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Big Ben is getting a few more tons of ink so Gold shot up, next gold will nudge 1700 1800 then all will tank gold down to 1400
Stand by.
For those that are interested, attached it analysis from Variant Perception on the future for Australia and the impact on the AUD, stocks, banks, interest rates and a whole lot more. Interesting read that draws comparisons between Australia and Spain and Australia and the EU Periphery.


  • australia_-_the_unlucky_country.pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 62

Thanks for that, I had a quick flick and all the reasons given appear to be fundamentally sound. Hope someone remembers this 12 months down the track and says "I told you so!"

I remember reading some "Dutch disease" analysis about 2 years or so ago, so nothing new there..while its hard to argue against the broad strokes of the report, its really all a bit same old same old....They are bullish (6 months) the aussuie market yet suggest steering clear of Banks and Miners so basically don't buy half the ASX100 stocks.

This quote from there website from Jan 2009 is a statment of the incredibly obvious.

Well no **** Sherlock.
I remember reading some "Dutch disease" analysis about 2 years or so ago, so nothing new there..while its hard to argue against the broad strokes of the report, its really all a bit same old same old....

The more interesting thing in that report is the link to interest rates and the AUD and of course the point that the problems of Dutch disease may be beginning to bite.

SMH has a story featuring the article in your post doctorj.


Still more Bloomy's...

I work at a big 4 firm with a mining and oil & gas focus and I have to admit for the first time I am starting to get slightly nervous - I get the feeling the real GFC is around the corner.

Bad time to have a mortgage and be building a house hey Aggressive job cuts and even further drops in house prices are just around the corner IMO.
Sorry, have been slack in this thread.....



in mining..
Sorry, have been slack in this thread.....



It'll never happen. With a little encouragement by his peers, Sweden's Finance Minister will make a judicious retraction of that statement and/or have to resign for "family/health" reasons....

ANY politician these days that admits an administration has made an error - is a washed up pollie.

So, no wukkers. While ever Dr Benwankee has his hand permanently glued to the World's Biggest Debt Printing Press crank handle, forget any notion of GFC2.

Party on doods.... :bananasmi
Another Bloomberg - Global Economy Distress 3.0 Looms as Emerging Markets Falter

For the longest time Ive been half bullish since GFC, central banks having punted the can way down the road.

I'm starting to worry again.

I usually do this far too soon, so what's y'all's thought at this point.
For the longest time Ive been half bullish since GFC, central banks having punted the can way down the road.

I'm starting to worry again.

I usually do this far too soon, so what's y'all's thought at this point.
My personal thoughts are, it depends on Trump, if he can keep the U.S growth going they will keep China going.
If either fall over, so do we. IMO
We have run out of ammo, the resources boom #2 is nothing like #1 and we milked the housing boom to death. So it will be a slow boring infrastructure led climb from here, or a spectacular fall into the abyss if China falls over. IMO
Well summed up SP.
So is now the time to lock in $158B of tax cuts ? The government is so determined to appease its wealthy backers it can't/won't recognise the dangers inherent in the long term con sequences of the third tier of its tax cut proposals..
Firstly $158b of money into the economy, is better coming from tax cuts, than pay rises. IMO
I think the tax cuts are designed to get money into people's pockets, the interest rate cuts are trying to do the same, people need to get spending to support small business who are the major employers.
The only way to get money to people is by tax cuts, or pay rises, tax cuts cost the Government, but they do get money back from indirect taxes e.g gst, fuel excise, etc.
Pay rises hit the very people you are trying to help, small business, so it is a bit counter productive. Also the minimum wage has recently been raised.

The only other thing the Government can do, is start big infrastructure projects, which take a lot of lead time, but I guess the next year or two will see some big projects take off.
The third tier of tax cuts, can always be changed, if it becomes unaffordable. At this stage, it really is probably just designed, to give a long term confidence boost. So to get out of shape about it is a bit silly by Labor, they can change it if they so wish.
By the time we get to 2025, the Australian dollar could be 40c U.S, then the tax cuts could make absolute sense, no one knows at this stage, but it does indicate a sense of confidence in the economic direction whether it is ill based is yet to be
Just my take on it.
Sadly, thinking vs ideology battles in the labour party ..or should i say with any politician rarely end well
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