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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

Well then, I suppose we are only left with voting for the greens. lol
I have a hard time seeing Rudd getting back in while the unions hate him so much. The guy is a walking disaster zone, labor should of thrown him out when they had the chance.
He is still bitter (was always?) and an embarrassment to the Labor Party. Making public appearances telling us about his "personal journey" while people pump his ego with photo shoots. Drop off please Kevin, your time has been and gone.
He is still bitter (was always?) and an embarrassment to the Labor Party. Making public appearances telling us about his "personal journey" while people pump his ego with photo shoots. Drop off please Kevin, your time has been and gone.

Do we really want this buffoon head with the prim little mouth confronting us on our news bulletins for another three years?

The counter attack,

She's digging in, so this could be a battle to the last drop of Labor blood. I did hear on ABC radio this morning that the man standing in defence of her back (Paul Howes) has admitted that there's chatter about the leadership going on.
This scenario is making my day/week the best soap opera I've seen (you couldn't make this stuff up)

I still remember the Howard/ Peacock battles and how disillusioned I was at the infighting
so I can symphathise with labor voters atm.

Pity the country/economy has to suffer though
Abbott,Abbott,Abbott is now imprinted on their brains.

Read more:

I'm unimpressed with all of them Calliope. I don't think any of them are selfless representatives of their constituencies.

  • I want politicians who will enact policies that reward hard work and participation in the community.
  • I don't think a single dollar of welfare should be given for nothing, everyone has something to offer.
  • I want discipline in our education system restored, although I fear that ship sailed long ago.
  • I want ridiculous taxes like payroll tax abolished.
  • I want fair treatment for businesses of all sizes so that we can have true competition.
  • I want to see harsher border controls and immigration. I don't care how many people from whatever countries we get into Australia each year - I JUST WANT THEM TO NOT BE ANTI-AUSTRALIAN CRIMINALS. If they don't want to work, send them back.
  • I want harsher jail sentences for offenders that prey on the vulnerable and young. I want harsher sentences for alcohol fuelled violent offenders.
  • I want harsher penalties for traffic offenders and the resources to police it. Speed cameras on every corner? GOOD. Use the revenue to offset reduced taxes for productive members of society.
  • I want serious recovery action taken against useless oxygen thieves with outstanding fines and court orders. I don't care if they have nothing but the shirt on their backs when you're done. Don't like it? Don't break the law.
  • I want division of religion and politics. We are a Western nation founded on Christian values, and I'm ok with that, but gay marriage isn't an important political issue that needs time devoted to it. Deal with it religious folk, it only bothers you if you let it bother you. Where's all that supposed forgiveness, acceptance and understanding anyway?
  • I want meaningful change to waste generation and disposal, not just a dollar sign added to gas emissions. What about the mountains of waste plastic?
  • I want greater treatment of mental illness and addiction. I also want less government funded care for addicts. I'm happy to spend $10 for 3 years on treatment and recovery if it means I don't have to spend $5 every year on the health system until they're dead.
  • I want to see drugs decriminalized so that addicts can seek help in the open and children don't hide away to experiment with them. It will also allow the regulation and taxation of them, and take power away from criminal distributors that are currently sucking the life out of some parts of the country.
  • I want to see things like the abortion pill available and not held up by religious protesters.
  • I want tighter controls on foreign ownership of crucial assets. Power, water and infrastructure should not be owned by foreign interests. The fact that our governments had to sell them off to repay debt shows poor management not free market wisdom.
  • I want prime farmland kept in the hands of Australian people, because we can either stop it from being sold now, or have to fight for our own food later.
  • I want anti-vaccination people to keep their kids out of schools and out of childcare centers. I get it, there are some risks and occasionally there are terrible side effects, I've seen that with a friend just this week. What I also get is that if we go down this path we'll be dealing with f**king polio again in 15 years time. Your kids are no more special than anyone elses. If you don't want to vaccinate them that's fine, I get it, but keep them away from mine.
  • I want to see superannuation able to be used for up to a 5% deposit on a first home so that we can more easily break the rental cycle for those young people who can't just live at home until they're 25.

What I want is to be rewarded, not penalized more than others because I can afford it, for being a successful, productive, hard working Australian who looks after my health, my family, pays my bills and employs others without the same skills so that they have the means to do the same. To me, that's an honourable goal.

