the ALP and our nation.

Scuse me, I need to throw up and must zip.

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