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Gillard for PM?


Swanning off again while his buddy KRuddy attempts to hold onto his seat...

Powerful unions give me a break.................
I understand the defection of the NSW Right to Gillard was the final straw for Rudd. But the Unions were in it up to their armpits, Gillard is their girl make no mistake.

The Unions say... 'we're not represented in the Caucus'...what no Bill Shorten, no Greg Combe...they take the public for fools. They'll find out on polling day.

Here's the thing about Unions - is it possible to roll up to a Union General Meeting and suggest that the Liberal party be supported, and with Union funds, at the next, or any election? Australians are not so naive as to believe such an unrealistic scenario.

The numbers were around 30 Rudd 50 Gillard are you suggesting 50 seats of federal labor are controlled by unions?

The factions are right, left and others plus they are decided by states not unions.

It's no secret that the unions put everything they have at labours disposal, so what ? it's called looking after their own interests, absolutely no different than the employers union and big business falling in behind the conservatives / liberals...

Did anyone listen to her acceptance speech today, it was very inclusive, and she exhibited leadership qualities straight away that havent been seen in this country since Hawke, and those that are most pissed off right now are those who saw an easy election win over a wooden man, including the members of this forum of which the majority are severe right wingers, as per the begrudging remarks and comments read here ...

Isn't it the Aussie way to give someone a chance, and if she is no good, then vote her out, job done....fair go !!!!
Methinks Labor played its hand two years too early. Do you think Krudd was that unpopular with the voters to not win the next election, or the opposition that strong to over power him. He was in his FIRST term after a landslide win.

I am not a fan of the man, but I am a lesser fan of the way he was ousted. What an extraordinary day, not a 'fair go' by any stretch of the Australian way.

Great news to have a female PM, but what a crap way to achieve it.

Oh dear, Labor there could be a backlash, dont think the average Aussie is that fickle in how to change out a PM, after you were so intent on Kevin07 (dont give the party BS about Labor selects its PM - you didnt market it that way).
Great news to have a female PM


It should be great news to have the best person for the job (if the person is the best). Gender should be irrelevant.
I,m all for it.

As a male taxpayer i must say that im going to much prefer getting screwed by Gillard than i did from Rudd

It should be great news to have the best person for the job (if the person is the best). Gender should be irrelevant.

I think you would be suprised at how important gender can be. I'm a swinging female voter, although I have voted Liberal for years, I would personally like to see a female PM succeed.

Now if I'm willing to swing in either direction, there is likely to be many female voters who would not hold Gillard responsible for Rudd's mistakes (rightly or wrongly) and would be willing to give her a go.

Liberals now need to start coming out with some policy.

Yeahbut we're playing with the future of the country here, not conducting some cool social experiment.

Dullard is obviously very competent, just ideologically screwed up (IMO). So if you want a socialist Australia, Dullard is probably the best individual right now.

Personally, I wouldn't play with the possibility of a Gough MkII catastrophe to "give her a go".

It should be great news to have the best person for the job (if the person is the best). Gender should be irrelevant.

Agree absolutely. Great news that the best person (according to the party) is a female.
It is an acknowledgement that society has come a looong way since we had allowed our girls to vote.

I wouldnt suggest that the best up till now have co-incidentally been all male WayneL.

Geez if the majorities females voted for that reason we'd be in dire straits.
Only part you got right was the last comment.
Dont think Gillard is any different than Rudd on their policies (just a better seller) and i dont think the majority of women would vote on your narrow way of thinking.
I still can't get over the vicious ruthlessness of how it happened and with what speed. But I reckon had Rudd's and Gillard's positions been reversed, Mr Rudd would not have hesitated for a second to stab Gillard in the back.

No wonder politics only attracts such unpleasant characters.

Powerful unions give me a break.................
So you don't think the events of the last two days were engineered by the factions and the unions? You don't think Julia Gillard is going to be owing the unions big time after they all swung in behind her and ensured Kevin Rudd was pushed out in the most humiliating way?
Do you think dear Julia just had a sudden epiphany and decided it was up to her to save the nation?

That's a very fair comment, except that Ms Gillard's characteristics and policies are hardly unknown to the electorate, so a measure of judgement about her likely performance is not unreasonable.

I am not a fan of the man, but I am a lesser fan of the way he was ousted. What an extraordinary day, not a 'fair go' by any stretch of the Australian way.

Great news to have a female PM, but what a crap way to achieve it.
I agree, but that's the Labor Machine at its best.

I think you would be suprised at how important gender can be. I'm a swinging female voter, although I have voted Liberal for years, I would personally like to see a female PM succeed.
Why do you care what gender she is? I'm also female and I simply want the best person for the job, regardless of gender. I don't believe she will attract the votes of too many women just on the basis that she's female.

Now if I'm willing to swing in either direction, there is likely to be many female voters who would not hold Gillard responsible for Rudd's mistakes (rightly or wrongly) and would be willing to give her a go.
SM Junkie, aside from his supercilious attitude, his mistakes have to be claimed by Ms Gillard also. She was part of the kitchen cabinet of four (Rudd, Swan, Gillard, Tanner) who - leaving other senior and more experienced members out in the cold) made all the major decisions.
It's not as if Kevin Rudd dreamed up the mining tax, the BER, the insulation etc etc., all on his own!

And let's remember the extraordinary rorting that is still going on in the BER with double the amount of money being spent that should have to achieve such basic constructions. That was Julia Gillard's own baby, and she still denies the level of corruption and waste that has and is occurring.

I do give her full marks for standing up to the Teachers' Union over the NAPLAN test, where in the end both sides gave some ground, and students and schools are the better for it imo.

Don't let's get too carried away about how glorious it is to have a female PM. She's still the puppet of the factions and the unions and will be expected to behave accordingly, or she'll be out on her ear just like her predecessor.
Been taken over by the powerful unions. Govt by the unions for the unions. And now they have their nominee in the Lodge.
Looks like we had a change of leadership due to the power of mining companies,why not just let the head of say BHP run the show
Port Hedlands hot briquette smimossle
Unions provide poor management with someone to blame for unrealistic production schedules,take woodside will start the union bit when they realize that pluto might be a bit late,heard it all before blah blah blah
Agree absolutely. Great news that the best person (according to the party) is a female.
It is an acknowledgement that society has come a looong way since we had allowed our girls to vote.
The western world has long since been at that point... Thatcher, Clarke, several state/province premiers etc. Plus several female captains of industry. They have even had female leaders in the east, Meir, Bhutto, Aquino etc

It is no longer a novelty.

I wouldnt suggest that the best up till now have co-incidentally been all male WayneL.
As it happens, IMO Dullard is the first female involved in Australian federal politics even remotely capable of leading the country thus far.

Who else would you have suggested? Bishop? Kelly? LOL

Not arguing on that one, just commenting that the evolution of the role has matured to proving non gender specific in Aus. Thats the great news. (LOL forgot to offer Hanson as a candidate!)

She is a very capable lady, is Julia.
Anyone who can push the miners up 1-2% as we head into the mother of all bear markets can't be all that bad.


I,m all for it.

As a male taxpayer i must say that im going to much prefer getting screwed by Gillard than i did from Rudd

I think this post, by nunthewiser, should qualify for "post of the year".

<deleted by mod>

And I think this post, by theduke, would qualify for "most dissappointing maiden post by any poster"
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