So you think that anyone who accepts this definition is a religious bigot.I think we know who are the bigots.
This is further evidence that church and state are anything but separated in Australia, keep your religious ideology's out of politics.
There is nothing to debate, this has no negative effect on anyone but bigots so
just give them their gay marriage
already so we can move onto more compelling social issues such as
If I may throw a bit of a thorn in the works here... too many people advocate for more rights, such as (legalised) gay marriage, abortion, open all hours pubs/clubs and euthanasia etc, without considering or accepting the responsibilities and consequences that go by 'natural' law with their so passionately sought 'rights'.
Have a look at the overall social and economic health of some of the so called leading free rights countries/states and tell me what you see.
Excellent post Whiskas, well said
Agree, has to be some boundaries for our children and future children.
Yeah hetrosexual families are all perfect loving environments with no abuse or poor parenting issues.
A friend, “Wilde Oscar”, writes:
As a Gay man in a long term relationship (20 years) neither I, my partner and our friends in similar relationship agree with this marriage nonsense. Civil partnerships, yes, “Marriage” no. However, I will tell you how they will attack churches who refuse to “marry:” Gays. First, a same sex couple will go to a church and ask if they can be married in the church, when they are refused they will then go to the media and there will be stories with TV pictures or photos of them looking dejected and standing outside the church. The story will be about how much they love each other and want to have their union blessed. Then there will be a demonstration by Gays and Gay marriage supporters outside the church with attacks on the “intolerant” attitudes of Christians who will be describes as homophobic bigots. Just you wait to see
So Whiskers, because it would be "hard" to change the law, gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry? If it was "hard" to change the law to allow women to vote, or to allow black people to work, does this mean we should not bother?
I suppose you support the plain packaging of cigarettes, and limiting the
amount people can gamble too? Thousands of people are assaulted/injured every
year due to drunken violence, so I guess we should ban everyone from drinking
more than 2 drinks per day... Let those who do not consider the
responsibilities suffer the consequences. Why should those (who do consider the
consequences) be punished because some people are dumb?
If giving people more "rights" is such a bad thing, then why don't we just
take all "rights" away?
Good lord, that's a peculiar extension of the argument!I suppose you support the plain packaging of cigarettes, and limiting the amount people can gamble too? Thousands of people are assaulted/injured every year due to drunken violence, so I guess we should ban everyone from drinking more than 2 drinks per day... Let those who do not consider the responsibilities suffer the consequences. Why should those (who do consider the consequences) be punished because some people are dumb?
Gav, that's not worthy of you. Just silly.If giving people more "rights" is such a bad thing, then why don't we just take all "rights" away?
So another promise Julia made to Bob Brown.Bob Brown was in parliament today arguing that gay marriage should be accepted because it is natural and just and should be a legitimate way for two loving, caring people to express their desire to live together for the rest of their lives, under the full legal auspices of the Australian constitution.
I dont have a problem with gays being together and adopting and whatever else they choose to do, which they have already, but we need to keep the standard for all future generations that all children need a mother and father and thats the way it should always be.
Again great posts Whiskas
Children need a mother and father and thats the way it is....
..that all children need a mother and father and thats the way it should always be.
Whiskers this is absolute nonsense, it's a bit of misdirection to try and change the issue from marriage equality to children's rights. There are legal issues regarding adoption and children from previous relationships, but this is true for all unmarried couples so why single out same sex couples?So, to be clear, the gay marriage movement is all about 'Law'. There is nothing to stop gay people living together defacto atm, sharing property or even adopting children.
What I think many people don't understand is the complexity of changing (if at all possible) the marriage act to recognise and protect the child's rights, which would necessitate changes to a number of other statutes not the least of which would be the child support act [the financial liability on the paternal parents] and flowing through the child welfare laws and inheritance, because paternity does factor into custodial issues and estate [Last Will and Testament] law despite some attempts to override paternal rights.
How are the children brought into the 'Gay Marriage' to be treated by law?
WHAT!!!... are you advocating legalising euthanasia is more important than promoting and protecting the best interests of our children to grow into well adjusted and by default more healthy adults with good family support units that by definition won't ever or at least far less frequently will need to even consider euthanasia.
If I may throw a bit of a thorn in the works here... too many people advocate for more rights, such as (legalised) gay marriage, abortion, open all hours pubs/clubs and euthanasia etc, without considering or accepting the responsibilities and consequences that go by 'natural' law with their so passionately sought 'rights'.
Have a look at the overall social and economic health of some of the so called leading free rights countries/states and tell me what you see.
I suppose then we should just confiscate the children of single parents and widows.
Good lord, that's a peculiar extension of the argument!
If homosexuals already have access to Civil Unions which confer all the rights of a married relationship in financial and legal terms, why is it imperative that they also demand 'marriage' which in the eyes of many people will never mean anything other than that union between a male and female, primarily designed to provide a stable environment for children?
I don't give a fat rat's @ss either way.
I don't understand it, but don't pretend to understand the issues either.
As a libertarian, as long as it doesn't impinge on anyone else's liberties, I say let 'em have their piece of paper.
Agree totally Wayne,
The argument amongst the proletariat is what it detracts from "Marriage".
Most would agree with Gays having equal rights.
And this will destroy the ALP in the coming election, whenever it comes.
I honestly don't know, gav. I've never known a homosexual couple who have brought up children so I'm not in a position to comment.Well if they already have all the financial and legal terms, why is it imperative that you deny them a piece of paper that states they are married?
As for the second part, are you claiming that a homosexual couple cannot provide a stable environment for children?
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