So Calliope, that's why I don't think a treasurer that doesn't know what today's RBA cash rate is is the best hope for Australia's future. He isn't immersed and passionate about what he does, he's just a smug bloke that doesn't like the people on the other side of the room. That's why I don't think Mr Abbott is any more likely to break the cycle of feathering his own nest and those of his friends. He just wants to be right and make sure everyone knows that the others are wrong.

Goose and co are no heroes. The last 6 years of politics have been a circus and a disgrace. I think the reckless spending of the past 6 years is inexcusable. And so what if we 'avoided the GFC'? Our investments still got fried, our small businesses are still screwed, and the US has started a recovery based on real improvement while we still linger in slow decline because policies that aren't based on providing sustainable and meaningful change do nothing but put off the inevitable.

Economic downturns will shut down the weakest businesses if they can't adapt. That doesn't mean protect them indefinitely while they keep doing the same thing, it means if you are going to spend a dollar make sure it's a dollar for change. The people with the best business shouldn't have to subsidize those that can't do it as well as they can. To me, that's justice.
Julia Gillard says Tony Abbott government would 'banish' women
ABORTION will become the "political play thing" of male politicians if the coalition wins the September federal election, Prime Minister Julia Gillard says.

Sorry JuLiar. This insane diatribe just confirms that you have become a dis-grace to the cause of women in politics. If only you had the grace to accept what the vast majority of public opinion is trying to tell you. But no.

Dammit. Have the grace to go down gracefully, you whining cur.
So Calliope, that's why I don't think a treasurer that doesn't know what today's RBA cash rate is is the best hope for Australia's future.

Similarly, I'm not impressed by the political nous of a guy who doesn't even know who his local member is. Obviously you haven't presented your grandiose plans for improving the political landscape to him (or her). I suggest you should start there before giving me a long-winded lecture.
Sorry JuLiar. This insane diatribe just confirms that you have become a dis-grace to the cause of women in politics. If only you had the grace to accept what the vast majority of public opinion is trying to tell you. But no.

She's trotting out the old abortion scare.
As Ronald Reagan once said;

“I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

Nope. Didn't know my local member until recently. I've only lived in the electorate 9 months but hadn't heard about anything but "Abbot loves Moreton", and a sign for Graham Perret.

I wouldn't want to take up any more of your time considering my lack of political nouse and the fact that 'obviously' my true political beliefs are well known already. *insert sarcasm drips here*. Maybe we could do with a little less political nous in politics and we could achieve something.

I knew I shouldn't be tempted to click a political thread. No surer way to get the blood boiling!
I wouldn't want to take up any more of your time considering my lack of political nouse (sic) and the fact that 'obviously' my true political beliefs are well known already.

Well, that makes sense...finally. Thank you.
She's trotting out the old abortion scare.
As Ronald Reagan once said;

“I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

It's really desperate stuff now.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has warned women will be "banished" from politics and abortion will be "the political plaything of men" if the Opposition wins the election.

A sure sign of panic within the Gillard camp as the Rudddozer approaches.
She's making a real fool of herself now...........better make sure she hasn't got a gun license, that will be next

It gets even more ridiculous.

Men in blue ties are out.

“I invite you to imagine it, a prime minister, a man with a blue tie, who goes on holiday to be replaced by a man in a blue tie, a treasurer who delivers a budget wearing a blue tie,” said Ms Gillard.
I knew I shouldn't be tempted to click a political thread.
On the contrary Vixs. I endorse your long and thoughtful list, with just an exception on the drugs suggestion.
Thanks for one of the best posts I've read in some time.

It's really desperate stuff now.

A sure sign of panic within the Gillard camp as the Rudddozer approaches.
That speech today was just quite hysterical. Notably, it was delivered to a captive audience.
Such silly attempts to rekindle the positive response from her confected misogynist rant are unlikely to be effective imo.
On the contrary Vixs. I endorse your long and thoughtful list, with just an exception on the drugs suggestion.
Thanks for one of the best posts I've read in some time.

Apparently decriminalization of drugs reduced use, increased treatment and saved money as well as stopped imprisoning the sick in Portugal. My neighbours are proof our system isn't doing that. I also think if you take away the forbidden fruit lure people will soon realise drug use is a losers passtime that workers and the rest of the people now working for the dole can't afford to waste their time on.

Either way action should be taken. Be harsher or laxer, just need to do something.

The name calling with the pollies earlier? Childish and mean-spirited. Just like them I reckon.
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