Value Collector
Have courage, and be kind.
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It is not including, it is redefining - I wish these activists would tell the truth.
Their social engineering and indoctrination, that children don't need their mother and father, is disgraceful.
The public schools, which don't teach numeracy and literacy, just how they need to think with their political correctness etc, needs a good shake up.
The dumbing down of society -
Chaos in Australian Education
If you went by the mainstream media version of events, there is only one truth out there: homosexual marriage is a must, and children do not need a mother and a father. The militants in the homosexual lobby and all their willing groupies sing from this page incessantly.
It is the party line, and no one must divert from it. The activists and their media supporters know full well how propaganda and indoctrination works: just keep saying the same thing over and over again, while censoring out all contrary points of view.
And that is exactly how truth is crucified and radical agendas are implemented. Keep the party line going at all costs, and refuse to run with any alternative points of view. We find this all the time in most Western media outlets.
Political correctness has signalled the death of truth in the modern age.
As I said, good on Abbott and others for standing by their party policy of NO change, not like the Labor party that have swung like the wind.
They have done what the public wanted.
Two thirds of the party room voted to keep it as is.
If the family collapses, communities disintegrate, society atrophies, and civilisation withers—the family is the great progenitor of order.
* You don't need a licence to be able to drive a car
Tink how about you tell the truth.
How would allowing gay couples to marry affect the 99% of other marriages?
How would it affect your marriage?
What bad effects can be seen in countries that already accept same sex marriages that you wish to avoid here?
No doubt you will avoid these questions as you always do.
At one time so many of my friends were giving up smoking I couldn't stand the wave of lectures from them about the evils of smoking, especially because I didn't smoke.... I used to quip that there was nothing worse than a reformed smoker at a party who hijacks the event and compromises the happiness of the guests by going on and fricken on about something we already know is a bad habit. I'm thinking the homosexual movement has achieved the same on a much larger stage.
Simply put it (gay marriage) devalues the significance of real marriage for those who consider it worth keeping, even just for it's traditional role. The farcical and overt political nature of same sexual marriage relegates it to comedy and many people find this insulting and enraging.
I don't consider marriage serves much bonding purpose if a couple loves one another, but I do believe a child should have a married hetrosexual couple as parents, free of the unbalanced gender anomaly that would otherwise permeate within the home and from peers. It's just got to have a negative impact on the, at best, half breed offspring.
Weakening something that is already tenuous doesn't equate to progress. The arguments that black people in USA were denied = wrong and same sex people and their supporters think denial of marriage = wrong, therefore either wrong serves the other cause is ridiculous logic. Suggesting marriage was the invention of homosexuals is ludicrous and insulting to thinking people. I can't believe grown people on this forum use such kiddy logic to validate their stand.
You may been riding the bandwagon for various reason VC, including being gay yourself, a relation is gay, a friend is gay, whatever, but the truth is that many people have an innate unease and abhorrence about unnatural acts and to have it enshrined in marriage pushes all the alarm buttons at the boundaries of decency, respect for past generations and social engineering.
Many of us have a strong instinctive male desire for (natural) procreation and survival of the species; the same argument that gays can't help the way they are must then apply to those of us who also can't help but march to the beat of millions of years of reproduction of the species. You are obviously one of those who is betwixt between with a maternal desire to see those you consider hurt become happy, even it dilutes the herd happiness ...a sacrifice that is worth it to you and (don't get me wrong) it's not your fault you don't have a strong male genome. You clearly do not value marriage and want to rebrand it as trophy to your efforts disguised as fairness to all, that's what some people do.
and for the skyfairy adventists:
When the Mahdi comes our of the new Caliphate, marriage registries will be fertile grounds for finding the soldiers and cohorts who would defy the will of Allah; before they go after the rest of us " pigs and dogs". I think at that time (if I was gay) I would rather duck and cover and leave no trace of my unGodly existence and its repercussions on my family and friends.
Keep up the good work Tony A.
So Sayeth the Tisme
I've answered your questions in this thread, VC, and I think its time to close it.
We lose Freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.
Homosexuals already have the same rights as heterosexuals in Australia.
There is no reason to change Marriage.
As Germany said, Germany does what's good for Germany.
Australia does what is good for Australia.
I won't be bullied by the Homosexual Lobby.
At one time so many of my friends were giving up smoking I couldn't stand the wave of lectures from them about the evils of smoking, especially because I didn't smoke.... I used to quip that there was nothing worse than a reformed smoker at a party who hijacks the event and compromises the happiness of the guests by going on and fricken on about something we already know is a bad habit. I'm thinking the homosexual movement has achieved the same on a much larger stage.
Simply put it (gay marriage) devalues the significance of real marriage for those who consider it worth keeping, even just for it's traditional role. The farcical and overt political nature of same sexual marriage relegates it to comedy and many people find this insulting and enraging.
Children of shift workers have poorer academic results, worse behaviour and take more risks as teenagers, according to international research by the University of NSW and the US Economic Policy Institute.
The impact is most pronounced in the children of low income shift workers with little control over their hours.
Toddlers are poorer at learning, verbal communication, problem solving, expressive language and the ability to memorise.
Preschoolers of parents who work shifts showed more depression, anxiety, withdrawal and aggression and adolescents were more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviour such as drinking, smoking and unsafe sexual activity.
well, all those think of the children campaigners fighting against gay marriage, maybe you need to expand your war to another front. For the sake of the children of course.
So are you saying gay parents don't do shift work ?
This is how the kids of my gay friends talk too.
So where you have stated that heterosexual parents should always be preferred to gay ones because that's better for the children, perhaps that's not true where the heterosexuals are shift workers.
How many gay couples with kids are you friends with?
how many of these children have expressed these views to you?
But again this is a red herring, nothing to do with gay marriage.
What if the parents are gay AND shift workers ? Then the kids will be twice as badly off.
two offspring different couples. There's also a third girl who is just now hitting her teens so her opinions don't count.
I think the determination to have a counter opinion is learned from observing the dogged parents on their quest for reform. Stubborn opposition is probably a good description, but it's not hate driven, just the feeling of deprivation.
Sorry, did you say there was a study that showed children of gay parents were worse off? I must have missed it, can you link it again?
because we can't just presuppose kids of gay parents are worse off to start with.
If you boo someone who just happens to be indigenous you're racist if you don't agree with gay couples having the right to have children you're homophobic.
These issues are just populist and trendy and that's why Adam Goodes got away with being a sook and could blame everyone else and why gay couples will get marriage rights and access to kids because they have their "rights".
Sign of the times Mr Burns, people don't have enough to worry about, give it a few more years.
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