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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game

For all those ALP MHR's reading, some wise advice.

Keep your mobile phones on this weekend.

An SMS received indicates a Rudd bid is orne.

Conroy is having his Roxon moment, truly repressive draft legislation to muzzle the "hate media" prior to the election. This is the same Conroy who favoured an internet filter. He is dangerous.

Labor on the one hand postures as the friend of the asylum seeker, while on the other hand now sinks the boot into 457 visa workers.

Is a doctor in a country town, or a systems engineer in the Pilbarra, taking a job off an Australian. I'd say..rarely. It's confected nonsense from Labor, and utterly hypocritical, just to please Bill Ludwig and the union power base in an election year.

No wonder Caucus has had enough. If the Rudd government had "lost it's way", then what about this lot, they're completely bushwacked.

Lets face it from the time Conroy opens his mouth it's evident he's not too bright, unfit for the job.

Non of them are worth a cracker and Gillard has them all bluffed into submission as lap dogs.

Rudd on the other hand is having a ball, much more fun than being PM.
I should imagine after reading this link by Peter Van Olsen there will be turmoil in Parliament next week.

It would appear that moves are afoot to remove Gillard, Swan and Conroy and if that happens we might even see some resignation in the Labor camp which could well bring on an election in May.

I cannot see that trio moving to the back bench as they would be too humilated to stay around.
The Rudddozer in action,
The Rudddozer in action,

If he shuts up so people aren't reminded what a dork he is he might get a few votes, in any case he'll get votes just because he isn't Gillard and people will want to deliver payback for what she did to him.
She won't stop him this time.

With the party in total despair, he has struck. He has waited for this moment. This is a full scale assault on her leadership in all but name only.

Julia Gillard is very quickly becoming party leader in name only.

They couldn't possibly change from Gillard to Rudd at this stage, it would be a joke.
The polling is just voters winding them up, the would be an absolute laughing stock.
They couldn't be that dumb, could they? OMG they do take Swan seriously, anything could happen.
I wonder if they could parachute Ronald McDonald in, he smiles a lot for the camera.
It's all relative now.

How it could happen,
The extraordinary part of the above was Joel Fitzgibbon's mocking performance:
I can't think of any remotely similar complete breakdown of discipline within a party.
Can you even imagine this happening when Paul Keating was leading Labor? Absolutely not.

They couldn't possibly change from Gillard to Rudd at this stage, it would be a joke.
The polling is just voters winding them up, the would be an absolute laughing stock.
I agree. The electorate would regard them with ridicule imo.
I also cannot see any reason why Kevin Rudd would want to step in just to lose the election.
I'm sure almost no one believes his present grandstanding, recognising it instead for what it is, i.e. positioning himself to graciously accept the begging of his party to come back and lead them following the election.
Revenge then, for Kevin, will be complete.
I don't see Rudd taking over before the election.

On September 14th we will see a mass public rejection of the disastrous hard left policies that Labor have enshrined in their current pathway.

Do you see him stepping in to reclaim a few measly polling points to save the political skin of those members who have knifed, bad mouthed and attacked his character him in recent times?
If there is one thing Rudd has, it is a good memory for those who turned on him.

He would be best served having the current pack of parasites fired by the public and reclaiming the leadership after the election.

Start with a clean slate and a mandate to change the direction of the Labor party to more traditional values. If anyone even remembers what those values are anymore.

Waiting until after the election is a win/win for Rudd.

He gets to blame past evils on Gillard and her sycophants, see them obliterated at the polls and control the next term in opposition with an iron fist.

Why try to save a ship that is already sunk, when you can sit back and write a post-disaster review on why the ship went down in the first place, pointing at others for blame?

If he has any political nouse he will allow this current version of Labor to go down in flames and play the part of the messiah returning to restore order.

I say all this with the caveat that the Labor brand is now completely toxic and is beyond repair in its current form and the acknowledgement that the public remembers all to well Rudd's failings. This is my opinion on a best case scenario that Rudd could hope to maneuver himself into.
God, are people really so stupid as to give Rudd their vote again? The guy is a walking disaster, he created the majority of the problem in the first place. SMH is printing him up like he is the second coming, what the hell are those idiots smoking.
I am unable to vote for Mr Rudd since I do not live in his electorate.

However, if I did, I would have to give serious thought about casting my vote for a person who, courtesy of Simon Crean, was offered the opportunity to fight and fight hard for the office of Prime Minister, which I still believe he desires, displayed total and complete gutlessness.
Barry Cassidy on Insiders this morning said Gillard is unlikely to lead Labor into the election, I would think he'd be pretty well informed.
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