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Gay Marriage

See, I would have thought your paramount opposition was to grooming kids to accept and/or participate in abberant sexualised behaviours.

It seems to me that the letters to the editor run hot on parental delinquency and dereliction of duty when it's discovered that some kid has done some deed or been subjected to some misdeed, but it's OK to use a safe house institution to instruct, guide and for all intents and purposes provide a user manual on how to walk a path that has no turning back ..... no small reason the suicide consideration rate is reported as high among affected and probably ashamed youth.
See, I would have thought your paramount opposition was to grooming kids to accept and/or participate in abberant sexualised behaviours.

It is, but then someone said what right do I have to express my opinion, which is when it came down to taxes being used to promote this behaviour.
It is, but then someone said what right do I have to express my opinion, which is when it came down to taxes being used to promote this behaviour.

You have a right to voice your opinion, because this is a democracy where the majority of common are supposed to have the will and elected reps are supposed to (good) govern for that will. Privileged and special classes are not supposed to exercise disproportionate influence on the majority. Taxes are of minor import, when our supposed freedom to have an opposing position is under attack.

I see the ABC news this morning is promoting another gay coupling film and Virginia as usual championing it as art, seemingly oblivious to the underlying theme of relentless misery for the characters and all those around them.

Obviously parents have no responsibility to ensuring their children can read write and have a basic ability with numbers.
Obviously parents have no responsibility to ensuring their children can read write and have a basic ability with numbers.

That's a bit of a red herring syd, it's well known that maths is being taught much differently to when parents were at school and most parents these days would struggle to do their kids maths homework.

Besides it's a bit off topic don't you think ?

You are laughable tink, expecting a parent such as yourself to pass factual information about human sexuality to the adolescents in their care would be like expecting a member of the KKK to teach civil rights.
You are laughable tink, expecting a parent such as yourself to pass factual information about human sexuality to the adolescents in their care would be like expecting a member of the KKK to teach civil rights.

Wasn't it you who started a thread about bigotry a while ago ?

If your last post occurred on a footy field you would be sin binned at a minimum.

So you're telling me you'd have trouble helping a 5th grader do their homework?

Sorry SR but if a child gets through primary school with issues surrounding literacy and numeracy, and it's not related to say dyslexia or similar, then the parents have to take most of the responsibility. If a parent can't be bothered to sit and help their children learn to read and write and gain basic math skills while in primary school, don't go looking to blame the teachers.

As for being off topic, this thread has basically been off topic because you and most other try to link marriage and children, when it's been shown children can occur outside of marriage, marriages can be childless, and gay people are already having children. You were also the one who introduced the movie into the topic of conversation.
It is, but then someone said what right do I have to express my opinion, which is when it came down to taxes being used to promote this behaviour.

Could you point to the post where your right to post your opinion was challenged?
As for being off topic, this thread has basically been off topic because you and most other try to link marriage and children,

There is a link because if gay marriage goes through, the gay population will then expect the public to be tolerant of gay parenting, whereas as I showed with the example of Norway people there are divided over gay parenting even though they accept gay marriage.
Could you point to the post where your right to post your opinion was challenged?

you said

This was not forced on students, and parents were fully informed, so why do you feel you have the right to decide what someone else's children learn?

Which is a roundabout way of telling me to shut up.

sydboy007 said:
Sorry SR but if a child gets through primary school with issues surrounding literacy and numeracy, and it's not related to say dyslexia or similar, then the parents have to take most of the responsibility.

Really, what has primary school got to do with this topic ? The school in question is Burwood Girls High School, and they should be more focussed on things that actually affect their future lives like work skills instead of PC propaganda that applies to only a tiny minority.
Wasn't it you who started a thread about bigotry a while ago ?

If your last post occurred on a footy field you would be sin binned at a minimum.

What was bigoted about my statement?

I think it's pretty clear by her posts Tink has some anti gay views, so my anology is just to show that I don't think she and other parents with similar views are capable of providing factual teachings on the topic.

So when she said it should be left to the parents to teach, I don't think that's possible in a lot of cases.

gay parenting is already legal, and yes people should be tolerant of it, regardless of what happens in the gay marriage debate.
you said

This was not forced on students, and parents were fully informed, so why do you feel you have the right to decide what someone else's children learn?

Which is a roundabout way of telling me to shut up

No it's not. I doubt you have any school age children. You're the one questioning the right of the parents to allow their children to watch the movie.

Now if had been mandatory to watch the movie you'd have an argument that's not appropriate, but you've basically challenged the right of the students parents to decide what is appropriate for them

Hasn't occurred in any other country that's legalised SSM so I doubt the laws will change any time soon on that, and to be honest even within the gay community there'd be much less support for that compared to Support for SSM.

"Gayby Baby director Maya Newell: I am a 'gayby' "

Says it all that this film is propaganda.

I come back to my previous statement that opposing viewpoints need to be heard if this is to be presented to students. Not to mention that it clearly exploits young children and uses them as actors reading scripts written by others.

Looks like the CFMEU have got hold of Gillard by the throat and told her fall in line with Tanya, the same as did to Billy Boy.

The ABC have goooooonnnneee all quiet about it....I wonder why?

If it had been Abbott, the leftie media would have flogged it for the next 3 weeks before the Canning by-election.

It's OK for Julia to change her mind.

Move on everybody.....nothing to see here.

Former prime minister Julia Gillard has angered some supporters of same-sex marriage after declaring she now supports it.

Ms Gillard announced her changed position delivering the Michael Kirby Lecture on Wednesday, while warning the idea of a plebiscite or referendum on gay marriage was illogical and dangerous.

The former Labor leader, who previously voted against gay marriage in parliament, said given the chance again she would vote yes.

She admitted her previous position was considered odd and idiosyncratic given her broader values.

But Ms Gillard also defended her legacy, saying she assumed the Liberal party would permit its MPs a conscience vote and parliament would eventually allow for same-sex marriages.
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