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Gay Marriage

I think it will just get worse sp everyone will be on welfare the way we're going and Govt corruption is like a runaway freight train. Maybe I'm just pessimist.

No I think the next election will bring it to a head.
Funding welfare and falling standards of living, will become a bigger pain in the ar$e, than gay marriage.IMO

Not everyone is on a reporters $700,000 p.a salary, so a lot of ordinary people will question the wisdom, of listening to them.IMO
So you have spoken to these children directly, and they have said they are not in favour of gay marriage?

So now we are Perry Mason. I have told you what I have told you, just accept there are people who aren't going to think like you. You are wrong I am right ....simple, accept it and move on to more important issues like championing poverty, illiteracy, family violence ...something that builds a better society, not tearing it down because you can.
There are two testimonials from children of gay parents in this thread that you seem to have disregarded, not some highly biased studies that you appear to treat as gospel.

Two cherry picked testimonials doesn't sound like a very scientific study, I am sure if you tried you could find two positive testimonials to offset that, but then what do you do, ignore the positive ones and just listen to the ones that go with your pre existing ideas?
This is how the kids of my gay friends talk too.

As you can see you didn't actually say what the kids said.

I just wanted to find whether the kids (if they exist) were against gays raising children or against gay marriage or both.
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Anyone that stands up for Marriage and Family, is now called a 'hate' crime.
No other view is allowed.

Media watch had how much has actually been censored, even putting themselves (ABC) down.

That is how much their indoctrination and social engineering has dumbed down society.

Did you ever think that standing up for 'Family and Marriage' -- the most important institution of keeping families together could soon be against the law.

Hopefully people start waking up to this con.

You aren't standing up for marriage, you are trying to deny people the right to marry based on their sexuality.

I don't see any value in the opinions of children who are still dependent on their parents for basic needs and have probably been tutored in the "right" things to say.

I place more value on the views of adults who are no longer dependents and are able to properly evaluate their own experiences, and more of them are saying gay parenting is not all it's cracked up to be.
Just the views of bigots like Piers Ackerman

I really hope no teens trying to find their way to understanding who they are read this. How is it right to say something so potentially harmful in a newspaper but if he said it face to face with the girl he'd be condemned for being heartless, bordering on criminally negligent?

Note that parents were notified of the movie screening, it wasn't compulsory, and there had been no complaints till the daily terror decided to front page it. Wear it purple day has been occurring for years with no controversy.

I really think this area is not a place for schools to go. Their job is to teach work skills, not advocate or condone a certain lifestyle for unconsenting children that society in general may not approve of.

As for Piers Ackerman's (who I cannot stand) definition of 'normal', he is technically correct as long as he doesn't imply there is something wrong with being gay, something over which people have no control. eg I may usually drive to work, but if I take the train on one day, it's not normal behaviour for me, although there is nothing 'wrong' with it.

Schools are much more than reading, writing and arithmetic, or do you think things like anti bullying, ethics classes, music, drama, sports have no place in schools as well. Should teenagers go through school with no sex ed as well?

As the old saying goes we're here were queer and we're not going shopping. Showing teenagers in a school environment that being gay or having gay parents is no reason to feel as an outcast, or something to bully / tease / ostracized someone over is a good thing.

This was not forced on students, and parents were fully informed, so why do you feel you have the right to decide what someone else's children learn?
This was not forced on students, and parents were fully informed, so why do you feel you have the right to decide what someone else's children learn?

Because my taxes help pay for it.

Schools seem to be turning out dummies who need remedial lessons if they ever get to uni, so I think it would be good if they concentrated on the basics instead of what a few minority groups think is politically correct.

It's normal that about 1% of the population will be gay.

it may not be normal for you to catch the train, but it's normal for a certain percentage of the population to catch the train each day.

If your going to point at minorities and say they are not Normal, where do you stop, do you point at the black kid in the neighbour hood and say he or she is not normal?

Things like Bulling, social awkwardness etc are major causes of under performance, I don't see a problem with having 1 or 2 lessons a week where social issues are discussed.

You really should take some lessons in statistics. Normal means the most common. As I pointed out before (and you ignored), I said it's invalid to infer that there is anything wrong with people in minority groups, so kindly read my posts more carefully.
Things like Bulling, social awkwardness etc are major causes of under performance, I don't see a problem with having 1 or 2 lessons a week where social issues are discussed.

"Discussion" is a long way from sending students to an obviously biased film that exploits very young children who have no idea what they are saying apart from what their elders tell them to say, and trying to pretend to students that this represents some form of balanced "discussion".

Is the contrary case going to be put to the students ?

Is someone like Katie Faust going to be invited along to give her view ? If not, then the whole thing is a tacky propaganda exercise.

We aren't privy to the class room discussion that lead up to or was inspired by watching the film.

but I can't see how making children aware that these types of families exist is a bad thing.

Normal means conforming to a standard, usual, typical, expected.

I would think having a certain percentage of any population being gay is typical and expected hence normal.

As I asked before, should a black child be considered abnormal? I mean statically there are fewer aboriginals than gays, so I guess they abnormal also?
I agree, Rumpole.

Less and less numeracy and literacy, and more and more political correctness.
And they wonder why public education is in a bad way.

Good on the parents for having their say in Sydney.
This should be something the parents deal with, not the schools.

Seems to be more and more state control being pushed on these parents.

As was mentioned in the ABC thread

if they want to talk about bullying, look right there, on their ABC.
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